Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank You Rolling Stones for this Life Lesson

The other day the boys and I ran into the craft store A.C. Moore to pick up some velcro to make reusable sandwich bags (yes, the same velcro I later lost).  Pierce is well-versed in the concept that we do not buy toys every time (or even every 3rd or 4th time) we go into a store.  In fact, we rarely buy toys at all.  However, the last time we went to A.C. Moore, I let him and his brothers pick out a $1 craft as part of our Summer Bucket List.  So maybe Pierce was expecting something as a result.

I gave him my usual talk.  About having so many toys at home, and about toys costing money and trying to be careful with the money we spend.  Usually this works just fine.  But this time Pierce continued to question, "But why?"

I paused for a moment.  And listened.  And then I said, "Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"That song."
"What song?"
"The song, coming over the speakers."

Pierce paused and listened to the background music.
"What's it saying?"
"They're singing You Can't Always Get What You Want which means that they're telling you that you can't get a toy this time"
Pierce listened to the Rolling Stones a minute more.  And he didn't say anything else about getting a toy.
Thank you, Rolling Stones, for this teaching moment.  I hope that stores across the land will play your song every time I enter their doors.  I promise, I will never grow tired of the lyrics.
Picture from Google


jp@A Green Ridge said...

A coincidence or was it? Perhaps you were simply getting a little extra help...:)JP

Anonymous said...

What perfect timing! JDaniel has just discovered that you can get Matchbox cars at BILO. I think I am going to be hearing about them for awhile.

Jill said...

Wow! Nice to have some back up at just the right time. :)

Eat To Live said...

Hahahahaha..... Right time, right place.
I love the Rolling Stones!!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

funny and timely...great combination!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, this is PRICELESS!!! :)

Melodie said...

Perfect timing! So funny!

Samantha said...

You'll have to keep that song handy..maybe make it your cell ringtone! ;)

Unknown said...

Lol awesome!

Anonymous said...

WE need to make that our family's theme song!

Valerie Boersma said...

Talk about perfect timing! That IS priceless! I love it!

My Mad World said...

What great timing that was. Perfect song, I need to play that for Maddie. I have thought of it before when she is always asking for stuff but now maybe I need to hunt down my CD and play it for her! lol

Sally said...

LOL - so cute! Now, I have to catch up on the lunch bags. Have a wonderful day!

Misty said...

wow... if that isn't great timing than what is... Perhaps make him a playlist and include Satisfaction :)

Karen said...

It's one of my all time favorites.. and ain't it the truth.

Ann Jones said...

Too funny! My husband has played that song when my oldest gets a case of the "gimme toys" :)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

That's awesome!!! I may have to make a request the next time I go to the store. Though I doubt the store would want people to follow that advice. :)

QB @ Tales from Domestic Obscurity said... funny. My husband used to tease me about that and once burned me a CD (back in the days of doing that) and that was the last song on the CD :). I still laugh every time I listen to it.

camp and cottage living said...

Now that was definitely timely! And it worked! If only parenting was that easy all the time.
This story should be entered in the Readers Digest "just for laughs" or whatever their funny story section is. Or Womens World.
I love hearing about your boys sweet antics.

Michaele said...

I could stand to hear this song in the mall once in awhile. Good for you. I always cave.

Chris said...

And never get on another person's cloud!

Nancy said...

Now, did you ever think when you were listening to this song as a teen, you would use it as a learning tool for your son? Bet not! The Stones are timeless. :)

Kim said...

Hysterical! I struggle with the same issue with Deaglan. Lately I've been trying to explain to him that we just have the money to buy something everytime we go out and he just looked at us and said: But you have lots of money. Sheesh!

Alicia@ eco frindly homemaking said...

This is such a cute post!! I agree good for you for not caving!! Sometimes it is so easy to do!

Chatty Crone said...

I remember that song exactly!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Perfect song to teach your son a good lesson. How 'bout that???? Love it!!!!

Jeremi said...

LOVE it!!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

We cannot always get what we want! Teaching moment for us all and our toys at whatever age....

Jen said...

Haha! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

This is so funny. Isn't it fun being a mom! Carol