Monday, May 23, 2011

Biscuits and Gravy in a Big Egg - Muffin Tin Monday

Even though Easter is over, I wanted to use this Easter egg cake mold that JDaniel4sMom sent us. 

Pierce had biscuits with gravy, some turkey sausage (tastes like sausage, in case you're curious - just less greasy), and some fresh strawberries (in our chicken feet muffin cup), from the ones we picked at the strawberry patch.

Visit Muffin Tin Mom to see more fun lunch ideas.


  1. Yum! This is eggs-actly what I would like for breakfast.

  2. Love biscuits and gravy and always enjoy Muffin Tin Mondays. Fun that you have strawberries. We just planted two plants in a pot last night.

  3. I kept looking for a bunny LOL why I don't know you didn't say bunny you said Easter Egg. I thought mmm well the biscuits or sausage don't look like bunnies where are they. Then DUH I noticed the plate! LOL made me laugh at myself. A chuckle is always a good thing even if it is at myself LOL

  4. Kinda like Cracker Barrel at home! Yummy!

  5. If I ever need a private chef-you are hired! Pierce's breakfast looks delicious:)

  6. So cute! I was wondering how you would do biscuits and gravy in a muffin tin and voila! You did not disappoint. I recommended your blog to my friend since she's looking for lunch ideas and your always look the best!

  7. Mmmm Busicuts & gravy yum! I haven;t had that in a long time. Maybe I'll make it from scratch this week for dinner :)

  8. A nice visual treat as well as a yummy treat!

  9. Mmm I love biscuits and gravy! It's always a great going to my grandmas because she usually makes that for us for breakfast. It's tradition :) And of course none of us can make it as good as her!

    I hope you have a great week as well!

  10. We all seem to love biscuits and gravy!


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