Monday, May 2, 2011

Spidery Muffin Tin Monday

Recently Pierce and I read Be Nice to Spiders, and we've had much spider discussion ever since.  So it seemed fitting we do a spidery lunch.
Spidery hotdogs and celery.  Toast with butter (not so spidery), spider-egg-like grapes.  Simple lunch, but he liked it.

See more Muffin Tin ideas at Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. What a cute trio of octopus! I wish JDaniel would eat celery!

  2. The celery reminds me of Gumby! :)

  3. Oh my goodness this is so adorable!! You are really creative.

  4. You did a good job, and you added eyes! LOL

    PS. I heard a story about how a really, really deadly spider was found in a bunch of grapes from the store. Now I'm completely paranoid and check them really closely. Ooops. Now you will too. Sorry.

  5. I always like the hot dog octopus...or spider in this case!

  6. I love the spidery lunch. I like linking food to books or school themes. I look forward to doing it a lot this fall as our homeschool curriculum will be literature based.

  7. Cute lunch! The hot dog spiders are adorable-and they make spiders seem less scary too.
    I am afraid of spiders (when I was a kid I had a high fever and hallucinated that spiders were crawling all over me.) My solution was to invest in a bug vacuum-I can catch spiders without harming them and release them into my garden where they'll do more good:)

  8. Love the little eyes you stuck cute!

  9. ok, your presentation makes me feel ashamed of what I just put in front of my two. Very cute!

  10. I am terrified of spiders but I think I could handle this lunch. Cute idea!

  11. This is TOO cute! Spiders are the bane of my existance, I have arachnophobia!! They scare me to death.

  12. How could he not like it? This is so fun!

  13. you have such a good eater : )
    fun lunch and great book!!

  14. Those are really neat! I am going to have to look into doing that.

  15. My daughter Butterfly, likes your pink Spring muffin tin! So do I! :)

  16. You are such a creative mom! I love these Muffin Tin Mondays and you give me great ideas for my two little girls. What's the Memory Lane Friday theme for this week?

  17. haha YES! I LOVVVVE this!!!!!! What a creative woman you are...spread so to me please sista :)

  18. thanks for the comment! Those were some of my first bento picks from ebay...Japan! Love your tin!

  19. That's just too cute! You have such a great imagination girl!

    Have a Great Day!

  20. I'm going to come have lunch at your house! It just looks like so much fun :)


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