Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rockin' the Bump - Belly Pic

I have tons of pictures from my pregnancy scattered throughout my blog, and I'd planned to just grab those for this link up.  But for some reason they aren't loading right.  And I've ghosted my computer since then and can't find the saved files with my old pregnancy pictures.  But it's not all a complete loss - I found this one from when I was 37 weeks pregnant with the twins (I went to 38 weeks, 4 days - Reid weighed 6 lbs. 14 ounces  and Cort weighed 5 lbs. 12 ounces - in case you're curious).
I don't have any preggo pics showing my face after the halfway point, because my face tends to get really fat like the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters swollen during pregnancy.
My stomach was so huge I only had about 2 shirts left that I could wear at this point.

Whew, glad not to be this size anymore!
Check out more belly pics at Things I Can't Say:
I have a great giveaway right now for eco-friendly green products from Shaklee - you can go enter HERE!


Anonymous said...

Patty and I will have been married 56 years on July 12th. We have 5 children. 55, 54, 54, 48, 37. In those days, lots of dirty diapers, a wringer washing machine and a thingamajig you dropped in the washing machine tub, filled with hand-pumped cold water from the well, and plugged it into the electric wall socket. It glowed and in about an hour had heated the water to at least warm. Then the laundry day began...

This is my first visit. I decided to become a follower because the name of your blog fascinates me a lot. I also like the photos...

Liz Mays said...

That was a heck of a bump!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That quite a bump. The boys sound like they came full size. What a bundle of love!

trump said...

Ive just posted a new post from old order Mennonite Jean incase anyone is interested.In this post Jean talks about pen-pals, the farmers market, and on taking a spin in her buggy. Only seen in my blog Amish Stories. thanks folks. Richard

Shell said...

I got like that at the end of mine, too- only having a shirt or two that still fit me!

I wish I'd had more pics of just my bump, like you did! So cute!

Thanks for linking up!

Anonymous said...

That's some belly! I have almost NO photos of me pregnant. Probably a good thing. I blew up like a blimp.

Nancy said...

I have a couple of photos of myself pregnant with my first son - I don't think I have any with my second. I must have figured out it was not my best look! :)

Texan said...

Well that just makes my back hurt. tee hee... Carrying around two little people at once I bet would. :O).

TexWisGirl said...

oy!!! that's all i can say!

Mere said...

what a fun linkup! I might have to join in on this one

I will forever be amazed that you popped two babies out at once. oh the things women endure for their children :)

Lilly's Mom (Desiree) said...

Okay after seeing this, and having met you in person...and knowing how tiny you are...makes me feel SO much better. lol Although my tummy is close to this size now, I know that I only have 3-7 weeks left! (And that there is hope of having a flat stomach once again!)

Not Just Another Jennifer said...

Wow! That's amazing. It's always incredible to see moms of twins. Gorgeous!

Jeremi said...

GREAT belly bump lisa!!! isn't it crazy thinking back to when you grew two little babies in there? and they were good-sized ones too! : )

Alison said...

That was some baby bump, amazing! I would have collapsed under the weight :) You did rock it!

Dawn said...

Oooof! Aren't you glad that bump went away?;))
I was just thinking about this...and was wondering how I ever could breathe! I cannot imagine twins!!!

Myya said...

I love pregnant belly pics! I seriously think even at 37 weeks the absolute only thing big on you was your belly.

w said...

there's definitely a baby in there.

Valerie Boersma said...

I only gained 19 pounds with Amy, but I was surprised at how big my stomach got right before she was born. I was happy, because no one could tell I was even pregnant.

I remember that Stuart wanted to try the beer at a local brewery, and the server asked me what kind of beer I wanted. I said I was pregnant (seven and a half months, at that!) and she was embarrassed because she couldn't tell.

I don't think she would have missed your big beautiful tummy;)

Tina L. Hook said...

Wow. God love ya. Having twins can't be easy.(My hubs is a twin.)

Andrea said...

Woohiee! Woman, a girl as tiny as you with a bump like that! How did you do it? ;)

Katie said...

You rock that bump! Awesome and fun.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You did have a big belly, but with twins I guess that's natural. I would like to see your face though. I bet it's not near as bad as you think!

Unknown said...

Wow glad that's not me but then how could it be. Glad you are over that, take plenty af aspirin. Then over the Hump.

God Bless you

Galit Breen said...

Oh your bump is pure adorable! PURE!

Anonymous said...

I love it!
You rocked that bump, girl! :)

Michelle said...

That is a bump! I had two children and each weighed ten pounds. I decided no more! I cannot imagine having twins. My husband has an identical twin...and so does his mom.

Helene said...

Oh wow, I'm so envious at how beautiful and perfect your twin belly was!!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to 38 weeks too! The only reason my dr took them early was because I live an hour and a half away from the Dr. So he didnt want me to go into labor and then have to drive that far!

Your bump was huge, but still cute!!

Anonymous said...

Great photo.
My face also got a little, shall we say, puffy? during pregnancy.

Crow said...

My whole body looked like a fat like the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters when I was with ONE child! LLOLL

Angela said...

Your babies bump rocked girl! Notice I said babies bump! lol There were 2 in there afterall!

Have a Great Day!

Unknown said...

I'm sure your face looked as adorable as your bump!

Unknown said...

No fair, Lisa! I put my fat preggo face in my pics on my Rockin the Bump post!

Your belly is adorable and amazing. I only went to 34 weeks + 4 days ish w/ my twins. I'm really curious to see how this pregnancy goes and what size this baby will be? I have no idea what to expect!!
