If you're visiting for the first time, welcome, I'm so glad you're here! I tend to blog about being a mom (to 3 boys - a 4 year old and 19 month old twin boys), living the rural life, cooking, fun things to do with kids, and running. I confess it's a hodgepodge, but I like it that way. I am also trying to focus on writing creatively, so about once a week I write a post that is fiction. I blog because it has been a great outlet for my creativity, and because I've met so many interesting people along the way. Looking forward to checking out your blog as well - let me know if you decide to follow so I can follow you back.
Hi there! I'm making my way through the UBP list : ) I hope that you are enjoying yourself.
Your boys are too cute. I think living in the Blue Ridge Mountains would be awesome!! (My husband however is not so much a wilderness dude so it looks like vacation visits only.)I am following and I can't wait to read your newest fiction piece! Thanks for stopping by my site too! Happy UBP11!
I'm visiting after seeing your post on J. Daniel4's sidebar. Wonderful storytelling in your posts! Hope you have fun at the UBP this year.
You'll be partying soon, Baby Girl! I laughed right out loud about the phone book...everyone here in the lobby turned around & stared!...:)JP
Had to come check out this Ultimate Blog Party! Have a fantastic day:)
I will definitely check it out, Lisa. I had not heard anything about it. :)
Hope you and your boys have a nice weekend. :)
Nice to meet you.
Glad we get to party together!
Just found your blog!!! Looks very cool!
Wow, this is the party to end all parties, already over 400 entries, and prizes!!! Thanks for letting us know about this!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is nice to meet you!
I will have to check Craigslist to see if there are any sales in my area this weekend!
I am now your newest follower!
I don't even know how to participate in a blog party - - but then, I'm barely keeping up with my blogging buddies as is and should probably just sit this one out.
p.s. I'm glad you got your puzzle and your book is on its way too...
Happy weekend, Lisa!
I am thinking i may post for it, as well. How can I pass up a chance to meet so many new peeps? ;)
I just found your blog through Multiples n More. I love the design I wish my blog was as pretty ;) We are homesteading in interior Alaska. I have a 4 year old daughter named Lisa and 25 month old twin boys. Good luck and check us out if you get a chance. :)
A Happy Saturday to you, Lisa! Glad you joined in the UBP this year.
Ahhhh, rural living... That is something that I'm looking forward to quite a bit once hubby retires from the Army. :-) And I think hodgepodge is a good thing. Always leaves you with something to write about. ;-)
Will be following along with you from here out and hope to get to know you better in the future.
Our twin boys are 17 now. :-) We snuck a girl in between the twins and our youngest son, but otherwise our children are spaced about the same as yours. -)
We live on a farm too... it's never dull, nor as clean as I would like, with a bunch of boys and a farm!
We also have twin boys, and live on a farm. :-) Three boys total, and a girl in the middle, for us... but ours are all teens now.
It's never dull, nor as clean as I would like, living with all these boys, on a farm. :-)
I was away most of this week and only arrived last night so I've missed your 'party'! However, I think I'll go visit some of your commentors here...x
Hi there!! Glad to find your blog through the Ultimate Blog Party. I read your About Me and I'm also a part time working mom. Your life sounds so fun! I would love to live in the country and ride horses.
You like writing? You should check out the red dress club. They have at least two prompts per week some fiction, some non. I love it because they encourage commenters to give pointers to your work.
Nice to meet you!
I'm following you now.
I'm stopping by from the blog party. Nice to meet ya!
I was drawn to your blog by the title - sounds so cute! And I think I'll join up with the Memory Lane Friday meme. Glad I found you!
I love your blog name and also your posts that are easy to read! I'm a new follower. Thanks for visiting The Knowlton Nest!
Your coffee toffee blondies look a-maz-ing! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate the sweet comment.
I like hodge podge blogs, they are so much more interesting. I am looking forward to the interesting posts coming from you on my rss feed. It is nice to meet you via your blog.
Later - http://www.ladyofthebarn.com
Happy partying!
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
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