Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 2011 Fitness Recap

Well, when I started 2011 I had high hopes for a good, solid year of running.  So far, that has not happened due to my IT band injury, and it looks like at this point there is no chance I will be able to run the Maine marathon in October like I'd hoped.  Hard to let go of a goal, but there's reality at this point.
I'll be happy if I can run a half marathon in the late fall.

This month saw another set back of my IT band, most likely related to a 4 mile run on the beach, which aggravated it substantially.  Still, it was a good run for me mentally, and in a way it was worth it:

I have been unable to run more than 4 miles this month, and indeed, many times I go out with good intentions only to turn around after just a mile or two.  It's frustrating.  I continue to get active release therapy (ART) and am happy that at least I'm running every other day, unlike the month of February where I was unable to run at all.

Totals this month:
Yoga x 4
Ab/Core work x 8
Hiking x 2
Shred x 1
Running = 50 miles

Here's hoping that May will show more improvement!


  1. wow lisa, that is awesome that you were prepping for a marathon. i hope you heal soon!

  2. as a non-runner, i can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. i hope may will be better!

  3. Great news that you're running every other day! I'm a trail runner, and right now they are just too slick and dangerous to run. After last falls knee injury on slick trails I'm leery.

  4. I know that must be frustrating for you - I hope that some day soon your knee will return to normal - (I hope). sandie

  5. Oh, sorry to hear about your injuries, that must be frustrating. But you sure did get a lot of workouts in!

  6. I didn't run in February at all either... Well, I guess I've never really run at all ever. Unless someone was chasing me.
    I hope you're able to run more in May :)

  7. Oh, man! I just can't believe running four miles straight!!! You are amazing. You must make periodic stops? Can anyone give you guidelines as to how much running will aggravate your in jury, or is it all just guesswork? Well, it seems you are really improving, just in little steps.

  8. I think you are doing just fine, based on having three little boys and the injury...

    I'm proud of you! :)

  9. Hope your feeling better soon. Your light workouts would kill me. But then again, I'm a fat, old lady.

  10. Your still doing WAY better then me!

    I have my thumbs up for you!


  11. Girly, well pooy... Hang in there. These injuries can be so darn slow to heal! Big Hug!

  12. I have found that there is nothing like running for good all over fitness. I have seriously slacked on my running this past year and need to get back on it. Your 50 miles is awesome!

  13. I hope your injury heals and you are able to run in the half marathon. It is hard to let go of goals, but you can always aim for a different one.

  14. Oh I feel for you! I may have to slow down for a bit for some health reasons...and I can't sleep wondering how it will affect my running and triathlon . Hugs. Way to hang there and look at each time out as a gift:)

  15. I hope you will be fit as a fiddle soon:)

    And I think I left a comment on your post for today-but it may have disappeared! I just wanted to say that your spider themed lunch is so cute-and I especially love the hot dogs and celery!

  16. I hope you are better soon, but I really think you are too hard on yourself. Then again, most runners are.


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