Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No Terrible 2s here, the Birthday Events

 The twins turned two this week.  We just do small birthday celebrations, but we always pick out a fun cake.  Now the twins like Elmo, so we went to pick out an Elmo cake.  A certain older brother had other ideas, though.  You can see who won that debate - I figured it was one of those things not worth fighting, since the twins don't truly understand yet.  And it was a cute cake!

Pierce also picked out a gift for each twin.  He picked out Melissa and Doug toys.  A truck that carries cars for Reid and a birthday cake set for Cort.  The twins really loved these.

We invited family to come eat Elmo Diego cake and have some burgers.  Cousin Grady came and Cort and Reid took him out to show him our baby chicks (post coming soon!).

The cake was a hit!

Cousin Grady enjoyed it too.

Reid enjoying cake with Great Aunt Pam and Great Uncle George in the background.  The boys hadn't seen them since Christmas and they were thrilled to have them come for a visit.  Pierce in particular really enjoyed spending time with them.

For the twins' actual birthday I took them downtown to ride the trolley.
Waiting for the trolley -

It's about a 20 minute ride (and free!) and the boys just loved it.
After it was time to head home, I was subjected to a great deal of whining, particularly from Reid, who kept saying "TRUCK!  RIDE ON TRUCK!" the whole way home.  Going to have to work on learning to say trolley!

It was a fun birthday - and the twins are now my favorite age - 2!  No lie, I love the terrific 2s!


Nancy said...

Awww, what a cute pair they are. Love that their big brother likes to help with the cake and presents. :)

Gone Country said...

Sounds like the boys had a great birthday! Enjoy the terrific 2's!

Anonymous said...

I loved two too. Pierce chose a really cute cake and presents for his brothers. The trolley looks like so much fun.

Jen said...

Happy Birthday! &
Happy 2's- :) :)

Dianna said...

Looks like a special birthday celebration. We always did simple parties for my son's birthday too.
I can imagine how much fun that trolley ride was!

And free?? How could you go wrong?

Sandy said...

Chicks! Looking forward to more pics of them. Looks like the twins had a good birthday.

Karen said...

THe cake is my favorite part of a birthday celebration,this one is cute!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, happy birthday to your two twos!!! so cute!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Happy Birthday, boys! :) Big brother Pierce picked out a fun (and tasty looking) cake!

Samantha said...

Looks like a great day for all the boys!

Tanya Breese said...

oh they are just adorable!! happy birthday!! enjoy, it goes so fast, my babies are 9 :/ i miss those 2's!

Tina L. Hook said...

I think Elmo has had his fair share of attention. Good on Diego.

Jill said...

Happy birthday to your adorable twins! Pierce did a great job helping with the celebration. The trolley ride looks like a lot of fun.

Crow said...

Awe, happy birthday. Two was never terrible in my house either. Just a whole-lotta joy, mixed in qith a tiny bit of patience. Good job Mommy. :-)

Misty said...

Fun! Lovely... and isn't cake always a hit??? Now I want some cake! yum...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Two IS adorable!!! They say and do the cutest things! I knew that was a Diego cake when I first saw it. Dora and Diego are very big in our house, we have lots of Dora, even the talking backpack. Looks like everyone had such fun, but the most fun for the boys was the trolley ride! Remember Mr. Rodgers and the trolley?

LindaFaye said...

Looks like a great birthday. :)

camp and cottage living said...

Happy Birthday to Cort and Reid!
I think that was a really wise decision to let Pierce chose the cake. He did agreat job choosing it and the gifts.
Looks like it was a sucess all around!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The 2's are fun and exhausting both but so cute!

Mary said...

I think the cake is geat! We like to do small birthdays too.

Happy Birthday to the twins! :)

trump said...

I wish i was 2 again, it goes so fast. Richard

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I know it's all about Cort & Reid, but I just have to say that Pierce looks more and more like Paul (or should I say Diego?) every time I see a new picture!...:)JP

Myya said...

What a great Birthday they had!!! I love that big brother picked something out for each one. I let my girls do that too. Definitely great to teach them about giving.

Your baby chicks are oooohhh soooo cute!

Valerie Boersma said...

Cute cake and fun day! I enjoyed Amy as a 2 year old too-there was nothing terrible about it with her either:)

Michelle said...

Happy birthday to your sweet boys.

Chatty Crone said...

Well you are very blessed with two that they are so terrific!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Such adorable pictures.. Do you have a little 'southpaw'??? Looks like one of the twins is eating with his left hand...

My first hubby and I BOTH are left-handed---but NONE of our sons are left-handed...

What a cute thing to do with the boys---ride the trolley... Love it!!!! Happy Birthday again to them...

Dawn said...

:) Oh I miss young kiddos parties.....I REALLY miss all that cake and icing I had to clean off the walls too;)

Angela said...

Your boys are just all too cute! Looks like they had a great time riding the trolley and having cake with family. I liked the 2's too with both my kids. I think it was the 3's that were the worst for mine! lol

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I think I would like Pierce to come plan my next birthday! I love the picture of the two cookie monsters eating cake. And, I love the terrific twos also.

Marina said...

What a lovely cake! :) Can I have a bite? :)

Jen said...

I love the 2's too!! I also love those Cookie Monster shirts, my boys have Elmo ones. Looks like you all had a great celebration :)

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Happy Birthday to the two little Leos. The trolley is such a fun idea and free is great too.

Sally said...

So, so cute! All of the boys. :)

The two's are wonderful, and go by way too fast.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

They are so cute! Happy Birthday, boys!