Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Community School's Strawberry Festival - Roanoke, Virginia

This past weekend was the annual Strawberry Festival in Roanoke, which benefits Community School.
Back when I was pregnant (both pregnancies) I worked right downtown.  And I'd dream about the Strawberry Festival.  I would OBSESS over it!  When it would finally roll around, me and my preggo belly could barely stand the wait for the afternoon, when I'd slip down to the festival with my boss for strawberry shortcakes.  Pregnancy seems to intensify the tastebuds, and I can say that nothing ever tasted as good as those shortcakes when pregnant.

First, you have to get your tickets.  The twins and I decided to split a shortcake, and Pierce got a child's sundae. 

Then you have the lines.  You can also get chocolate dipped strawberries, strawberries and cream, and smoothies.  We got there early (10 am) so the lines weren't bad. 

No words necessary - just chomping: 

We ate our treats in a shady spot, listening to some young drummers: 

That's a lot of sundae for a little boy: 

Cort and Reid, post shortcake semi-comatose state: 

Can you believe he ate every last bite?! 

We walked around, where there were many craft vendors.
I really liked the pretty baskets at this one: 

After that, we walked two blocks over to the Farmer's Market. 

Pierce talked me into buying corn on the cob, one of his favorite foods.  We cook it on the grill, in the husk. 

We saw this interesting homemade ice cream maker: 

And so many gorgeous plants: 
We also saw beautiful handmade soaps, jewelry, artwork, candles, and baked goods.  It's rather crowded and narrow in the walkways, so I didn't take too many pictures.

Now we have to wait a whole 'nother year for the Strawberry Festival to roll around again!

Please go visit A Taste of T today - I'm guest posting there for Tanya, who is on blogging maternity leave (congratulations Tanya!).  It's a post all about my hoarder tendencies sentimental side.


  1. That looks like such a wonderful day out. The weather...the flavours... the gorgeous crafts. Ahhhh - a dream day, I reckon!
    Strawberry shortcake.mmmmmmm. Nothing more to be said :)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Although I now live in the Chicago area, Roanoke is my home town!! I meet my two sister there every October and the market is a destination. We always enjoy a hot dog at the Roanoke Weiner Stand just like we did as children!!


  3. Mmmmm, those strawberry treats look sooooo good!

    Hahaha, Pierce at it all . . . are you surprised were you hoping to have eaten a bit of his sundae? ;)

    I love farmers' markets. I can't wait to visit my parents now that it's farmers' market season. Their town has an awesome one. Livie and I love going!

  4. I can't wait for the local church to have their strawberry festival..love the tag sale, crafts and of course the shortcakes!

  5. Who doesn't love strawberries? And a festival? I'd be in heaven! :)

  6. looks like a great way to spend the day. yum!

  7. I'd be a glutton at that type of event--mowing down strawberry treats and buying more plants than I could carry home!

  8. That looked like a lot of fun - wish I could have gone there too - or they would have one here! I love strawberries.


  9. I do adore a good street festival. And strawberry shortcakes? Sounds divine.

    PS I posted my dress giveaway winner today.

  10. I think I could eat a whole one too.

  11. We love strawberries, and we now have our own strawberry patch. We worried about birds trying to eat them, but we didn't count on the dogs liking them so much too! They are very good at delicately nibbling the berries off the vines. Luckily, there are plenty to go around.

    It looks like you guys had a really fun day! I am excited for our own strawberries to be ready in a few weeks.

    I enjoyed your guest post too-Amy had a little watermelon dress that was the cutest. I'll never part with it either:)

  12. Oh that looks like such fun!! I LOVE Strawberry Shortcake :)

  13. There was a town in Indiana that had a strawberry festival every year. I had forgotten about it, but I do remember going and eating all the strawberries I could get my hands on!

  14. YUM!!!

    and how fun! I love this...

  15. sweet! and i loved your semi comatose photo! :-)

    also loved your guest post at A Taste of T and now I'm your newest follower. :-)


  16. That looks like a lot of fun! Hi, following back from Measuring Flower. Thank you! I hope you have an awesome day! :-D

  17. What a wonderful day. Looks heavenly. We have a place in Black Mountain and I love going there. How wonderful that you get to live there. I am your newest follower.

  18. This looks so cool, I think I would have gone if I'd known about it. That is pretty big for a child's sundae! Such a cute picture of the twins, all full and drowsy!

  19. That's a festival worth attending! The kids are so cute!

  20. Looks like a good time with your boys and the oldest finished that sundae!

  21. Looks like an awesome day! Too bad all I want is something sweet and strawberry now though! Thanks alot. :)

  22. My mouth is watering!! I would have been in heaven :) What a pretty town too!

  23. Oh! I am oh so very jealous, a strawberry festival sounds amazing!! Glad you guys had fun. =)

  24. Mmmn. There was one here last weekend we didn't get to. I think hubby thought i was crazy to consider more strawberries after we brought home three buckets filled w/em, my MIL filled the girl's bucket up. ACK!


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