Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tomato Pie Recipe

I've had a few people asking for my tomato pie recipe - it is the perfect way to use up garden tomatoes and makes for a very savory dinner dish.  It's one of those recipes I just made up, but I did make some notes so I could pass it along if it turned out well.  I doubled the recipe to make two, with the intentions of freezing one, except we got greedy and ate it.  So apparently I'll need to make more if I want any for the freezer this winter!
1 9 inch deep dish pie crust (or make your own - I went the lazy route this time around)
1 small onion, chopped
3-4 tomatoes, roughly chopped, and left in a bowl to drain a bit
1 large egg
1/2 tbsp. parsley
1 tbsp. flour (I used seasoned flour, but that's not required)
1 tsp. adobo seasoning (if you don't have this use a mixture of garlic salt, pepper, and oregano)
3/4 cup sour cream
2 cups grated mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 350*.  If you use a frozen pie shell like me, bake it in the oven about 8 minutes.  Sprinkle bottom of pie shell with chopped onion.  Top with chopped tomatoes (drained as much as possible).  In medium bowl, mix egg, parsley, flour, adobo seasoning, sour cream and cheese.  Spread over the tomatoes.  Bake in oven until browned and bubbly, about 50 minutes. 

Serves 6.

This recipe is linked with Sabroso Saturday at Latina on a Mission and with Fabulous Food Friday on Recipe Lion. 


  1. I have never heard of Tomato Pie but it sounds really good to me. I would probably peel my tomatoes because our skins are tough this year for some reason.

  2. We would have had to eat both too.

  3. This looks really good. I would likely eat the whole thing myself.

  4. I have never eaten tomato pie! It looks yummy!

  5. Awesome way to use up tomatoes! Thanks!

  6. Mmmm, thank you for great recipe :)

  7. That sounds yummy! I will have to try this someday!

  8. I remember you told me you liked to cook (you left a comment on my blog, remember?). I had no idea you did that so well :)
    I love tasty food, like everybody else - I just need to spend more time in the kitchen, I guess...


  9. I've been planning to make tomato pie--we ALMOST have enough tomatoes. I'll have to try out your recipe--yum!

  10. Another one I am going to try - thanks. sandie

  11. This is beautiful, and how different! It seems that it would be very filling, too. It is so good to have some meatless meals during the week.

  12. Lisa
    Can't wait to try this. I've got to get some more tomatos at the farmer's market first!

  13. I have had a ton of garden tomatoes this year! This recipe looks delicious! I made a tomato tart and pasta sauce with the ones I have used so far, I will definitely keep this recipe in mind for the rest of the tomatoes, thanks!

  14. You made this up Lisa? It looks amazing! I am going to make a couple of these too! :)

  15. I've got a recipe for a parm and basil I know what else to fill it with. YUM!

  16. You amaze me, Lisa. This looks so good!

    I've read through the posts I missed, and really admire you guys for taking the kids to wonderful places. :)

  17. Thank you Lisa! I don't have garden tomatoes. :( But I want to try this anyway. Maybe I can get some Farmer's Market tomatoes so it will taste more authentic.


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