Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hiking to the Cascades Waterfall

To celebrate our 15 year wedding anniversary, we decided to go hike the Cascades, which we hadn't done in years.  The Cascades is located in Jefferson National Forest, close to Pembroke, Virginia.  There is a $3 fee to park your car. 

Getting read to head out.  Reid was excited.  Kid loves hiking.

There are many bridges and stone staircases along the lower trail.  It's 2 miles to the falls.  The vegetation is so dense that all the pics look like they're taken at night, and I had to lighten them up significantly.

It's a fairly easy hike, though, nothing steep.

Take Memories.  Leave Only Footprints.

Doesn't it look like night?  And I lightened this up quite a bit!

Back in the 1920s, this area was logged, and a temporary sawmill was established.  This is the old boiler, which provided energy to the sawmill.  It needed horses and track to move, which is perhaps why it got left behind when the sawmill moved out.

Paul, loaded up.  I wore Cort in the backpack.  Pierce pretty much hiked the whole thing on his own.

The trail meanders right next to the river.  There are numerous swim holes along the way.

Reid, totally in his element.  He ran half the hike.  Skinned both knees, but got up and kept going - he always wanted to be in the lead.

And finally, after a great deal of playing Diego and Baby Jaguar on the way to rescue baby marmosets at the waterfall, we arrive!

Cort and Reid shamelessly shed their clothes (except diapers) and jumped into the frigid water.  Refreshing, after the long hike.

The falls were a little crowded, but still, such a stunning view!

We hiked our 2 miles back to the car on the upper trail, which is smoother and faster traveling (but not as pretty) and had a perfect ending to the day by heading to The Homeplace, one of our favorite homestyle restaurants, for dinner.  Pierce looking out over the pond as we waited for our table to be ready.
Short of a trip to an exotic locale, such as Peru, I can't really think of any way I would've rather spent my 15th wedding anniversary.  It was perfect!


  1. it does sound perfect -- isn't it nice your boys are getting old enough/big enough to go on these sorts of adventures with you two! beautiful scenery, how were the bugs?

  2. What a great hike! I agree - I think that was a perfect way to spend your anniversary!

  3. Darkest Peru looks like a wonderful place hike!

  4. sounds like a great time for all...

  5. It sure does look like night. What a beautiful place to be. Glad you all had a nice day!

  6. Sounds like a great way to spend your anniversary! What an amazing hike!

    Looks/sounds like the boys had a great time too.

  7. Congratulations on your 15th anniversary and i love those kind of tours. Id like to tour a coal mine or cave in my home state of Pennsylvania sometime. Richard from Amish Stories.

  8. Peru? Can't you see how that river resembles the Amazon? Why, to me, it had Peru/Amazon written all over it! Remember, the adventures live in your mind...:)JP

  9. Happy Anniversary! You certainly did find a perfect way to celebrate!

  10. The falls are gorgeous. Totally worth the 2-mile hike to get to them!

  11. Oh what a neat place, Lisa. I love that types of hikes. And the Cascades are awesome.... Sounds like you had a fabulous anniversary.

  12. Lisa
    What a beautiful place to celebrate your anniversary. And so nice the whole family enjoyed it.
    Oh, I bet those little guys legs ached at bedtime! Heck, I bet everyone was worn out!
    But what a Diego like adventure!

  13. Happy Anniversary and what a great day! Love the pic of the twins sitting in the water...

  14. I love the pictures, especially Cort and Reid by the waterfall, that one needs framed!! Did you really see marmosets, or just a pretend game of Diego? LOVE your muffin tin end of summer extravaganza below!!! Those muffin cups and glasses with feet are adorable!!

  15. The 'view' was indeed beautiful! And I liked -
    Take Memories. Leave Only Footprints!

  16. I would love to go hiking, but I am terrified of bugs, so that doesn't really work very well ...

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  17. It looked like the perfect way to celebrate your anniversary. Your boys are growing fast and you are making wonderful memories. Carol

  18. What a great way to spend your anniversary. With the ones you love the most.

    You got some beautiful pictures!

  19. Looks lovely! What good boys to hike so far!

  20. Love these pictures. Your boys are going to be so lucky to have these memories of such incredible fun. Love it all!

  21. Happy Anniversary, Lisa and Paul!

  22. You are so brave to do this without backpacks. Great way to share your anniversary.

  23. Nice to see that the boys enjoyed the hike so much.

  24. Great pics! My two boys would have loved this, looks like you guys had a great time!

  25. looks like everyone had a wonderful time! and happy anniversary!

  26. Great anniversary! I've never been on a hike that was so dark, but I'd love to go on one like that. And I love the photos of your diaper clad boys playing in the water. They look like the best buddies. :)

  27. It looks great.. And how cute are they in their diapers :)

  28. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful day. I love that you expose your kids to nature and hiking. Too bad more parents don't do that.

  29. It's beautiful, and like a proper mama, you took more photos of your men than the falls :)

  30. Beautiful scenery! It's so great that boys all love to be outside and to hike. Great memories for them!

  31. That sounds like a wonderful hike! The waterfall is beautiful!


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