Saturday, May 28, 2011

I was a Senior Hottie (Not Really)

Over at A Belle, A Bean, and a Chicago Dog there is a link up party happening called I Was a Senior Hottie.  I wasn't a senior hottie by any means, but I thought it was a fun link up and I decided to join in with a few pictures from my senior year.

I searched and searched for a copy of my senior picture, but I guess I don't have one.  So here is a scan straight from the yearbook, which is why it looks a little grainy.  Okay, seriously, I would love to have glowing smooth skin like that again (stupid age marks).

The picture below is from senior prom.  
I'm actually friends with all 3 "Spongebobs" in this picture on Facebook, but seeing as how none of them know about my blog and I don't really feel like sharing (and seeing if they minded being on it) I decided instead to protect their anonymity with our handy-dandy sticker collection.

And finally, a picture from graduation, with my brother Taylor and my Dad.
My  youngest brother, John, was not yet 2 years old and must've been with my mom, taking the picture.

 What you can't tell from this picture is that I had on the most dreadful hot pink lipstick.  Whew, it was bad!

If you want to link up your pictures, head over to A Belle, A Bean, and a Chicago Dog - her linky is open through Monday.


  1. I am so glad you got this post up! The pictures are wonderful. I love your prom dress.

  2. Somehow it's difficult for me to picture you wearing hot pink lipstick!!! Guess I'm used to the "aged" look! LOL!!!!...:)JP

  3. I had the same curly hair. Mine was a perm but since I had it all through high school everyone thought I had curly hair.

  4. you WERE a hottie and still are! what are you talking about?! :)

  5. You really WERE a senior hottie!!! You are beautiful!!! I bet you were a cheerleader and had lots of boyfriends. I clicked on the last picture to see that lipstick, but I can't make it bigger, shoot! Bet you're glad! O.K., I thought they all wore Spongebob masks to the prom!!!! What an IDIOT I can be early in the morning before coffee, ha ha!

  6. I have a senior picture of you.
    John was left with a babysitter--the only time in his entire life that his babysitter was not a sibling. Melissa Neale kept him. We got to go out and eat afterward without having to be humiliated by a restaurant screamer :-)

  7. I had a horrible, I mean horrible, perm in my senior year. All pictures of that disaster have been burned! (just kidding.)

    You were, and still are, a hottie, Lisa. :)

  8. Love the pictures! Lookin good :)

  9. Hi, there,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning. hope you'll visit often.
    I loved this post. I won't be posting my senior picture though - I hated it. Actually, my junior picture was acceptable, but not the senior pic - the one that really mattered!
    Checking out more of your posts!

  10. Ha! I could copy & paste every single word Nancy wrote. :)

  11. i think you were a hottie!! and you haven't changed much at all either : )

    fun few last posts, i haven't been online as much myself so i'm behind in comments. dolphins look in the water look like fun : )

  12. The scanned picture from your yearbook is beautiful. I only wish I had skin like that in High School or now for that matter. My hair is naturally curly like that so now I spend every morning blowing it out straight.

  13. Well, Lisa ... you actually WERE a hottie...

    Lets see if this comment works!!

  14. Aww, you were/still are(!) so pretty!

    And the stickers are perfect!

  15. Aww, what pretty pictures and memories!

    And the stickers are perfect!

  16. You were so cute. I love your hair for your prom. Beautiful.

  17. LISA! Look at your HS cuteness! :D

  18. Hey,
    You were a senior hottie! I really like the way you cropped out your friends faces on the prom picture. This was fun. You are doing great on the fitness challenge.
    Keep up the good work. I look forward to hearing how this last week went!
    My Blog

  19. Awesome pictures, you most definitely were a hottie! I did the link up to, so fun to see all these pics!

    Hope you're having a great holiday weekend :)

  20. I have to agree with everyone else-you were a hottie!

    I was happy that year because I'd finally gotten contacts-but my hair do was a different story all together. Bad doesn't even begin to cover it!

  21. Your pictures are great! You missed the bad hair era all together! Lucky you!

  22. Lisa! OMG! You look adorable! I love these pics. Fantastic! :) You look so cute. I love the hair and the flawless skin. Excellent shots. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  23. Your hair is gorgeous! And your complexion! So pretty!

  24. You not having bangs helps make you a true Senior Hottie!

    Thank you so much for diving right in!

  25. Yes you were a Senior Hottie! You must have graduated in the 90's. You weren't sporting the BIG hair of the 80's! lol

    Have a Great Day!

  26. Lisa,

    You look so precious in every shot---you're too hard on yourself! And the funny thing is we're all lamenting the loss of our smooth skin. LOL! I'm happy you linked up, this was fun!


  27. So pretty!!! Senior hottie indeed!

  28. Okay, Lisa, I'm the one who wasn't a senior ANYTHING! You were totally cute in high school! And I think I can name two out of three of the Spongebobs. :)


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