Monday, July 18, 2011

Asian Inspired Muffin Tin Monday with Many Squashes

Thankfully, this week's Muffin Tin Monday went over much better than last week's!  

We went with an Asian theme, in my quest to use up every zucchini and squash in our garden in new and exciting ways.
Pierce had tempura zucchini, sushi rolls w/ cream cheese and zucchini, tempura squash, sweet pickled squash, sesame noodles w/ shrimp and edamame, and tamari for dipping.
This was a really yummy dinner and Pierce declared his favorite thing was the sushi! 
Paul and I happen to love sushi too, and it really isn't difficult to make once you learn how, plus it's quite healthy, so I'll have to start fixing it more often.

For more fun muffin tin lunch ideas, go check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Samantha said...

Pierce has very experimental tastes for a little guy..that's amazing!

Anonymous said...

The sushi does look good. How did he do with the chopsticks?

Tanna said...

I'm impressed! I've always thought I would have rice all over the kitchen in any attempt to make these "muffins." ;)

Thank you for stopping by so that I could find my way here. My daughter lives at the foot of the Blueridge Parkway and I have done the San Antonio, the Chicago, the Marine Corp and the Big Sur marathons... all a few years ago. I still mourn having to give up running because of my knee, but I remember what it was like. =)

It was nice to *meet* you.
blessings ~ tanna

SnoopyGirl said...

That tempura looks yummy!

Sugary Flower said...

Yum! I want lunch at your place! I'm slowly weaning my girl onto Asian foods - she won't eat sushi, but she'll eat it if I use ham instead of nori. And she does love tempura.

Tiggeriffic said...

You are amazing~! Can't beieve that you got Pierce to eat sushi. Good girl~! Fish is not my favorite food group :( I know it's suppose to be healthy for one but I'll take my vitamin. I'll choose one of your ~! Have a Blessed Day ~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Cami said...

Can I come for lunch?! ;)

You made that sushi?! TOO COOL!! How long did it take you? I have a sushi kit (somewhere...) and have only used it was...okay. :-/


trump said...

I love Asian food, but ive never had sushi. Richard from Amish Stories.

Jill said...

Pierce is more adventurous than I am. Looks like a fun lunch though!

Sharla said...

I wish that were my lunch!!! The tempura, noodles, and sushi look great! I'm glad that your kids thought so too.

Liz Mays said...

I'm pretty impressed that he liked the sushi best of all!

Valerie Boersma said...

You could open a restaurant! This looks so good!

Anonymous said...

You are so creative!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I love the pink muffin tin you used! What kid wouldn't want to eat out of that?!!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I agree I think lunch at your place is the place to be!! Looks really good!!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to try tempura zucchini.
Those are great lunches you are making.

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! Meals in muffin tins!

New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways!

Reena said...

Very creative ... that sushi looks good!

sara d. said...

great tin! looks, delicious!

Memoirs of Me & Mine said...

I love the muffin tin lunch idea. Looks yummy!

kewkew said...

That is a great tin. I can't believe your son ate so well. Not sure what my girls would do.
Didn't know there were so many yummy sounding ways to make squash.

w said...

i would eat that. yes. i approve.

Michelle said...

I think I need to come over and eat during muffin tin mondays! This looks great!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a cute little meme.. I haven't seen this one before. Your garden veggies look SO delicious... There's just nothing better. We had some fresh corn-on-the-cob tonight along with some fresh tomato slices and cukes.... YUM.

Have a great Tuesday.

Angela said...

I'm already squashed out! lol I haven't ate that much of it but I'm already not wanting to eat it! lol

Pierce sure is a good little eater! Are the twins good little eaters like Pierce?

Have a Great Day!

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

That tin is amazing! Would you mind if I feature it on our blog next week?