Monday, June 27, 2011

Sights of Asheville and Type A Con

This past winter I was fortunate enough to win a giveaway for a pass to any blogging conference from The Blog Frog.  I immediately wanted to go to Type A Con in Asheville.  My reasons were three fold - I "knew" several other bloggers attending, Asheville was driving distance, and it was a nice size - not too overwhelming for this first time blog conference attendee.  The conference was so fantastic, and I'm still processing a lot of it. 

The first day I was in Asheville I went to visit my uncle, Chris.  I hadn't seen him since I was pregnant with the twins, so it was nice to catch up with him.  We're very close and 2 1/2 years without a face to face visit is much too long!  We walked around downtown and enjoyed some fantastic Indian food.

Then I met back with my roommate (who is so fun and down to earth, just like I knew she would be), Good Girl Gone Redneck and a large group of other Type A Conference folks to head out for Tapas.

I forgot to take a picture of my food, but at least I snapped a shot with Jdaniel4sMom.  We ate breakfast together that morning, and had a wonderful time chatting about our boys.  She is so sweet, and she brought me the cutest beach picks to use for Muffin Tin Mondays.  

A few sights from walking around Asheville.  I've been here a few times before, but I never cease to be thrilled by the eclectic mixture of people in the city, the focus on local foods and artistry and individuality.  I could so live in this town.

If you ever pass by Ten Thousand Villages, it's one of my favorite stores.  It is run by Mennonites, and carries crafts from nations all over the world.  But the profits go back to the people who make the crafts.  And the prices are very reasonable.

I took this bell picture for Warren from My Home Among the Hills because he has a whole page on his blog devoted to his bell licking habit - and I figured this one might appeal to him.

And then?  I went in the most wonderful Appalachian crafts store.  I wanted all of the beautiful pottery! 

And these hand blown glass balls are just gorgeous and so colorful!

How cute would these mugs be for drinking hot cocoa on the porch swing on a cool fall morning?

Every which way you turn in Asheville, there is art to be found!
More on Asheville and Type A Con tomorrow!


  1. It really is a wonderful conference filled with wonderful people. I loved getting to spend time with you.

  2. First of all, congratulations on winning your Blog Pass from Blog Frog! It looks like you had a wonderful time in a very interesting place. Glad you got to meet some of your fellow blogger friends too!

  3. What a wonderful and well deserved opportunity for you, Baby Girl! I know what you learned will be shared through your works!...:)JP

  4. Such a neat experience. I LOVE Asheville too!

  5. Looks like a fun time! I love that pottery!

  6. I would love to visit Asheville..I researched it a few years ago as a possible vacation spot!
    Looks like a great time.

  7. I didn't know you won your pass, but I'm sure glad you picked Type-A! I'm soooo happy we met. I absolutely adore you!

  8. How nice you were able to go! Love the photo's too, and you sure are a cute mama, Lisa.

    Have a wonderful day; look forword to more about your trip. :)

  9. that 'ten thousand vilages' store looks amazing - and what a wonderful concept! i'd spend my money there just for that reason. :)

    neat that you got to attend a conference! can't wait to hear more!


  10. oh.. so nice post.)
    Love your blog.))

    I now spend a survey of bloggers with such questions.
    1. Why did you create a blog?
    2. For whom you taking him? Want to be popular?
    3. How long will it keep going?

  11. Sounds like a great time with friends! Just the right size of gathering!

  12. Ashville seems like such a cute town! Sounds like a great conference and can't wait to hear more details:)

  13. So did you lick it? For your first one, you may consider a little salt and pepper. Bells are just begging to be licked though!

  14. What a great opportunity! Hugs!

  15. The pictures came to an end far too soon, so I'm glad there will be more tomorrow!! We are Mennonites, and live in a large Amish/Mennonite population. Our 10,000 Villages finally ran out of room and just moved into a big store downtown on the corner, I haven't been in the new store yet. I have never heard of blogging conferences, what goes on there? Tell us about them in another post.

  16. I am sooo glad you had a wonderful time!!

    It sounded like a well worthwhile conference and how great to get the chance to meet up with family and friends!

    Welcome home:)

  17. I love shops like that Lisa. We'll have to shopping! (I'll bring BIG bags)...

  18. I love Ashville. Was there in March. Good places to eat and great places to go to spend your money. Sounds like you had a great time. Glad you could go.
    Have a Blessed Day. Ta ta for now from Iowa~!

  19. Love this first recap, Lisa. And I am SO glad we got to connect, spend quality time together and be US! :) You are amazing, and I'm so glad blogging brought us together!

  20. Sounds like a wonderful trip! Glad you had such a great time!

  21. Great post about Asheville! I'm getting to go next week and I can't wait : )

  22. Asheville is a lovely town, I always enjoy visiting. Cool beans on winning the prize, sounds like you had a ton of fun.

  23. That sounds like such a fun time! I wanted to go, but just couldn't swing it this year. Thanks for sharing the conference with us. Asheville is a beautiful town. We have family friends there. On another note, thanks so much for your nice note on my BFF post for Things I Can't Say regarding my son's speech and that mean turtle. :) I appreciate it! Following you now.

  24. Hi Lisa, Twenty years ago, my husband and I honeymooned in Asheville. Many times through the years, we have visited there and love the many places to purchase crafts. Thank you for sharing all the fun sights and the interesting folks you met. I look forward to reading more tomorrow.
    Hope your tomatoes hurry up - we have really enjoyed the fresh taste of ours just out of the garden!

  25. How fun, Lisa. What a great thing to win. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. :)

  26. Looked like you had a great time!

    And YES REALLY! they leave the cars running!!! it is really unbelievable to me. Sometimes i think i just go in it and drive it like 10 feet further and see their reaction.... hahaha


  27. I love Asheville! Such a great mix of people!

  28. This looks like a city that I would love to visit!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  29. Lisa - how cool! I never even heard of it. So did you go by yourself? Bet it was nice meeting other bloggers. I thought that you might have gone to the Biltmore Mansion - this was better. Very interesting and thanks for the tour!

  30. Really nice to go to a blog conference! I can see from the pics that you had a good time

  31. Great pictures! I haven't been to Asheville in years!


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