Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Science Museum and Amazement Square

With the temps being so hot lately, we've been looking for fun indoor activities.  We decided to get a family pass for the Science Museum as part of the twins' second birthday gift.  They have moved locations because they're under renovation, so I didn't think it was nearly as fun as the old museum, but my boys had such a great time and didn't even seem to notice.

This ball is full of sort of soapy water, and has whirlpools when you spin it fast enough.

I used up all my pennies and still they begged for more...

Little musicians

Future Partridge Family?

 This is one of those pin tables, where you can press your hands underneath into the pins to look at the pictures you make. 

Pierce loved this - he called it a record player.  You can switch out the disks and spin them to see what happens to the colors and patterns.  It was his favorite thing.

Rainbow glasses - put them on and you see rainbows everywhere.

What museum isn't complete without a HUGE talking mouth?
If they don't make the cut for the future Partridge Family, they'll totally be dentists, I just know it.

My 3 boys, taking over all the little booths.  I really DO need eyes in the back of my head!

We also recently met up with my sister-in-law and the boys' cousin, Grady, at Amazement Square, a really fun children's museum in Lynchburg, VA.  You can learn more about Grady at Frogs and Snails and Hokie Bird Tails.
It's such a big place and the boys were all over, so I was mostly focused on them and didn't take many pictures.  They had a great time, though, as you can see:

Sharing this picture sampler of some of our summer adventures over at Things I Can't Say - you could join in too!


  1. Well, since I didn't see the old museum, this looks pretty darn wonderful to me! I always liked that electricity globe thing you showed in the first photo!

    I had to laugh about the penny funnel, because my kids were nuts about that too!

  2. Kids, especially boys, seem to love those science displays. Love the soapy swirler!! :)

  3. Both museums look like fun! My nephews loved Amazement Square!

  4. That looks so fun for the boys!

  5. I just love the wonder and excitement in the eyes of children exploring and learning. Great job!

  6. Never, never can go wrong with museums!!!

  7. How about a simple combo...they can become the three Musical Dentists?..Once their patients go under, they can play their instruments...:)JP

  8. that looks like fun. i wish we had something like that here. except for the mouth. i'm okay with out that.

  9. Personally, I found the mouth to be a bit gross....but kids, hey, they don't think that way. Loved the last picture of Pierce with that great smile of his.

  10. Oh, what fun! I need to see if I can squeeze in a museum trip with my boys before school starts!

  11. Great pictures, I love the boys gathered around the big mouth!! How far are you from Lynchburg? We are about an hour and ten minutes, I think. Do you know where Piney River is? From where I am, it is on the way to Lynchburg. Well, anyway, the Saunders Brothers Nursery and Farm Market are having a big exhibition of antique farm equipment, they even have an old street sweeper from the 1800's. They also have local ice cream, pies, you can pick your own fruit. It is for the next week or two, I believe. Here is their website:
    click on the Farm Market picture, then at the top, run the mouse over "Market", and hit "Event Schedule" on the drop down.
    The website isn't the easiest to navigate, so here is their number:
    434 277-5455

  12. Oh the exploring! Seriously so much fun!

    And that last picture is priceless!

  13. Love all the pictures! Looks like they had a great time!

  14. It looks like the three musketeers
    had a great time! Children have such auninhibited gift of wonder-I love it. I wish we all could look at the world through their eyes.
    Partridge family? Wasn't there a girl in that family band? You'd better get busy!!

  15. What awesome pics! I would be chasing kids all over but my kids are dying to go to a museum. We don't live near one on the prairie but may need to plan a road trip!

  16. You are such a great mom!! What a great idea and such a fun place to spend the day out of the Summer heat!

  17. What a blast that would be. I can't believe the twins were into it too. Again, we have NOTHING like that around here. Our children's museum is mediocre but not really set up well.

    Thank you so much Lisa for taking the time to comment on my post at Yummy Mummy!

  18. You live near Roanoke Virginia? How far do you have to travel to do all this - you have the greatest things there - the kids are exposed to so many wonderful places.

  19. This looks like a blast!! Great pictures :)

  20. How neat, Lisa.... I'm showing a picture of my three sons in tomorrow's blog. Enjoy those little guys now --because they do grow up very fast.

    That Science Museum is a great place to go back to over and over..... Kids love it!!!

    GREAT pictures.... Made me smile.

  21. What fun!!! Looks like they had a blast!

    Love all the pics.

  22. That place looks awesome! It reminds me of our Chilren's Museum a little. I also could use eyes in the back of my head. :)

  23. Sounds like a great time! Kids can really make so much fun out of anything huh. My kids always drain me of all my coins when we see one of those spin things too.

    Ohhh & LOOOOVE the Mr shirts that the boys are wearing in the last pic! I totally remember those books from when I was little.

  24. I went to Science museum when I was in Lodnon and I love it there. It's mainly for kids, but I still love it :) Science museums are fun!


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