Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Putting the Boys to Work - the Strawberry Patch

Originally for Mother's Day I'd hoped to go on a family hike.  That is, until I saw it was supposed to rain all morning.  So then my plans changed to take Pierce to the strawberry patch while Paul stayed at home with the twins during their afternoon nap (the rain was supposed to stop for the afternoon).  This worked out well until the car broke down on the way to the strawberry patch.  So then Paul and the twins had to come get us, and we decided to just forget the nap (not for the faint-hearted) and all go to the strawberry patch.  I'm glad we did!

About 30 seconds after I started picking I yelped, after sighting a small black and brown striped snake wiggling just under my picking hand.  I was more careful about my picking after that!

The twins actually loved the patch.  Even though they kept eating white berries, instead of red. 

They had a fun time wandering up and down our row (while I kept hoping the two of them didn't run into any snakes!) 

The berries were divine.  So much more tender, juicy, and flavorful than what you get at the store. 

The kids did more eating than picking. 

Paul and I had to pick up the slack, or else we would've gone home empty-handed! 

Notice Pierce's empty bucket... 

The final yield (about 15 pounds in 30 minutes, not too bad!) Paul's bucket, my bucket, Pierce's bucket: 

We got home and washed the berries.  Then I froze some, and we started some in the dehydrator.  We also plan to make some jam, and a strawberry cake. 

And of course, the boys' final reward for their "hard" work: 
The strawberries are so wonderful that we're already making plans for another trip to the patch!


  1. I mustn't be jealous... I must NOT be jealous.... but how I'd *love* to have a farm within driving distance for us to go and pick our own. None on our island, I'm afraid :(

    They look wonderful - I have to say my mouth watered when the first big, red, juicy strawberry appeared on my screen! Enjoy!

  2. These are fantastic photos of professional strawberry (picker, eaters).The empty buckett's indicate a hole in the buckett LOL.

    I just love it. LOL

  3. We did the same thing last weekend. Dehydrating is a great idea!

  4. Did they weigh the boys before and after the berry picking and charge you for how much they ate?

    The berries look delicious. What a fun and productive afternoon! :)

  5. I love the boys hats! Sorry about the car! The berries look wonderful. What a great family outing!

  6. the twins are so cute, running along those rows! cuteness!

  7. I love fresh strawberries-there is no comparison to store bought is there?! (Even the white ones, LOL!)

    What a fun outing! And hopefully there weren't too many snakes:)

  8. How much fun was that? Sounds like the kids had a great time and mom too!!!

  9. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. You are really making me crave strawberries lately. Although, I have to buy mine at the grocery store.

  10. Nancy, I wondered the same thing! ;)
    Still waiting on berries to ripen here..

  11. oh it looks like such fun! love a day out on the farm- we have to drive to it cause we live at the beach - but it is a rare treat we do enjoy! cute cute family- new follower-

  12. How fun!! I think I'm gonna look and see if there's one around here, my daughter would LOVE that! (Minus the snakes of course) Glad you all had such a great day!

  13. Yum! Love the pics. Sorry about your car but glad the twins got to come berry picking, too. How fun. :) And SO yum. Interested in the dehydrated ones, how did they turn out? What do you use those for?

  14. Our strawberries are not ready yet (I called!!) but oh! I look forward to doing this! In Switzerland... double cream from Gruyère tops Strawberries like nothing else. It is sinfully (and I do mean SINFULLY) good. The spoon just stands up straight in the cream as if it were butter. Yum!

    What a cheerful post.

  15. Here in Sweden have the strawberries just started to bloom.

  16. A lovely preview of what's to come sometime in JUNE for us! Looks like it was a fun day for all of you.

  17. Oh YUM! We went last week, but we could only fill these super small containers. I was so disappointed. We need to go back where we went last year.

  18. Oh I would love to do this! I wonder if there is one around here...

  19. That looks like so much fun! The berries look awesome. :)

  20. I love strawberry picking time! We have a strawberry patch nearby and I REALLY need to take my kiddos to visit soon!

  21. OH how fun!! I laughed at your comment about skipping the afternoon nap. We did that on Mother's day and paid that night. The baby was completely overtired and don't even get me started on the three year old!

  22. I love the pictures and am so glad I could go along with you! When I saw that snake, I would have been outa there!! You are a braver person than I am! Do you think the boys would have been scared of it or wanted to investigate it? My granddaughter goes to a strawberry patch and a blackberry patch every year. What happened to your car and is it fixed yet?

  23. Tasty plans for those strawberries. No naps, but they had a great day.

  24. Is it strawberry picking time! Yahoo! Must get the kiddos out to a farm. i LOVE strawberries!

    Thanks for stopping by - following back!


  25. Great pictures! YUM!!! I can't wait till they are ready around here. Mmm, now I am craving some strawberry shortcake!

  26. I can't believe how different your strawberry fields look from ours. I would have never thought that.
    Was the 15 pounds of berries in the buckets or in the kids?

  27. I love your have lovely kids too..great family bonding.I followed have a beautiful blog

  28. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day!! And yummy too!!

  29. That looked like so much fun - you do so many great things with the kids - and the strawberry short cake looked pretty good too!


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