Friday, April 15, 2011

Memory Lane Friday - Third Grade

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your childhood memories and link up.  Everyone is welcome, and you can join in on the theme or do your own.  This week's theme is 3rd grade.

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about the upcoming Memory Lane Fridays and I had a small moment of panic.  Third grade?  Did I attend third grade?  I had absolutely no memory of it.  No memory of the school, the teacher, nothing.  I called my mom to check and make sure I had a third grade - that I wasn't abducted by aliens that year or in the Bermuda triangle.  She assured me that I did attend third grade, and when she mentioned my teacher's name I had an instant memory of a slim, kind figure with short curly black hair.  Then I asked, "Was that the year I was Cinderella?"  Indeed, it was.  So here is my only memory of third grade.

By some mysterious means, my teacher chose me to be Cinderella in the school play.  This is baffling, as I have never been able to act.  Not one bit.  In addition, I had to sing.  If you heard me sing, you'd wonder what my teacher was thinking too.  She must've been completely loopy.  And no doubt the production was torture for those in the audience.

Nevertheless, I was Cinderella for the play, and I had all sorts of costumes for the different scenes, that my mom made.  So here's a pic of me in my scrub-wear:

Want to link up for Memory Lane Friday?  Just enter your website into the linky.  Then be sure to visit others' sites and leave a comment.

Next week's topic is Earth Day.  Now that might seem tough, but really it's not.  Just write about a time that you appreciated the earth growing up.  Maybe you planted a tree or made a solar hot dog cooker or went on a nature hike.  So many different ways to love the earth!


  1. I bet you did a wonderful job. Your mom made a great costume. Have a great weekend!

  2. how cute is that?! how funny that you hardly remember it!

  3. Such a great picture! And if you think your teacher was suspect in choosing you, I was Cinderella in a highschool play. I am of East Indian descent! What was my teacher thinking???

  4. Hey, I got the lead in my third grade play too! "I don't want to be shut up in a box and tied with a ribbon. I'll get claustrophobia." I've always remembered my first line!

  5. I never acted in a play. I did act up alot. I tried out for the chior
    once in 4th grade. The teacher would stop in the middle of every song and tell me "a tea spoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice
    in a glass of warm water will help that scratchy throat". One day I went to Chior practice and there was no one there, end of story. LOL

  6. LOVE the picture!! Too cute!

  7. How adorable! Third grade was the multiplication tables... complete with races that traumatized me. Maybe I should write about this... LOL

  8. It doesn't surprise me why you were picked, you are a BEAUTIFUL Cinderella!! Just look at you!! And though you say you couldn't sing, perhaps the others sung even worse. You need to save that picture, it should be handed down in the family, so adorable.

  9. I'm afraid I remember 3rd grade all to well :) I added my pudding pops post to your linky as I referenced one of my most favorite past times as a child.

  10. So cute! :)

    Stopping by from Mom Loop Comment Friday.


  11. Look at that hair! I had no idea that was you when I initially saw the photo. So cute! Love the costume. :)

  12. I remember 3rd grade well, and this was a fun glimpse into that time in your life too! I love the costume too:)

  13. Hopping over from Mom Loop...

    We are in the same boat, I have 3 girls; the youngest two are twins and their sister is 17 months older. I know how fun your house must be with all that love and energy!

    I'm following, it's nice to find someone with so much in common. We are in Knoxville and love our Smoky Mountains, I'm convincing the hubby that we need chickens. ;)

  14. That's so cute Lisa! I remember 3rd grade. I hated it. My teacher came to school drunk! Some of the parents tried to get her fired. They came to class and stood in the back watching for a few days. They didn't succeed in getting her fired because teachers have the union and they have that seniority thing and they just can't be fired at all it seems! lol Sad but true!

    Hope you aren't getting hit by that nasty storm that passed through!


  15. The costume is so cute & looks perfect on you.


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