Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mississippi Mud Cake Recipe

My mom used to make this cake all the time when I was little.  It is the most delicate, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cake ever.  I asked her where the recipe came from, and she has been making it so long she couldn't remember.  She thinks my aunt, Pam, may have given it to her, but she's not sure.  At any rate, this recipe is obviously a keeper, because I make it several times a year myself.  And it never sticks around for long!

2 cups plain flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. cocoa
2 beaten eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup buttermilk (milk w/ vinegar okay substitute)
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. almond extract
2 sticks margarine (butter okay substitute)
1 cup water

Sift flour, sugar, salt (do not skip the sifting step with this cake - it will end up lumpy and gross if you don't do it).  Bring margarine, water, and cocoa to a boil (should be a pretty decent boil).  Pour over flour mixture.  Mix eggs, soda, buttermilk, and extracts.  Pour into other mixture and stir well.  Pour into greased 9x13 inch pan and bake at 350* for 35 minutes.  Frost cake immediately:
1/2 stick margarine (butter okay substitute)
1/2 box powdered sugar
2 tbsp. cocoa
3 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix margarine, cocoa, and milk.  Heat but don't boil until margarine melts and mixture is well blended.  Add sugar and vanilla and pour over cake. 


  1. I've always heard about this cake, but I've never made it. And I can't say that I've ever eaten it. Just may have to try it! It wouldn't last long at our house either!

  2. As I sit here waiting for my oatmeal to cook I keep thinking this would be a much better breakfast,lol!

  3. I haven't made this in forever..soooo good!!!

  4. Looks soooo good! I'm a sucker for a chocolate cake :)

  5. yummmmmmmm.....

    so not fair that I am hungry after a run (ish) when I see this and those pictures.....



  6. That wouldn't last long at my house either! YUM!!

  7. This really looks wonderful!

  8. Up another waist size for

    I'll have to start running my ass off!

  9. YUMMMMY...I'm making this one! Surprised?...:)JP

  10. This looks great and I can't wait to try it, but I have read it twice and don't see the sitting part...? I don't want to ruin it!

  11. I could go for a piece right now. Looks wonderful, Lisa. :)

  12. I think they used to make that at school for lunch. They don't make anything good like that anymore though. The cooks don't want to cook so everything is prepared and ready to serve!

  13. I could go for a slice of that right now. And a big glass of milk :)

  14. Looks and sounds delicious, Lisa.... YUM..

  15. YUM-I haven't had one of those in ages-but I want one now : )

  16. Oh, that looks divine! I LOVE chocolate. I think I could eat that for breakfast this morning. :)

  17. I am not a big chocolate fan, but that looks really good. Looks very moist and almost brownie like to me.

  18. Oh My! I am drooling all over the keyboard on this one.

  19. Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe! It really melts in your mouth and it goes great with some vanilla ice-cream and some fresh fruits form the garden!


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