Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best Iced Brownies Ever! My Favorite Brownie Recipe.

It's not that I'm a total brownie expert, but I do love them.  I've made many a brownie recipe from scratch, but the following is my absolute favorite.  It comes from my Baylor Homecoming cookbook.

Iced Brownie Bars:
2 cups sugar
1 cup margarine, softened
4 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup cocoa
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
Icing (ingredients to follow)

Cream together sugar and margarine.  Add eggs and beat well.  Add vanilla, then stir in remaining ingredients.  Spread in a greased 9x13 pan.  Bake at 350* for 30 minutes.  Cool.  Spread icing on brownies.

1 cup brown or white sugar
3 tbsp cocoa
3 1/2 tbsp margarine
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup milk
1 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Mix the first 5 ingredients in a medium saucepan until margarine melts and all is combined.  Cool slightly.  Stir in powdered sugar and vanilla.  Frost immediately.


  1. I am just about to pour my first cup of coffee. Could you send one of those brownies through the computer please. :O)

  2. Yum! I'll try these out on a brownie addict friend!

  3. These would be wonderful with a tall glass of sweet tea.

  4. I Love brownies but I do not cook. Love to taste yours though :)

  5. I love a good brownie, and a good iced brownie is even better!

    If by chance, I don't win the parfait glasses-I'll take a batch of these as a consolation prize, ok? ;)

  6. OH NO!!!

    Why do you do this? Well, at least I'm through with my diet! :)

    I love brownies, and so do the girls; I'll make these the next time they're over.

    Have a wonderful day! :)

  7. Brownies are Gods way of showing us his love.

  8. Oh yum! I'm printing this out, can't wait to try it! Especially the frosting!!

  9. Now that would cure any chocolate spoil your family ;-)

    Happy Sunday!

  10. When I was a kid my mom used to make frosted brownies. As adults we have asked her a million times for the recipe but she lost it. How awesome would it be if this were close to the same? Thanks!

  11. I love brownies and iced are even better - but I try not to eat too many!

  12. Oh my. I think I've gained 1/2 lb. from looking at the picture.


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