Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fitness Recap March 2011 - Yes, I'm Running Again!

I've been out of the running game since January, thanks to a grumpy and injured IT band (this is the muscle that runs along the outside of the thigh).  On March 1st, I went to see my orthopedic doctor, and he referred me to a licensed ART (Active Release Technique) practitioner.  You can read more about ART HERE.  So far I've had 4 treatments and the difference is amazing!  I'm now running painfree, and although I can't run much in the way of mileage yet, I'm thrilled.  Just in time for nicer weather, too. 

This time of year, I typically slack off on the weights and cross-training to start focusing more on my running.  I usually try to start going to the track once a week, and I tend to run 80-100 miles a month.  I'm far from this goal at this point, but I am starting to feel more hopeful that I may at least get in some smaller late spring races.

March Summary:
Weightlifting x 5
Ab/Core Work x 8
Running = 37 miles

Far from a stellar month, but I'm happy to see some running back in the mix.  Hopefully April will be even better.  Also, for core work I added a new DVD to my mix of torture devices.  This one is thanks to a recommendation from The Texan.  It will make your core suffer oh so good:


  1. That's wonderful, Lisa. I know how much you were missing your running. :)

  2. I'm so glad you can run again! (My hubby loved watching Jackie's TV series...)

  3. You're one tuff gurl!...I'll be pulling for you!...and cheering you all the way!

  4. I've wondered about Jackie's workout videos. I'm going to have to get her core DVD for myself!

  5. Yay for your recovery! And thank you for discovering yet another excellent resource that benefits other runners. ART is the bomb.

  6. Great news! Feeling a little guilty now though! ;)

  7. Whoohoo keep up the good work!


  8. You go, girlfriend!!!! Is there anything you can't do?? Usually, reading your posts makes me very tired! I wish I had this kind of energy!!! It is great to keep up with yourself, so many moms of young children just totally neglect themselves and their bodies. You contunually amaze me, I was never able to do this many things when I had only one baby!! And that ART, I had never even heard of it, why not? I went to your link and read about it, and it sounds really good! And like a way to even avoid surgery in some instances. I am filing that away for future reference.

  9. You are so inspiring.

    I want to be a runner.

    Despite the fact that I have never really run in my life, and am unlikely to do so unless a man with an ax is chasing me.

  10. I've been out of running action because of a sprained ankle (boo hoo - woe is me).

    But I've been looking for a new work out DVD (I've been doing Jillian Michaels one which is a killer) so I'll try Jackie's.

  11. So cool Lisa-and doesn't the warm weather feel good!

    On the local news last night they interviewed one of my husband's co-workers. He took up running 12 years ago after he lied on a employment application and said that one of the reasons he wanted the job here was because he thought Ellensburg-where we live, would be a great place to run. He was not a runner. He got the job. He was a pack a day smoker at the time. But he quit, and started running- at night so no one could see how out of shape he was. He recently ran 127 miles in a 24 hour run-the best of any of the competitors.
    You runners are so inspiring-and pretty darn tough too:)

  12. So glad your back in the running! Glad the torture DVD has been of use, erm I mean the core DVD. LOL

  13. Oh YAHOO! I'm so happy for you!:))))


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