Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More Beach Bumming at Ocean Isle Beach, NC

We got to the beach early one morning for play before the sun got too intense.
Right away, the bulldozer was at work.

Paul bought a pirate stunt kite. 

It only looks like he was flying it.
This lasted about 2 seconds.
There must be some secret technique to the thing. 

Reid loves the beach. 

Little hands examine treasures found in the sand: 

Running in circles: 

You know what's gross?
Thumb sucking, when your hand is covered in sand: 

Picking up shells: 

The baby of the family is always the one to get buried: 

Dump truck moving sand across the beach: 

And I found a few treasures myself - can you tell I love sea glass? 
I don't think I could ever grow tired of hunting for shells!


  1. This trip was such fun for your family. It looks like everyone had a great time.

  2. I love the beach any time except when it is so windy that the sand stings the skin. We as a family spent Thanksgiving at the beach several years in a row.It was very pleasant.

  3. Great treasures you've found! What a great trip...

  4. love boys and their sand trucks!!! love it!

  5. These are wonderful photos of your guys on the beach. Just precious! :)

  6. Looks like a glorious day! My kids haven't seen the ocean yet. Hoping to remedy that soon.

  7. I'm getting more and more excited for our trip...

  8. I always pick up shells too-and it's fun to look at them later, at home and remember the fun time we had.

    Your boys are so cute! They certainly do love the beach-I can see it in their faces. When Amy was about 10 months old we took her to the Oregon coast. She was obsessed with trying to pick up and eat bits of burned wood. That was gross too!

  9. Oh wow, you DID find sea glass! I'm very impressed!!! And I love the rock worn smooth with the holes. I always have enjoyed the thumb sucking stage while I could, it's gone so fast! But with sand is a bit much!!! Great pictures!!

  10. Looks like everybody had a great time! and Yes shell hunting never gets boring!


  11. What fun! I need to take my boys to the beach soon.

  12. Looks like fun : ) Even with the sandy thumb : )

  13. While my year is yet to bring me beachy moments- I can live vicariously through your wonderful ones! :)

  14. You would love the beach by my house in Michigan.Sea glass like crazy!Your beach day looks great though.

  15. Those pictures are geat! Makes me want to go to the beach :)

  16. I am loving the NC beach pictures and love. Obviously I am partial though...

    I love this. Wish I would have known you were going...I would have come:)

  18. Shell hunting is the best! :) Look like evryone had such a nice time...great pictures of the kiddos!

  19. Looks like a fun place to go!

  20. They were cute - even playing at the beach with their coats on - and I like the idea you let them play and really get dirty. Cute.

  21. I love NC beaches. Your pictures are great. Can't wait for full summer weather!

  22. It looks like so much fun... Can't wait until our own trip this summer! (well, I'm not looking forward to the 18 hour drive with the little ones, though....)
    Returning the visit from Mom Loop

  23. Oh I'd so love to feel my toes in the sand right now

  24. Love these pics! Looks like you all had such a fabulous day out!

  25. I think the ocean and the beach is beautiful...from a distance. Sand in everything makes me crazy! Glad you and your family had a good trip.


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