Friday, July 1, 2011

Barbecues and Cook Outs - Memory Lane Friday

Memory Lane Friday is a weekly blog hop where you can write about your memories and link up.  This week's suggested theme is 'Cookouts and Barbecues', but you can write about any memory and still join in.

By unspoken East Coaster agreement, the southern part of Virginia is considered to be part of The South.  And here in The South, we think of barbecues differently than other folks.  My West Coast friends often say they are going to barbecue over the weekend, but what they really mean (Southern translation here) is they are going to grill or cook out.  They might invite over a couple of friends and throw burgers on the grill.  But a barbecue in my stomping ground - now that's a big deal.

Where I live, a barbecue is actually the act of roasting a pig, while all your friends and family come in droves with side dishes.  The pig will roast all day slowly over open flames, juices dribbling out and spewing across the fire.  Corn will boil in large silver pots over boilers, and tables will be laden with potato salads, deviled eggs, homemade jars of pickles, brownies and coconut cream pies.  When the pig is done the meat is pulled and placed on platters, to be piled on hamburger buns with barbecue sauce.  You've got your smoky style barbecue sauce or your more tart North Carolina barbecue sauce, which has extra vinegar.  I'm a smoky style barbecue sauce person myself, although I'm happy to eat either one. 

At a barbecue, there may be music going on before, during, and/or after the meal.  Little kids dance barefoot in the grass under starry skies, and oftentimes a lightening bug catching competition will take place.  It's a fun time, but a big production that may happen just once over the course of the summer.  Actually, we haven't been to a real 'barbecue' for the past couple of years.

What's a barbecue like where you live?

Want to join in on Memory Lane Friday?  It's easy!  Just add your website below, and please take the time to visit other participants' blogs and leave them a comment.

Next week is an extra special Memory Lane Friday.  We will be blogging about the best thrift store/auction/coupon deal find ever!  It can be something small you found that you love, or something bigger.  The link up will run all week long, and I will be giving away a set of vintage 1950s peanut butter dishes to one lucky person that enters!  You can read all about this fun event here:


OurWanderingAdventures said...

A BBQ is definitely grilling out over here in the great midwest!

Anonymous said...

I want to go to one of those BBQ's! That sounds FUN!

Anonymous said...

At my house we go to Bucky's and get BBQ with all the sides. Your way sounds like a lot more fun.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Those barbecues are the best kind! That's where you don't care if it drips all over your face while you're eating!

I love the smoky kind of sauce, but I've been known to enjoy the kick of NC-style, more vinegary stuff. Yummy!!

Jill said...

What a great time you must have at your barbques. They sound wonderful and yummy!

Jill said...

Wow! Your barbeques seem to me to be the perfect definition of summer!

TexWisGirl said...

In Wisconsin, we called that a Spanferkel (German word for pig roast).

Here in Texas, a barbeque could be grilling out or smoking meats in a smoker. Even brisket in an oven maybe...

Kim said...

AHa!!! I always thought that when you southerners were talking about barbecue you were talking about anything that was grilled and had bbq sauce on it. I had no idea it was to do with a roasted pig.

Melodie said...

BBQ here in Texas means beef! Big steaks on a grill for a small BBQ a side of beef on a spit for a fancy BBQ!

Valerie Boersma said...

I live in Washington state. I think that says it all...;)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I did not know about these barbeques. Yes cookouts are what I grew up with in the south....Nice barbeque memories even with a pig? :)

Michelle said...

Here we grill most anything and in the western part of KY, mutton is the bbq favorite.

Leontien said...

see the thing is we didn't really bbq in Holland. like.... ever...

Soo when we got her and we told people we don't own a bbq, people look very confused.... haha

Thanks and i'm gonna check out the other entries!


Karin said...

Hubby and I don't barbecue any more since we moved into a highrise. We do go over to our daughter's place, where it's steak, burgers, hotdogs, or chicken on the grill - eaten outside if the weather is nice and inside if it's not.

Thanks for visiting from Ginny's! Today is Canada Day so you're not late!!

Anonymous said...

Going to a REAL BBQ on Monday night. The next time the family does one you and your clan are invited. I will let you know...

-Mary Jo

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your post is just SO sensuous today!!! And by that I mean it conjures up everything in my senses, the sight and smell of the foods you describe, the little kids running in the grass and giggling, you put a whole little world of joy in my head, your writing is powerful. And I DO happen to have a barbeque post planned for this month!!

Chris said...

For me it's grilling the Mackerel you've just caught on a makeshift bbq made from rocks on the beach - can't be beat.

Weekend Cowgirl said...

No BBQ pig here! We have BBQ beef and chicken and sometimes sausage which is my favorit! Have a fun 4th!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Barbeque? In the eight years, we've lived here in the "south" I got Joe to try pulled pork with it's sauce...let me see...yep...ONCE! Joe is the burger/hot dog on the grill guy. Me, I prefer pulled pork with that nice sauce, baked potato and some slaw! Too bad we're just having what the Pres wants. Surprised?..:)JP