Friday, August 5, 2011

Red and Yellow together do not make more Red.

I was kind of surprised that even though we've read this book many times, even though Pierce has known his colors for years, he still doesn't seem to get the whole mixing colors thing.  So we decided to do a special focus on White Rabbit's Color Book, by Alan Baker.
In the book, white Rabbit jumps into different colors of paint, and as the colors mix Rabbit turns into green, purple, orange and brown.

First, we put our duck tape to good use making a bookmark: 

Then, we mixed colors ourselves to see what would happen. 

What do you know.
We got the same results as white Rabbit. 

Then we made no bake craft clay (from The Preschooler's Busy Book):
1 cup cornstarch
1 1/2 cups cold water
2 cups baking soda
Mix in saucepan over medium heat 4 minutes or until it looks exactly like mashed potatoes.  Turn out and cover with damp cloth until cool. 

Pierce kneaded the clay and then cut out some white rabbits.
I think I may have a cookie cutter addiction issue.  And I even already gave a bunch away to my sister-in-law.

We let the rabbits Pierce cut dry overnight. 

Then we painted them colors, and I made felt pouches to represent the paint cans. 
Pierce is able to dip the rabbits in and out of the pouches to get the different colors of Rabbit. 
An intensive project, but Pierce really loved working with the clay.  We had plenty left over, and it can be stored in an airtight container.

This post is linked with:

Shibley Smiles


Marina said...

Wooow, so much cookie cutters!! I love them. Unfortunately, here in my country you can't buy many different kinds..

trump said...

Looks like good clean fun Lisa. Richard

Anonymous said...

I love the pouches and the rabbits. The book is cute too. You really know how to have fun!

This post counts as an entry in the Summer Reading Challenge.

Michaele said...

Awesome! Your house is so fun!!

Jen said...

I never seen this book! Cute extensions.

Creative and Curious Kids!

Weekend Cowgirl said...

What a great activity! I am going to do this and thanks for the idea!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

You do so many fun activities with your boys! Looks like Pierce had a lot of fun with this one!

MissMOE said...

What a great little unit study. And that was one of our favorite books when my kids were younger! Thanks for bringing back such great memories.

Texan said...

What a great project! I will have to remember this book next time I need a baby gift.

Valerie Boersma said...

I remember helping Amy learn her colors (now I guess with learning to drive she really just needs to know red and green LOL!)

These projects look like they were fun as well as educational. And I think I have that exact same rabbit cookie cutter!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yall worked hard to get those cute rabbits but I can see that he had fun! Worth it....

Sandy said...

He is just adorable. That smile of his always puts a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

Can I come over to play? This looks like so much fun.
(I share your cutter addiction.)

Tiggeriffic said...

My daughter bought Ben some Color Bath Dropz from Walmart.. they are fragrance free water-coloring tablets. They are all the primary colors and drop them into the tub filled with water combine colors to create cool, new seccondary colors.. They don't stain the skin and Ben just loves them.
When my kids were little (a long time ago) I would make this for them.. Oh such fun they had with rolling it out and cutting with cookie cutters.
Have a Tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

TexWisGirl said...

making messes. a perfect little boy day!

Samantha said...

I hope you realize I'm going to be playing with clay when Michael comes home from work. I'm blaming you!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

So fun! I've made play dough, but never homemade clay. I'll have to try it out. I'm probably too lazy to make the pouches, but I love the idea.

Unknown said...

This is such a fabulous idea! We've never read this story and it looks like so much fun! I just wrote down the book so I can check it out at the library. Thanks for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

What a good idea to reinforce the concept of mixing colours. I think I'll try this with JBird.

Mary said...

What fun projets! That's great that you went a step further by doing something hands on to help him understand. I may have to look for that book for Hailey.

Oh and I love your huge collection of cookie cutters! :)

Have a great weekend

Angela said...

Can I send my kids to your house to play? They would have more fun there than here right now! lol You are doing all the cool stuff and I'm trying to get mine to clean up their messes in the living room. Legos are everywhere. School supplies are all over my dining room table right now too.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

We love Alan Baker books but haven't read that one. Great project with rabbits. Intense, as you said, but fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really fun project. You do such fun things with your children. Carol

April said...

I also love cookie cutters!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

FUN!!!! aaaah...i remember those long as the color mixing stays on the paper...or at least where it can be cleaned up from! :)

now my 2 boys their late 20's...thanks for the memories!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

What a fabulous idea to help teach the mixing of colors, I love it!! Oh and that is A LOT of cookie cutters :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a very cool project, and I love the dough, because it's made from safe stuff! I may make it with the girls! Do you store it out of the fridge, and how long will it keep? It seems like Pierce has a blast with you all the time!!

blueviolet said...

I really love that book, and I love your project too. It might have taken a while, but it was so great!!!

Nancy said...

This is a wonderful project, Lisa. I'm sure Pierce will now remember these color combinations. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a great way to learn colors! Good work, Baby Girl, again!!!!...:)JP

Sally said...

I always enjoy hearing/seeing what you're doing with the boys. Pierce looks like he's having so much fun! :)

Jen said...

Very cool craft!! I think I'll have to try the clay thing. My kids would love it :)

Helene said...

We borrowed that book from the library awhile ago and the kids loved it! I never thought to do a craft along with it to help cement the idea of mixing are one creative Mom!!!! I may borrow that clay idea!

Chatty Crone said...

That was priceless Lisa.

Jeremi said...

that's a cute book and fun activity!

we also put milk in a clear pitcher and add a little food color -- of course red turns out pink so we talk about how the color white always will make a color lighter -- and when we wanted orange we talked about what two colors we would need ..... it was fun, if you're not concerned about your kids digesting some food color : )

Anonymous said...

Awe how fun:)