Friday, May 6, 2011

My First Horse Show - Memory Lane Friday

Today is Memory Lane Friday - a weekly blog carnival where you can blog about your memories and link up.  All are welcome.  This week you've got a choice of topics - 4th Grade or Mother's Day.  I did a tribute to my mom last year for Mother's Day, which you can read about HERE, so I decided to write about 4th grade.

I've actually already blogged about 4th grade before when I wrote about a time I got in trouble.  But this time I want to write about my first horse show.

When we moved from Glade Springs to Marion, Virginia, I switched from taking western riding lessons to english.  I went to a place that had American Saddlebreds and Tennessee Walking horses.  My favorite horse was a large bay Tennessee Walker named Ballerina.  She was smooth to ride and well-tempered.  And beautiful.

I believe we borrowed the riding clothes I wore for the show.  I'm guessing it was just a walk and trot class, because I don't think I learned how to canter until we'd moved to Roanoke and I started riding hunters.

Here I am on Ballerina - a lot of horse for a little girl:

I won two ribbons with Ballerina - a 2nd place and a 4th place ribbon. 
It was really fun, and some of my relatives came in to watch the show.

Want to participate in Memory Lane Friday?  It's easy!  Just add your website to the link below:
Be sure to visit the other blogs that are linked and leave them some commentary on their site!
Next week's topic is 5th Grade.


  1. Those are great photos..what a lucky kid you were! :)

  2. That is a great memory!And you are cute as a button riding that horse!

  3. I bet you were smiling all the way through! What a neat memory. :)

  4. i wish i'd have had the chance to ride as a youngster - before i had a chance to develop fear. :)

  5. Congrats on the two ribbons!

  6. What a beautiful mare! And you look so cute as a little girl on such a big horse! That must've been so much fun having family there to watch.

  7. Being around real horses would have been my idea of the perfect girlhood. I had a pretend horse though-but I don't think I ever rode it in a horse show:)

    Thanks for sharing your pictures-and congratulations on those two ribbons!

  8. Man - you have just loved the outdoors and animals all your life. Those are great memories and pictures.

  9. I have an unreal fear of horses. So I consider you truly a brave girl!!!

  10. What a fabulous memory! Beautiful.

  11. You were living every girl's dream on that horse!

  12. Your mom is just beautiful! She glows with an inner beauty and joy. And I loved the story of the scavenger hunt and your stay at your grandparents. You were so little to be on that big horse!!! Were you scared at first? I have never been to a horse show, though there are many around here. I want to go to one, maybe this summer.

  13. When I was little my dad would take me to the rodeo. They always had kids first. I wanted to be them!

  14. Aw. She is a beautiful horse. What a fantastic memory.

  15. This made me smile Lisa. I remember my first horse show. I wish I had pictures. You are very lucky to have all those pictures from your childhood.

  16. Great memory post. I just realized I don't remember the name of my favorite horse - a gorgeous, all white, and gentle girl though.


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