Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Museum of Natural Science - Raleigh, NC

On our drive back from the beach we decided to stop halfway at the Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh.  I've been wanting to go there for ages, and you can't beat the price (free).

So much to see - it's 4 stories tall and chock full of interesting displays.
Whale skeletons from the ceilings: 

The kids loved the Discovery Room, where there were tons of interactive things to do.
The twins played with fake food.
How many plagues do you think we're going to get from this? 

Of course Reid attached to a stuffed toy while there.  Reid and his stuffed animals.  There's not a stuffed toy that he doesn't love... 

They had fun in a big rocker... 

And played with the displays 

They climbed up and down the stairs 

While Pierce tried on costumes: 

And checked out the live bees: 

The museum has many live animals, in particular reptiles and amphibians: 

Ooooh, a T-Rex! 

I liked this 'large mammals' exhibit - I guess this is some sort of prehistoric beaver: 

Pierce loved this huge bronosaurus, but he was worried about the 'owie' on his thigh: 

And if you look straight up, you see these guys: 

On the 4th floor, you'll find a butterfly conservatory: 

It was a little crowded for the stroller, but we were visiting on a Sunday. 

This sweet smiling fish was one of Pierce's favorites.  It reminded him of our beloved children's book The Pout Pout Fish that our bloggy friend Myya Says sent us.  Plus, the little fish was very friendly, and kept swimming right up to Pierce and looking at him with a big smile.  Pierce said, "This fish sure does like me!" 

A quick stop by the gift shop before hitting the road home.  Out of all those wonderful science related toys, Pierce picked a lollipop with a real dead cricket inside.
Wouldn't you know he ate that cricket too? 

This post is linked up with Show and Tail over at WV Treasures.  Go check it out to read more fun animal tales.
Also, don't forget to go enter my giveaway for a creativity journal and card set HERE.


  1. Wow! That really did look like an awesome place to visit. I have to say, though, that none of the photos are as precious as that little guy with his thumb in his mouth hugging the teddy. Sooooo cute x

  2. sounds like the whole family had a big adventure! I liked the smiling fish,and the big birds on the ceiling. Glad everyone had fun. Blessings jane

  3. They probably carry bug pops just so little boys will buy them.

  4. Someone gave me a tequila flavored sucker with a worm in it once. I never even opened it. Yuck!

  5. Looks like so much fun although those bees freak me out!

  6. your experience does sound a bit "ten commandments"-like to me! plagues, crickets (okay, they were locusts), reptiles (okay, they were frogs). :)

  7. What a wonderful place for little boys - and girls too. My kids would have loved it when they were younger! The lollipop picture at the end is a keeper! Ann

  8. Lisa What a great day I always took my girls to every museum I could, learning while having fun, the best teaching you could give a child. I would love to go there it looks awesome. B

  9. Lisa the museum was great and the kids learning things - but the cutest things were those kids - I can feel your love for them and how happy they are - and that finger with the stuffed animal - priceless.

  10. This makes me really wish we had something like this around here. Your kids are adorable!

  11. That place looks awesome! Free, even more AWESOME!! If I ever got to N Carolina, I'd defintitely take my girls there. The whole bug in the pop thing is yucky, definite difference between boys & girls, I'm sure my girls wouldn't touch that! ha ha ha

    Thanks for the sweet mention, I am so glad that your boys enjoyed that book. Guess what, I sent it to one other gal & when she mentioned it in a post one day the author of the book came by & commented. How cool is that! I thought that was neat that the author would take the time to find comments about her book. Definitely makes me want to buy moer just because obviously she is a nice person as well as good author :)

  12. Glad you posted about your visit! We like it there, and even better, it's FREE! Great trip for the day, but yeah, the weekends are crazy crowded! I cannot stand by the bees. I get too freaked. HUGELY freaked! Blech! ;)

  13. Looks like such a great day! I just love museums!! & that sucker totally grosses me out! But my girls always get them too :)

  14. Gosh, I am freaked out by the lollipop!!! Is is really a real cricket?? And he ate it?? It does make for a fantastic blog post, for sure... well, I guess sugar can make anyhting taste good. I guess crickets are good protein, and some people eat them...but I am an arachnophobic, and terrified of a lot of bugs, spiders mainly. The picture of Reid with the stuffed animal is SO sweet!!! I bet you could spend days in his place!!

  15. That looks like a wonderful museum. I am really surprised that admission was free. Pierce ate the cricket!! That is disgusting.

  16. What a cool place! I can't believe it was free. :)

  17. Your trip to this museum reminds me of the time we took Amy to the natural history museum in Washington DC. We all enjoyed it, and I think Amy picked out a stuffed animal for her souvenir-she was crazy for stuffed animals too.
    Gosh Lisa, your boys are just too cute:)

  18. What a great spot to visit--gotta love how toddlers put EVERYTHING in their mouths!

  19. Your twins are so cute! I just found your blog and I'm your newest follower. I also love the tissue box mystery game! Cute stuff!

  20. Ew, he ate the cricket??? Love it!

    We'll have to check out that museum this summer!

  21. Did you just go there this past Sunday? We were going to go on Monday but thought there would be too much debris in the roads from the tornado. I guess maybe we should have gone! Sounds like you had a great time!

  22. What a cool place! I love the bee exibit. But why in the world would you even sell candy with bugs in it? Can't you just see Willie Wonka sayin,"Oh yea, I meant to put that there."

  23. Looks like lots of fun and learning! We had a family friend that worked at the Natural History Museum in Fort Worth. He used to serve cricket cookies!

  24. Wow! I can't believe it was free! With everything that it had in it and all. The fish doesn't look like a fish at all! It has a face with real lips! lol My kids wouldn't have touched that sucker with the cricket in it! lol You have one brave little boy! It looks like a great place to visit. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful place with us! Who knows someone might see this post and go there now that they know it is there!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  25. Are you kidding that he really ate that cricket? Good gravy, Baby Girl! You are kidding, right?????...:)JP

  26. Your boys are so cute! Glad they had fun! Hahaha! Pierce ate the cricket!! Does he want Andrew Zimmern's job when he grows up? ;)

    I think Andrew and I went to that particular museum after we got married (in Fayetteville).

  27. What a cool place. I love those live bee exhibits; it is so cool to watch bees in action!

  28. first, great photos! looks like an awesome museum experience .... and SUPER cute boys!!

    you always leave me the nicest messages, thank you : ) i have been terrible at commenting, though i always read. i'm getting ready for interviewing, going back to teaching full-time and my time is GONE already ....

  29. I went there last month! I can't believe Pierce ate that cricket. Nasty!

    I'm glad you got to go inside the children's center. I was curious as to what was inside it!

  30. What a great outing, looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. How nice to have it all free, you don't find that very often anymore.

  31. Love all the pictures. Looks like a great vacation. Lots of memories. Carol


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