Saturday, April 30, 2011

Egg Hunt and Easter

We took the boys to a local egg hunt last weekend and they had a fine time.

The twins were a little slow in the gathering, but they liked it. 

I used to be very anti-child leash.  Then I had twins. 

Pierce had a good run! 

My attempt for a pic of all 3: 

And here's our family Easter pic: 
We do this every year, but typically in front of the house.  Since we currently haven't mowed the lawn and there's a car (needing repair) in front of our house, we changed location.  I guess you might be a redneck if you have to change your Easter picture location due to a broken down car and unmowed yard...


  1. They look so happy gathering eggs. The family portrait looks great!

  2. You just have to roll with it in life. Broken down car, unmowed lawn and all! Great family pic!

  3. LOL! All you're missing are a few hound dogs!

  4. I cracked up over the car and lawn..we're leading parallel lives!

  5. Sweet.
    I love the full basket and the smiles:)
    Wonderful family photo- regardless of location;)

  6. I love your family portrait! You guys live in the most beautiful location-even with the occasional broken down car and unmowed lawn:)

    And those baby leashes are so much cuter than they used to be-Amy had one that looked like a dog leash:( I always felt like I should be saying "Heel Amy! Good girl!"

  7. Your family is lovely. I have a broken down van in my backyard. I use it for storage.

  8. One of my friends has that exact same monkey backpack/leash :-) You guys are a great looking family!

  9. Looks like a lot of fun!

    I know what you mean about the kid-leashes. I felt the same way . . . until we took Livie (as a 2-year-old) to the Iowa State Fair!

  10. Nice family picture. That view is spectacular.

  11. Looks like a good time! Cute kids! That backpack is a hoot :D

  12. i just came across the leashes i used when the girls were little : ) ha!

    what a great family photo too -- beautiful family and i love where you live.

    happy sunday!

  13. What a great Easter picture. Those three look like a handful. Enjoy them small, before you know it they are all grown up.

  14. Great pics and lovely view from your back porch. One of the pluses of living out in the country is no pressure to mow the lawn or in our case it would be weeds mixed with a bit of pasture grass LOL.

  15. It is a got all 3 in a picture! Your family photo is great and I think it is a good location.


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