Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Brittle Recipe - Rural Thursday

This is another church cookbook recipe - this one from my grandmother's old church cookbook (circa 1990).  It's not healthy, but we eat well most of the time, so I think a little treat here and there does no harm. 
When I made these, Paul, my youngest brother John, and I all had a hard time staying away from eating the whole pan in one sitting.  Afterwards, John talked about it so much that I made him his own batch, as a Christmas gift.  He was thrilled. 
Recently, I made a big batch of this to take to a couple of my friends at Type A Con.  Hoping they enjoyed it as much as we always do. 
Chocolate Chip Cookie Brittle
1 cup margarine or softened butter
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
1 6 oz. package semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
2 cups sifted flour

In bowl, combine margarine, vanilla, salt and flour; blend well (it takes a while to get it to form up into a dough).  Gradually beat in sugar.  Add the chocolate morsels and walnuts.  Mix well.  This  is a very stiff batter.  Press lightly into a oil sprayed 9x13 inch pan.  Bake at 375* for 25 minutes.  Cool, the break into irregular pieces.

Welcome to Rural Thursday, hosted by Nancy at A Rural Journal and myself.  Everyone is invited to participate.  Just blog about something rural (recipes, hiking trips, gardening, and birdwatching are all perfect ideas) and grab the code below the button to paste into your blog.  Then come back and add your webpage to the linky.  Please don't forget to visit and comment on the blogs of 5 other participants.  I can't wait to read what you've written - each week I always find so many wonderful ideas, tips, and recipes to try in my own life! 


  1. It might not be healthy but it does look delicious! I forgot to tell you that the crumble was a huge hit around here.

  2. Thanks for the recipe - this looks delicious!

  3. I've never heard of chocolate chip cookie brittle, but it looks delicious! I know my daughter would love it!

  4. That sounds great! !!! Have a great day!!

  5. mouth's watering!

    thanks for that great recipe!

  6. This is delicious! We have inhaled the box of these you gave me at Type A.

  7. Lisa this sounds perfectly good for you:) oh yes and me too! B

  8. That looks perfectly sinful...and wonderful!

  9. This recipe looks very tempting!

    I think the animal on the mailbox )on my blog) is a dinosaur. Do you think maybe it's a comment about snail mail versus email?

  10. Hi Lisa. Thanks for the recipe - it I will try. Wishing you a good day. Hanne Bente

  11. These look AMAZING!!! I am going to pin this later today! THank you so much!

  12. Gotta have treats in life and this one sounds delicious!~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I like going through the old cookbooks that the women each put in their favorite recipe. You can find so many good things in those books.

    Your dessert looks great.

  14. I am ABSOLUTELY going to make this ... perhaps as early as this afternoon. Do I have chocolate chips in the pantry?

  15. They probably melt in your mouth. What a tempting idea...they look amazing :) congrats.

  16. YUM!! Never heard of cookie brittle. Love the idea.

  17. What? I didn't get any of that either? lol

  18. Oh my!!! You had me at looks soooo good. Bookmarking this now! :)

  19. the name got my attention, never heard of cookie brittle before and it looks scrumptious...i pinned it! tried your salisbury steak the other night, it was yummo!

  20. Looks delicious, Lisa... Makes me hungry!!!!! ha

    I loved your post on being an introvert at the conference... I too am an introvert (even though I had to be an extravert in my job for many years)---and can't stand being in groups of people for reasons of fellowship. I stayed away from those group events as much as possible. Glad you went though and had a good time.


  21. Recipe looks taste-pleasing.
    And, who doesn't love chocolate?
    Not me!
    I love it.

  22. I had not heard of this, but it does look delicious (minus the nuts--allergic). It would make a nice gift for someone.

  23. The funny thing is Lisa, I am not a photographer. But, since I've been blogging, I've had amazing photos appear.... as if it was meant to be. (perhaps) hahaha.

  24. Oh and ... I will be making your recipe for sure. Yummmmmy looking.

  25. That is worth trying. Somethink just a bit differnt from cookies.

  26. Thanks, Lisa...I've finally gotten back into regular exercise and now you've just given me more calories to burn! Pretty sure these will be made by the end of the day!

  27. That brittle sounds yummy, old church cookbooks have some of the best recipes... thanks Lisa, for hosting!

  28. That rich ... I love chocolate.

  29. It looks yummy and sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing!!

  30. It sounds and looks delicious!
    I'm going to be sure to try this one.

  31. Thats a different take on the choc chip cookie, I like a lot! Richard

  32. Lisa, you've got me, this is a great chocolate surprise! My niece and nephew would love this, thanks for the recipe! That's the great gift of food, it always brings back memories.Yx

  33. That looks really great Lisa. I am going to pin this. sandie

  34. Looks delicious!

  35. Looks yummy! Thanks for sharing. The recipe is going in my file.

  36. That looks absolutely divine! Church cookbooks are wonderful resources for delicious goodies, even if they're not the most healthy. :)

  37. Have never seen this recipe, Lisa -- it's a fun one! :)

  38. WOW yummy! Church cookbooks are the source of all things classic I think. I'm a late joiner to Rural Thursday. I wanted to get it done last night but you know how it goes sometimes! Happy Friday Lisa.

  39. i can't wait to get home and try this.

  40. Lisa-This recipe looks like chocolate heaven!! Yum!!!

  41. That looks tasty for those little hands to hold on to. Yum.. Thanks for the blog hop. Mary

  42. ohhhhh, something else we need to make!

    did i ask you if you ever made vegetarian tamales?

  43. that looks delicious! but I've recently made muffins and had a donut this morning, so I think it's time I put a stop to sweets.. *sigh*

  44. You KNOW I'm all over this one...:)JP


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