Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Flower Cookies and Rescue Vehicle Easter Eggs

Happy Easter!

Last year to celebrate we made a really fun spring cookie puzzle (click HERE to view).  I couldn't compete with that (indeed, we might make another) but we did make some cute flower m+m cookies.  They were quite tasty too. 

Just start by making sugar cookies (we made ours from scratch but you could also use a mix).  Once they've cooled you will make a glaze for them.
To make the glaze, place 1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar in a bowl.  Whisk in 2 tbsp. milk, 2 1/2 tsp. light corn syrup, and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract until smooth.  Spread a thin layer of frosting over each cookie.  Press m+ms into frosting before it hardens (this was Pierce's job).  This cookie idea comes from Mom's Big Book of Cookies.

We also dyed eggs this year.

The eggs are from our chickens. 

Pierce turned them into fire engines, police cars, ambulances, and school buses.
As of the writing of this post, he's already broken two.
Being a rescue egg is dangerous work my friends. 

Thanks to all who entered my 300 followers giveaway.  The winner is Esther from Laugh With Us Blog.  Congrats!


  1. Oh my! I LOVE the Rescue Vehicles...what a great idea! Happy Easter...:)JP
    P.S. Congratulations to the winner! I'll get the prize next time.

  2. The cookie puzzle is so cool. JDaniel would have prefered digging into one of your cupcakes. He loves frosting.

    I hope you hav a wonderful Easter!

  3. Very cool indeed! ...

    Happy Easter to you and yours -

  4. great rescue vehicles!! little boys crack me up : )

    happy easter!!

  5. Awwww, the twins! Poor li'l guys. I just want to hug them! And Pierce is a li'l cutie with the smile!

    I love the rescue egg idea!

  6. love those hard-working easter eggs!

    congrats to esther! may her creativity shine!

  7. Congrats, Esther! I know she will love it! :)

  8. Your post from last year is too adorable!!! Well, I love those egg vehicles with wheels!!! Did you get some kind of kit for that? I would have bought it if I'd seen it. The cookies look good, and the glaze easy to do!! I may make these this spring, but get lazy about it, by buying the cookies and just doing the glaze and decorations! Shhh...don't tell anyone! I LOVE the big bunny chair picture!!! Blessings to you and yours. Our hope rests in Christ, who rose so we will rise as well! Our perfect sacrifice.

  9. Oh I love how they decorated the eggs and made them into various cars! I'm embarrassed to admit we've never dyed and decorated eggs! Maybe next year...

  10. I LOVE the fire truck and police care Easter Eggs! So cute:) Happy Easter to you and your family:)

  11. You always have the best ideas!!! I hope you all had a happy Easter!

  12. What a fun idea...trucks & police cars eggs! I've never seen that. Super cute :) I also have to say that easter pic makes me laugh :) You should see the ONLY pic I have of my girls with Santa. They won't come close to the bunny for a pic if I begged them !!

  13. Looks like lots of fun-and cookies from scratch are the very best!!

  14. Your boys are so cute on the Easter bunny! And i love the eggs on wheels - cars - I haven't seen those before.

  15. Those are the most adorable Easter Eggs I have EVER seen!!!


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