Monday, April 4, 2011

Ladybug for Lunch? Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday again!  Pierce had slices of mango, an open-faced ladybug sandwich (whole wheat bread, cheese and bologna, black bean eyes), 2 apple fig newtons with a bat (I thought maybe the bat could eat the ladybug if Pierce didn't), black beans, peas, and maggots couscous.  In case you didn't figure it out, one of April's themes on Muffin Tin Mom is bugs.  Appropriately, Pierce is also studying bugs at preschool right now, so we've been head to toe insects lately at Two Bears Farm.  Now, where did that creepy fake camel cricket go?


Karen said...

What a clever idea! you're a great mom :-)

Nancy said...

Love the creativity -- but maggot couscous? Lordy! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope the ladybug gets away from the bat. What a wonderful sandwich!

Unknown said...

Why didn't we have this stuff made out like this when we were kids? *sighs* the things we do to entice our kids to eat right..

Unknown said...

Who ate the camel cricket? I'll have the lady bug bologna sandwich.
LOL, you are so creative.

Cat said...

I am never eating couscous again.

Andrea said...

This is awesome! Love it!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That's too cute, especially the lady bug. He can have the "maggots" though. Hahaha! I'm probably going to think of that next time I have couscous.

Sugary Flower said...

So cute! I love the ladybug - I too hope it escapes from the bat...

SnoopyGirl said...

Maggots ew! Lady bugs cute! What a fun creative tin with all the little creepy crawlies a little boys would love!

Tonya Hache said...

your flower tin is adorable! and your ladybug! Nice ideas!

Dawn said...

Oooooh! Very brave children for digging into the insectful lunch;)
You are an awesome mom!!!!

Shell said...

Oh that sandwich is so cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This ROCKS!!!! I'm loving your muffin tin lunches!!! I will be making the ladybug for our Anne, she is a little ladybug, you know. That is what they call little girls brought over here from China. They are little ladybugs. Your meals are so adorable, but healthy and well rounded, too!!

TexWisGirl said...

that is a darn cute sandwich!

Sandy said...

I was sold until you got to the maggots....ewww!

Anonymous said...

Couscous! That's what we're having for dinner!

Kim said...

so cute! going to do that for sure, my kids are studying bugs as well! adorable.

Mary said...

I just love all these. The lady bug is so cute :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Cute lunch! It really bugs me! (And I mean that as a compliment in this case!) :)

Andrea said...

I can't stand how cute you are with these!! I'm jealous of your creativity!

Angela said...

That is just too cute! I have got to try to make the lady bug for my kids! My 13 year old daughter would get a kick out of it if I sneaked one in her lunch box! hehehe

You are a great mom!

Ludicrous Mama said...

Those black beans look like a hoard of shiny little bugs too. And the peas kind of like eggs! Ewww!

Liz Mays said...

Again, I say...will you be my mommy?

Meredith said...

Such a fun idea! Love the ladybug...

Tiffany said...

What an awesome idea...I know a 4 year old girl who would go crazy for that lunch!


laughwithusblog said...

I love the fun lunches! Maggots--hilarious!

My Mad World said...

Great job! Very cute tin and lunch!!

Life As I Know It said...

My mom used to make us 'cupcake lunches' when we were little - same thing - a muffin tin filled with fun food. And now I make them for my son. Our only rule is that you must *try* everything. It works!