Friday, April 8, 2011

Memory Lane Friday - 2nd Grade

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your memories and link up.  Everyone is welcome.  You don't have to stick with the suggested theme.  This week's theme is 2nd grade. 

I've already blogged a bit about life when I was 7, with pictures from the old farmhouse we lived in at the time. 

When I was 7 my horse-craziness reached new peaks.  I had been begging to learn to ride for ages already.  My parents purchase a little appaloosa pony named Shorty (who, incidentally, we could never catch) and signed me up for riding lessons.

It was when I was 7 that I met my best friend, a girl who loved horses as much as I.  Mary Jo had a dark bay mare, and her horse, unlike ours, could actually be caught. 
We also participated in Girl Scouts together (and I have a picture of the two of us in Girl Scouts, but wasn't able to track it down).  I remember sleepovers and watching The Black Stallion and exploring old farm buildings.  With plenty of land to roam, there were always adventures to be found, like tadpoles in the far back pond. 

If you'd like to participate in Memory Lane Friday, just add your website to the linky.  Don't forget to comment on other particpants' blogs as you go!  Next week's topic is 3rd grade.


  1. Nice memories through your picture. Good initiative here but I am not sure if I am eligible for adding my blog. Do not want to break any rules.

    Like the picture of you with the horse. Looks like both of you guys are excited to see each other:)

  2. Oh man, I loved Mary Jo. She was so much fun and always cracked me up. She had the most infectious little laugh and endearing grin and never knew a sad moment. She made enduring Miss Kirby bearable for you.

  3. Ahhh, best friends and horses . . . not much more a girl could ask for.

  4. This must have been a magical time for you. :)

  5. I am honored to be in a Memory Lane Friday! Tell your Mom I loved her too! She taught me how to draw Garfield and a tree. My only artistic accomplishments to this day!

  6. One more thing...I am really rockin' the mullet LOL!

  7. How lucky were you! To have horses and a best friend to share them with. :)

  8. That was a nice walk down your memory lane - and I see thea country has always been in your heart.


  9. Sounds like a wonderful childhood. I was horse crazy too, but my only horse was imaginary:)

  10. What a great adventure for a child, living in a farmhouse!! Did you have chickens? And did you stick with the lessons and learn to ride?

  11. My horse craziness started so young I don't even remember not being crazy about horses. Something I never outgrew.

  12. It sounds like it was a wonderful, magical time for you! So lucky to have had your own horse!!!

  13. Cute! And I just blogged about a horse and a girl on my post that will be out this evening. It's amazing the bond girls seem to have with horses {me included}. Great photo!

  14. I liked horses when I was little, too.

  15. We had about 20 quarter horses. Sometimes we'd take them camping. We'd ride all day and then get back to camp in time to cook supper--great memories!

  16. I memory of my old time crew friends on the ship. Thanks for the invitation and the nice words.

  17. Ahhh remembering old friends is so much fun. In the second grade I remember be & my BFF writing I ♥ ---- on a fence in white chalk. We got caught & had to repaint the fence. Yeah we were dumb, we signed our name to it. ha ha ha


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