Monday, June 13, 2011

When the Mad Banana Shows Up in Your Lunch - Muffin Tin Monday

Sometimes Mom has a bad day.  Sometimes the twins are sick and fussing all morning.  Sometimes it's hard just pulling lunch together without someone crying and tugging on legs.  Sometimes Mom has been up for hours during the night holding sobbing toddlers, trying to comfort them to no avail.  And sometimes, as a result, you get a mad banana in your lunch.  Complete with horns.  He is accompanied by a big pickle, a corn dog, chips (a rarity), skewers of fruit, and some mustard for dipping.

This post is linked to Muffin Tin Monday which you can find HERE.

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Anonymous said...

I totally love that you added horns. It sounds like it was a tough night. It is so hard to make lunch with only one leg to move around with.

Liz Mays said...

This just completely made me giggle!

Texan said...

A mad banana ROFL

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love the mad banana! Sorry you had a rough night!

Jeremi said...

good one! for quite a few reasons ..... ": )

TexWisGirl said...


. said...

Hello, I come by your blog via another Blogging Buddie, and I just wanted to stop by and introduce my self.. My name is Karen, co~author of my friend Missy and I recently started a new womens ministry , God has put on our hearts to encourage women, wives, mothers, etc...So I hope you will get a chance to swing by and visit Heart of the Home.. and say Hi..
I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to becoming Blogging Buddies with you as well..
God Bless,

Sugary Flower said...

Love the mad banana! Thanks for giving us all a giggle after your rotten night!

lisa9999 said...

A great lunch, love the banana. I hope your twins get better soon.

Samantha said...

Hope everyone is feeling good ASAP, but thank you for the AM giggle!

Lilly's Mom (Desiree) said...

lol... that actually looks pretty good!

Valerie Boersma said...

Your mad banana sure made me smile:) You have a good day-ok:)

Nancy said...

Better a mad banana than a mad momma! ;)

Shell said...

I'm laughing at the banana!

Sandy said...

I think the mad banana is funny! Sorry you had such a bad night Lisa. Good that you can put it aside to still put together a cute lunch.

Tina L. Hook said...

Ha! The mad banana is precious. And what a sweet little lunch presentation.

Irish Italian Blessings said...

LOVE the Mad Banana horns, it doesn't get better than that! Hope you have a better day :)

sara d. said...

I am totally feeling that Mad Banana! creative! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

How funny! But sorry you had such a bad night! How are the twins now? That banana is wild, what ARE those blue things made of?

Angela said...

So sorry to hear you had a rough night with the kids. Hope they are feeling better soon! I'm sending you a picture of a happy banana in your email! :)


LinRN said...

Lisa! How adaorable!!! I had never heard of Muffin Tin Monday. I am sooooo trying ths with my husband - complete with the mad banana.
[should he lock me away for doing so, bail money is in the top, left drawer of the desk]

SnoopyGirl said...

Love the angry banana. Hope tonight brings some rest and tomorrow brings a more peaceful day!

laughwithusblog said...

Oh this made me laugh out loud! Way to have fun anyway!

Sandy said...

I don't mean to laugh at your rough time with the kids, but that's funny!


Leontien said...

I know what you need!!!!

Some Calvin and Hobbes!!!!



Kim said...

I think a toddler in the middle of the night is so much harder than a baby. At least with the baby you can do a few things and get them back to sleep. Toddlers - not so much. My son was suffering from night terrors - going to bed too tired and crying in his sleep. Even with little sleep you have put out a much nicer lunch than on one of my good days:)

Dawn said...

Oh no! SOrry about the rough night...but oh too funny about the mad banana! You're adorable:))

w said...

he doesn't look mad. he looks a little sick.

also. i like the pickle.

where is elvis!

Anonymous said...

IM sure mad bananas taste better than happy ones anyways. =)

Anonymous said...

A mad banana can be just the thing!

Chatty Crone said...

If someone made me that - I'd love it! Love bananas!

Joy said...

Love the mad banana! LOL Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also love the Blue Ridge Mountains. We live not far from the bottom stretch of it. We ride it as often as possible!

Crow said...

What a great momma you are. xx