Monday, August 29, 2011

Fajitas by Bear Muffin Tins on Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday!  Okay, first off, my wonderful but concerned commenters can stop worrying about Pierce having to eat school lunches!  I've been packing his lunches for him, until some time future date when he tells me it's uncool for mom to pack your lunch and begs me to eat highly processed cafeteria food.  So until further notice, Pierce is still getting homemade lunches - they may not be quite as creative as some of the muffin tins I've done but they are certainly tasty and made with love.  Secondly, the twins will be getting their very first muffin tins next week, so be sure to check back for that.

So here is what Pierce had for dinner one night -
 Corn, sliced tomatoes (fresh from the garden), fajita steak, and black beans and rice.  Pierce ate everything but the rice - guess he just wasn't feeling it this day.

And here is the grown up version of that meal (which included a healthy dose of my homemade salsa on the salad) -
Mom ate everything.  Including the rice.  Yum.

For more fun muffin tin ideas, head to Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. Both versions look mighty good! :)

  2. My mouth is now watering for that salad! Yummy!

  3. What time did you say dinner was? Yum.

  4. That really looks yummy!! We will have to try that one of these days :)

  5. I haven't had breakfast yet and that made my stomach growl!

  6. Thats pretty smart of you to do in getting a child to try grown-up food. Richard from Amish Stories.

  7. Does that ever look good! I just love your muffin tin meals you do :O). If those are not the cutest thing! Hope you have two of every muffin tin just a like LOL.

  8. Yummo!!

    Hahaha, I was also wondering if you were sending Pierce's lunch with him! If I were Pierce, I'd definitely want a taste of home at lunchtime. :)

  9. I like both versions of that meal. Delicious!!!

  10. What a cute meal...Glad everyone ate well.. I'm sure that I would also... When a meal looks appetizing (like yours), it usually tastes better. Thanks for sharing.


  11. Mighty tasty lookin'! I think i'll be a kopy kat and make this for my lunch. LOL. Hugs!

  12. Ooh, that looks so incredibly yummy!

  13. That grown-up version looks so tasty! I used to make my daughter's lunches, but I've gotten lazy so she is stuck with school lunch right now.

  14. Mmm that looks fabulous! That's great you are able to pack him lunches. I'd go as long as you can :)

  15. Oh, I love the muffin tins! What a great idea. I'm going to have to get me some of those for my grand daughter. grin

  16. Amy had school lunch-once:) That was enough for her!

    I always made her lunch, and now she makes her own.

    She even has some money left over from grade school in her lunch account at school. I think I gave her something like 5 dollars to put into the account when she was in the first grade. It's been forwarded to middle school, and then to high school. I'm guessing it will stay there until she graduates:) (Hopefully we'll get a refund!)

  17. Love your version, Lisa! Yummy!

  18. Can I have one of those? Any version is fine by me:)

  19. Mmm! Looks yummy!

  20. I'd have eaten the Mommy version too!...:)JP

  21. Oh yum...that looks like something my boys would LOVE!!!

  22. The grown up version looks fantastic!

  23. I packed Dustins lunch until this year when he started middle school. Now he packs his own. The school lunches are not usually the best option.

  24. I'm not hungry and this looks delicious!

  25. I LOVE the grown up version!!!!

    haha i think it is great that he still eats your muffin tins!

    I hope you had a great weekend...

  26. That looks incredibly yummy!!!

  27. The muffin tins are great. I know how my girls always hated their food to "touch". We ate off of divided plates for years and years. haha

  28. Those little bear cups are just the cutest! I'm sure they make it fun for Pierce to enjoy his dinner in! Can't wait to see what you serve up for the twins!

  29. Ooo... I want the grown-up version! :-)

  30. I'm so oblivious I almost had to ASK what the steak was. Duh. Whoops. Almost had this for dinner tonight w/tortillas but hubby worked late so we'll have it tomorrow. :) Chicken for me, tho!

  31. This is adorable!! Makes eating dinner a lot more fun I bet :)


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