Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Peeps!

It seems like Buddha Hen has been brooding forever, but in reality it has only been 3 weeks.  And we have some new chicks as a result!

This one came from one of the small, white eggs, so it's either a mini Priscilla, Elvis, or Little J.P. 

This will probably be a leghorn: 

And I'm hoping this one will be an Americauna - but it's so hard to tell when they're this small: 
Still some eggs that haven't hatched, but we're hoping for a some more chicks before the end of the day!
We have a friend that wants as many as we will pass along, and we want to keep a few for ourselves too.

This post is linked with Show and Tell at WV Treasures and with Farm Friend Friday at Dandelion House

Edited to Add - We have 3 more chicks this morning, so a current total of 6!  Plus 4 more eggs that could potentially hatch today.


  1. Oh, they're adorable.

    Hope you have many years of happy laying :)

  2. I bet the boys love watching the chicks. This is so exciting. I will have to stop back and see if more chicks are arrived.

  3. they are SO cute!!! congratulations to your little broody hen!

  4. So sweet!
    Hoping for more hatching today :)

  5. Sweet! Can't wait to see them grow!

  6. Awww, they are adorable. I've said before but what a neat atmosphere you live in. The kids must just love seeing little chicks!

  7. How fun is that, you hatching (well your hen) hatching baby chicks! We have never done that here. Well for one we don't have a rooster :O).

  8. Oh they are so cute! I wish I could hold one :)

    Congrats to mama!

  9. Oh neat...so many varieties:))) I like the 2nd one best...(but don't tell the others;))

  10. Tell me those peeps of yours are as soft as they look!

  11. OMG! SO adorable! How cute, Love these pics!

  12. Adorable is the word to describe these pics!

  13. They are so sweet! I love baby chicks.

  14. Awwwww....so cute!! I will have to show my girls these in the morning! (this post is just adding even more fuel to my fire to get my backyard coop going!)

  15. Oh how sweet! I love baby chicks.

  16. Let's hope it was "Little JP"!!!.."big JP"

  17. I'd love to have some chickens some day-we are allowed to have up to three within the city limits now. I just have to talk my husband into it. Your chicks are so cute! Our yard is full of baby robins and sparrows now-it's fun to watch them learn to fly:)

  18. They're too cute Lisa! I hope they all hatch! I'm with JP on the naming of Little JP! How in the world did you get those babies away from their momma? There is a man down the road that has a lot of chickens. Several have little ones following around after them. That's a cute sight to see!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  19. Oh goodness those are SOOOO sweet! How fun to go out to find those lil ones. :)

  20. What a great blog you have! I am a grateful follower!

  21. Congratulations on the babies! They are so adorable. I have a goose (or two or so) that have been on their nest for about seven weeks with a total of one gosling. Sometimes too many moms isn't a good thing!


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