Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Want a Pallas Cat and Our Trip to the Zoo

Our last trip to the zoo involved snow all over the ground!  This past week proved to be a much nicer trip - although I kind of missed seeing Pierce running around in Buzz Lightyear wings. 

The prairie dog exhibit was finally done.  It was still a work in progress last time we visited.

We always take a picture in front of the funhouse mirror.

This is a Pallas cat.  They're from Asia and they look like really huge fluffy housecats with smushed in faces.  I couldn't get a good shot because the plexiglass kept reflecting a fence that was behind me.  At any rate, I thought it was the cutest little animal.  This guy just groomed himself so intently the whole time. Meow.

Our zoo has one of the best views around.
Pierce said he saw the grocery store from here....

 Inside the aviary -

This wolf is really camo, huh?  
Usually the wolves are asleep when we visit.  It was nice to see them up and about.
 His girlfriend came out to join him in looking out at the visitors -

Another wolf shot - this one in sheep's clothing -

This guy is cute too.  If I can't have a Pallas cat maybe I'd settle for one of these -

Greedy, greedy.  Save some for your brother!

 A few monkeys climbing around - I think they're pretty cute myself.

 The sun was out so the tiger was very hot to the touch.  I could only get Pierce to climb the tiger this time -

 A brief hike on the trails to the Discovery Center.

 Where we built some nests, just like the birds.

 And check out the bee action - maybe if I can't have a Pallas cat or a green wonky lizard I could have some bees?

 And lastly, one of those deals where you put a golf ball in the wall to see what each animal eats.
Pierce never gets tired of this game.
 A very fun day at the zoo!  I renewed our family membership, so no doubt we'll be back again soon!

This post is linked up with Show and Tail at WV Treasures and Summer Bucket List Party at Little Wonders Days.  


  1. What wonderful photos! I am so glad so many animals were awake.

  2. What a fun experience!

    Love your comment about the wolf....in sheep's clothing. Too cute!

  3. oh looks like a great time. the monkeys WERE cute!!!

    i love how you kept trading in whatever animal you would settle for. :)

  4. Sweet monkeys, but I kinda like the wolf in sheep's clothing ;)

    Looks like a fun trip!

  5. a wolf in our neighborhood zoo got out last week and had to be shot .... the tranquilizer would have taken too long to work so they had to use a real gun. very sad but VERY scary!

    looks like you have a great zoo to visit .... the monkeys sure are cute! : )

  6. I love the Wolves! They're so fascinating, aren't they? Looks like you and the boys had a great time!...:)JP

  7. The zoo to me has always been really a lot of fun, and it does not cost an arm and a leg to get-in...............Also please drop by my blog to a brand new post today from old order Mennonite Jean. And look for Jeans first ever recipe (whoopie pies) on Amish Stories this Wednesday. Richard

  8. I love going to the zoo-but it's been awhile since I've been there. I enjoyed this visit with you and your little monkeys. They were my favorite too:)

  9. Looks like you got there at a good time--zoos are SO much more interesting in the morning hours!

  10. That looks so great, and the turtle's salad is remarkable green and fresh, don't you think?

  11. I see you're in the Blue Ridge Mountains somewhere, so I'm guessing the zoo is in TN? What a beautiful setting for a zoo. The monkeys were adorable. :)

  12. What a great trip to the zoo! I love the pink bird! And those wolves look just like my dog Two! They are bigger though. I hope someone doesn't mistake her for one during hunting season! Thanks for sharing your pictures from your visit to the zoo with us!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  13. LOVE your trip to the zoo photos! I loved, also (or most especially) the funhouse mirror! Fantastically adorable!

  14. Cute pictures! It looks like you had a great day at the zoo!

  15. Loved the cat and all of your photos but especially loved your son peering through the fence!

  16. What a great zoo! The view they have looks awesome. We hope to bring Hailey and my niece to the zoo this week if the weather works out. :)

  17. I love these pictures, you have a really good overview of the zoo! You can tell Pierce is really loving that game! Is this in Roanoke? That's a cool lizard shot you got, and I'm guessing a pink ibis...

  18. What a fun trip to the zoo you had. I remember taking my daughter to the zoo all the time when she was little...I miss going to the zoo. There isn't one near me where I live now. I've never heard of a Pallas cat, but I looked the image up on Google and they are cute - no wonder you want one, but they do look like they could do some serious damage if they're feeling cross.
    I've also never heard of a green wonky lizard, but he is cute, only I'd rather have a pet I can cuddle, but I would keep bees because they are such useful creatures - if only I could.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a good week.
    Doris and Gizzy :-)

  19. Nice pictures of your zoo - I love taking kids there - they have such a great time.

    I especially loved the three little monkeys.

  20. We're planning on making it to the zoo in the very near future! I hope we have as much fun!

  21. I used to take the boys to the zoo all the time when they were little. Lots of bang for the buck at the zoo!

    Great photos, Lisa. Looks like you had a great day.

  22. Wow looks like such a neat place to visit. I think prairie dogs are so adorable! Sounds like you all had an awesome time!

  23. Your boys are so cute. My boy is fourteen. *sigh* It sounds so cliche, but it really was just yesterday that he was this little.

  24. they look like they had a GREAT time!

  25. those are awesome shots. especially that tortoise one. his mouth was scary.

    also. when you say the pallas cat was grooming himself the whole time... i kinda freak out about that.

    i like going to the zoo. yay!

  26. I really want to go to the zoo now.


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