Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Get Your Kids to Sleep at Night - The Park Method

When I want my kids to sleep well at night, I just take them here:

Fresh air, lots of running, it wears them out. 

Not to mention...climbing! 

And sliding! 

At first, Pierce didn't think he could do this.  But he sure was excited once I taught him how. 

Chasing one another through tunnels: 

Rock climbing: 

And spiraled climbing: 

Uh oh.  Houston, we have a crier: 

He's saying "I'M STUCK!"
Mommy had to climb up and perform a rescue. 

The twins are almost too old to ride together anymore.  Sniff. 

Yeah yeah.  He looks kinda cute and sweet here. 
He's really just devising ways to get Mom to stop at Dairy Queen for ice cream on the drive home.

My little trash collector.
He's so good at picking up others' gross trash and disposing of it. 
Very nice of him.  Although I have to cringe just a bit.  Ick! 

Now, fill up some bellies with sandwiches and water: 

And that's a wrap! 
Everyone ought to crash hard tonight!


  1. This is great advice! I love the trash clean up. JDaniel loves to do that too. Fresh air sure makes my guy tired.

  2. I love that kind of play area BECAUSE it helps get the little bosses tired!! Glad they had fun (aside from the one crying situation).

  3. When my kids were little I LOVED bringing them to that kind of park. We had several within a 15 mile radius. I'd bring a picnic lunch, invite a few other friends with kids the same age and we'd all have a relaxing afternoon.. and a good night's sleep!

  4. That made me dizzy just Looking:))

  5. Great strategy! Perfect way to get some energy out. :)

  6. Oh, I miss two to a swing! :)

    Those are such sweet days.

  7. Your boys are so cute. Nice to see that they are out and about...and getting a workout!!

  8. YESSS!!! Always a great way to ensure a good nights rest!

  9. That's our plan here too! We have 2 parks within walking distance, and nothing changes a mood like playing outside. For all of us!

  10. Tried and tested !
    Works wonders at our place too - no wonder we bought a farm !

  11. Love the pic of the twins running in their overalls! So cute. :)

  12. As I recall, the park method works for grown ups too! I remember those days...the "I'm stuck", and the "lift me up" and the "I can't get down!" But I really do miss those outings to the park-it was always fun.

  13. You my dear have learned a great big secret!

  14. Ah, if only that worked for mine! She gets so tired she'll crash in the Jeep on the way home, but sleep on time? NEVER!

  15. That double swing is so cool! What a fun day! And hopefully a very sleepy night for them :D

  16. I like the way you spent that day!

  17. Ahhh I loved this! I use the park method soooo often in the Summer.
    Your boys are so stinking cute. I love how you put the twins in the swing together & seriously that picture of your lil man in your swing trying to talk you into Dairy Queen... ohhhh goodness he is soooo sooo SOOOO cute!!!

  18. Yep, we use that strategy often too. :)
    Love all the pictures. So sweet.

  19. Did you need a shoe horn to get those 2 in that swing?! Or some oil to get them looks a little tight. I bet you had a good evening since they slept so well.

  20. That is totally our method also! And it finally is WARM enough outside to enjoy. Sleeping children all night long makes for a peaceful night of sleep for parents too. Awww rest easy.

  21. bwahaha! Yeah, that's pretty efficient here too!


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