Monday, June 6, 2011

An old family recipe for Meatloaf - Muffin Tin Monday

We're getting our use out of this giant egg!  Today Pierce had my grandmother's meatloaf recipe.  I make it several times of year, but I also healthy it up a tad by using ground turkey instead of meat, and this time I also used Panko crumbs instead of bread crumbs.  It was very good.  He also had some bowtie pasta salad I had made, and a bear muffin cup of caramel mousse (by far, the most popular event of this meal).
Dutch Meatloaf
1 1/2 lb. ground beef (or turkey)
1 cup fresh bread crumbs 
 1 medium onion, chopped 
1/2 can Hunt's tomato sauce  
1 egg, beaten
1 1/2 tsp. salt 
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 can Hunt's tomato sauce (again!)
1 cup water 
2 tbsp. prepared mustard
2 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. brown sugar
Lightly mix first 7 ingredients.  Form into loaf and place in a shallow pan.  Place in moderate oven at 350*.  Combine the remaining ingredients.  Pour over meat loaf in oven, bake for 1 1/4 hours, basting occasionally.  Serves 4-6.

This recipe freezes very well too - I made 4 batches when I was about 35 weeks pregnant with the twins, froze it, and then it made for easy dinners right after they were born.
Want more fun ideas for Muffin Tin Monday?  Go check them out at Muffin Tin Mom.
This recipe is also linked with Vintage Recipe Thursday.


  1. I think I'd really like that! I love the double tomato part.

  2. This sounds great! I make a similar meatloaf. I use tomato juice instead of sauce in mine.

  3. I have always been a fan of meatloaf. I have used spaghetti sauce in a pinch and it has turned out pretty tasty.

  4. Awesome! We love meatloaf around here, so guess what's for dinner tonight! Thank you!! :)

  5. A nice recipe and I make a sauce similar to that for my meatloaf.

  6. Yum! Thanks for the recipe. My kids love meatloaf and I love trying new recipes.

  7. The meatloaf looks just delicious!! And I just went out and got two muffin pans, a hot pink one and a pale pink one! I did check out the muffin tin blog and it is sooo good! I've been trying to leave her a comment, but so far it won't go through.

  8. We use our ground venison for meat loaf and it's great -- very lean.

    Cute meal today! :)

  9. That sounds really yummy! I wonder how the littles woudl do with that. Hmmm.. Thanks for sharing. :D

  10. That does sound yummy-and making a lot of it at once is a great idea-as is substituting turkey for the beef. Thanks for helping me with my menu planing:)

  11. love it. made me want to make meatloaf for dinner. but alas. my freezer is void of anything ground. and i'm too lazy to leave the house.

    my love to elvis.

  12. Contest........My blog Amish Stories is having its first ever contest this week. The First prize winner will win 2 tickets to tour the farm where the 1985 move "Witness" staring Harrison Ford and Kelly Mcgillis was made in Strasburg,Pa . This farm is now Amish owned, and the family has given permission for folks to tour their farm. This may be the last time anyone will be able to walk and see the same things that Harrison Ford and the other actors saw during the making of "Witness". The Witness tour should last about 2.5 hours. In addition to the Witness farm tour tickets, 1st prize winner will also receive 2 tickets for Jacobs choice. There will also be a 2nd place prize, which will be 2 tickets for the Amish Homestead. Please go to My blog for contest details, and more information on the prizes. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon county.

  13. yum - this is the second meatloaf recipe I have seen in a week. So I think it is a sign that I should make meatloaf!

  14. That recipe sounds like a winner - we love meat loaf here. I have never done it but some people put a whole egg in the middle and some use regular bread...

  15. Wow you made a lot when you were pregnant :) at least it lasted a while

  16. It sounds very similar to a meatloaf I used to make. I found a new one I LOVE, I'll have to share.
    I have been wanting to use those Panko bread crumbs after Rachel Ray talking about them.

  17. I like that you said it freezes well. Its always nice to have a homemade meal ready to go :)

  18. This sounds good. I might have to try it soon.

  19. A delicious grandma recipe is just perfect for Vintage Recipe Thursday if you care to link up. :-)

  20. I am going to have to give that recipe a try! I haven't ever made a good meatloaf so I gave up on it. I found a deli made one that was great and I used to buy it until that store closed down. It's been well over a year since we've had meatloaf at my house! lol Wish I read this post before I went to Sams Club today! We'd have meatloaf for dinner tonight!

    Have a Great Weekend!

  21. :-) Thank you for linking up to Vintage Recipe Thursday.


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