Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Loveable Labels Toddler Toes Review and GIVEAWAY!

One thing I really love is cute labels.  They make me feel so organized.  And organization makes me happy.  So I'm thrilled to be able to review Loveable Labels.  They have all sorts of wonderful products - like Allergy labels and Original Bag Tags and Press n' Stick Clothing Dots - all customizable with names, colors, and icons.  The had-to-have product for me, though, was the Toddler Toes.  These are stickers you can place in your child's shoes.

So here's why I really needed the Toddler Toes for my twins.  See their devious sweet little faces (having just hidden the seat cushion to this chair)? 
 Well, these two are obsessed with shoe removal in public places.  Grocery store, doctor's office, middle of the mall - you name it - these two take off their shoes.  And then I have to backtrack to try to figure out where the lost shoe was left.  Once, I had an employee at Barnes and Noble come running after me with a shoe I hadn't noticed was missing.

You can put the child's name, address, and phone number on the Toddler Toes.  This way if you lose a shoe, you have a good chance of someone picking it up and giving you a call.  (Note:  I just used our last name because I have 3 boys, and I put sticky note over our phone number since I didn't feel like sharing my cell phone number with the entire internet).
 Note that the Toddler Toes come with the L and R on them, to help your child to learn to tell which shoe goes on which foot.  Genius!  They were easy to apply in the shoes, and you can even wash them and they won't lose their grip.  How great would these be for situations like daycare or preschool - so teachers know exactly which shoes belong with your child?  Cort and Reid were really excited to see the new stickers in their shoes - they ooh'd and ahh'd over them for quite a while! 
So would you love to win some Toddler Toes?  Even if you don't have children, they'd make an excellent original gift for a mom friend!  To enter, you must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the US or Canada.  Winner will be chosen by on 7/26/11 at noon.  Winner has 48 hours to respond. 
  • To enter just leave a comment telling me who you would use your labels for if you win.  Please make sure to leave your email address if it is not visible in your profile.  
  • For an additional entry, follow @myloveablelabels and @varunner7 on twitter (leave another comment letting me know you've done so).
  • For an additional entry, mention this giveaway on your blog and leave me the link in another comment letting me know you've done so.
Thanks for entering! Good luck!
Disclosure:  One set of Toddler Toes were provided to me free for the purposes of this review, but all the opinions expressed above are my own. 


  1. I love these labels! I would use them in my Toddler's shoes too!

  2. I thought chairs without cushions and feet without shoes were the in thing now. They are big here in South Carolina.

  3. Hi Lisa - I linked up to your giveaway on my blog!

  4. I have a freshly turned 2 year old girl who needs these labels and I would use them with my 3 year old. The 2 yo is the one who always has her shoes off in public places like your twins! I'll tweet you also. :) Happy Wednesday!

  5. These are brilliant! I love the boys sitting in the chair...priceless!

  6. Love this idea, Lisa. Wish they had them back in my days as a new mommy! :)

  7. I love these!! Mad is always taking off her shoes or losing them. she'll be starting preK this year, and they would be very handy for that!!

  8. I only had one shoe-tosser at a time--I cannot imagine TWO! Usually I gave up and let them be barefoot, scoundrels!

  9. Those darling little boys! Gotta love them. Hope you find your chair cushion. Carol

  10. Wow, who has time to come up with this stuff?!?! I think I would use them for my son. He is hopefully close to putting his own shoes on and this would be a great help to get them on the right feet!

    Your previous post of the house pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Its always fun to see other people's spaces!

  11. What a great idea! I could definitely put them to good use, as Livie is going to start Kindergarten in August!

  12. I would use them for my boys :). Great giveaway :)

  13. I have no blog but I enjoy reading about your kids. I have 2 great grand kids. Trying to teach L & R is not easy. I am sure these would help. Jean Tatum @

  14. I would love to win these. I would use them in my little boys shoes.

  15. How cute! I love labels as well, and this looks like a very cool website. I label all my perishable foods with the date when I open them. I will not be drinking sour milk! Don't think I'll enter this drawing, because our girls are too old now, and this will give the toddler moms more of a chance to win!

  16. No Toddler Toes are needed here, thanks!!!! BUT--I just loved seeing the picture of those precious little guys sitting so innocently in that big chair.... CUTE!!!!

  17. Hi Lisa,

    What cute boys you have. Adorable! The pictures look amazing! Thank you for posting your review on our Toddler Toes. Can't wait to see who wins!

  18. I'd either use them for my kiddo for when she starts school, otherwise I will pass them along to a friend for her smaller lil one. :)

  19. Such a cute and good idea. Can't tell you how many shoes my boys lost!

  20. First of all, can those two get any cuter! Deaglan also loves taking off his shoes and doesn't let us know until well after we have left the spot. These labels are adorable!

  21. how very cute! I would definitely use those with my boys!

  22. I know a little girl who always loses her shoes. They would be perfect for her!

  23. My son could really use these for school! he would love his own little labels!

  24. I follow you and loveable labels on twitter! @mcmeldon

  25. Well, my grandson Ben would love these labels..and I'm sure Donna the girl that takes care of Ben daily would love them too. Cute Cute Cute.
    Have a Blessed Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  26. i like those! i would use them for me. hahahaha. just kidding. maybe. stop judging.

    you know i have two adorable girls. i'd use them for them. yay!

  27. Your boys are so cute1 I would definitely be using these for my 1 or 3-year-old little guys. My 1-year-old's shoes constantly fall off. My 3-year-old is constantly taking his shoes off!


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