Sunday, May 22, 2011

Strawberry Jam Pinwheel Swirl Cookies Recipe

So I'm finding ways to use up the strawberry jam we made and these cookies are - quite simply - amazing!  And don't they just look beautiful?
The recipe is adapted from a church cookbook that my mother-in-law gave me, and the recipe author listed in the book is Sue Bulling (if you're out there somewhere reading, Hi Sue!).
3 3/4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 cup margarine (I used butter), softened
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
raspberry jam (I used strawberry)
chopped nuts (I used pecans)

Stir together flour, baking powder, and salt.  In a separate bowl, beat together softened margarine, sugar, eggs and vanilla.  Add to flour mixture.  Roll out and cover with jam, coconut, and nuts.  Roll up dough in waxed paper and chill.  After chilled, slice about 1/4 inch thick and bake at 350* for 10 minutes (it took mine a few extra minutes, but I sliced them a little thick).



  1. This is a wonderful way to use your jelly. They look terrific!

  2. Those are gorgeous and look delish - another good idea for teacher gifts!

  3. LOVE these cookies!! though ours don't turn out quite so pretty as yours : )

    happy sunday!

  4. except for the coconut, they look and sound yummy! (hi sue!) :)

  5. I'm pre-heating my oven...:)
    These do look really good!

  6. These look yummy, Lisa. Wondering if you took any of the tips from yesterday regarding your jam and if anything helped. :)

  7. Oh, yum! That is a great way to use your jam!!

  8. Yummy! The cookies look delicious and I think they would make a perfect gift especially with a tin of tea or coffee. Happy Sunday! Anne

  9. Those look delicious! I am going to have to try them (minus the coconut.)

  10. They do look tasty, Baby Girl! And yes, making jam/jelly is a long tedious process!!!...:)JP

  11. Oh, boy! These do look delicious! I want to try them...thanks for the recipe!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend :-)

  12. I love any church cookbook cookie recipe and these look and sound awesome!

  13. These look delicious! But I have a terrible cookie sweet spot.

  14. I have never made these! They look fantabulous!

  15. How many cookies does this recipe make? Thank-you


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