Thursday, August 4, 2011

Touch a Truck at Green Hill Park

We've always heard good things about the Touch A Truck event at Green Hill Park, so this year I got the boys loaded up in the car and we headed over.  Pierce only complained about how long it took to get there forty times or so.  Fortunately for him, it turned out to be worth the torment of a 50 minute drive  slight wait.

You wouldn't believe how many trucks and vans and buses and boats and planes they had for kids to climb on.  Unreal!  You could stay all day and not hit them all.

We started with buses.
 Pierce was excited to check out the inside of the school bus.

Then we progressed to trucks, of which there were so many!

Honking horns.  The entire place was fueled by the repeated screaming of truck horns as far as the ear could hear.  Just imagine hundreds of kids honking to their hearts content.  There you have it!

Course there was construction equipment too--

Armored vehicles...

More trucks - this horn almost knocked me over it was so loud!  Pierce had to honk it four times.

I won't even pretend to explain these, okay?

Belts hooked up to cranes for kids to swing on -

Seriously, though, how fun is that?

Then we stood in a really long line (in 96* heat) for this ride - she's pulling Pierce all the way back.

And he's off!

The landing...

I came prepared with towels so Pierce could jump in the fireman's foam pit with all the other crazy kids.
Only he didn't want to get in.  
I was surprised!  But he did agree to a picture in front of the foam - as long as he didn't have to touch it.

He did decide to go under the fireman's mist, but only briefly.
I guess he just didn't feel like getting messy this day.
It was a really fun event, and Pierce had a wonderful time.  Oh, and the entire thing is free!  How's that for a deal?  I'm sure we'll do it again, but I do hope next year will be cooler!


  1. Well that is just little boy heaven I am sure and little girl too if they like trucks! I would have liked that LOL... Fun day for sure for the little ones.

  2. How fun! Did he feel like Diego, swinging on those belts?

  3. I can see fun after the slight wait! Pierce is so cute!

  4. this is what heaven looks like for a little boy (or three!) how cool is this event?!

  5. What a great idea! Sounds like a perfect place to be a kid and have some fun! I'm so glad Pierce enjoyed himself (even though it was 96!)!

  6. What ADORABLE photos, Lisa!! He looks like he had a very fun time :) He's sucha cutie!

    Thanks for the photos, too!


  7. How fun sweet little Pierce had! Love it!

    I'm sure he'll be chomping at the bit to go again sans foam and mist. :)

  8. That looks like a lot of fun! I can't believe Pierce didn't want to jump in the foam! I would have been all over that as a kid. :-)

  9. Oh my this looks so fun!!! We keep meaning to make it to Touch A Truck, but the day always gets ahead of us when the time comes around!

  10. Ha that looks so fun! It looks like a boy's dream :)

    Have a greatay Lisa!

  11. I'm surprised hubby didn't go - that was a HEAVEN for boys! Did YOU have fun?

  12. I'm glad he got his time on stage and certainly looks as if he loved every minute of it!...:)JP

  13. How fun - this looks like a little boy's paradise!

  14. What a neat thing for kids, Lisa... I can just imagine Pierce's face when seeing all of that fun stuff to do..... Great idea --and FREE... Wow!

  15. Oh man, my son would loooooooooooooove that! How cool!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower!

  16. Wow, what a cool event!!! I have to say that I'm a little jealous, there are some of those trucks that I'm dying to see inside of!!! Glad Pierce had fun!!!

  17. My three and a half year old nephew would go wild!

    I don't blame Pierce...the foam looks daunting...

    I have a funny story about foam, too. When my sisters and I were little and attending church, one of the prayers we recited said something about the "wicked foe" but we thought it was wicked foam! We didn't know what wicked foam looked like-but we were scared of it:)

  18. Wow! What a cool event! Well, maybe not cool at 96 degrees. How bout, awesome event!

  19. Who says that you have to spend a lot of money to have some fun. Richard from Amish Stories.

  20. How cool! TJ & I owned a crane service for 11 years and he frequently would give the neighbor kids rides on the crane. Kids, especially boys, are fascinated with heavy equipment.

  21. What an AWESOME thing for little boys to do!!! Have you been to this before? I myself would actually like to try one of those crane rides! He looks like he's in heaven!

  22. That sounds like a little boy's dream field trip! That it is also free is an added bonus. My kids (especially the boys) would love that!

  23. Ahhh! That looks awesome! I am going to have to google to see if and when anything like that is in our area.

  24. I wish I had this to take my son to when he was younger. What a fantastic day for your boys!

  25. what a cool experience! we have nothing like that! my nephews would have loved it!

  26. What a great day for Pierce. He looks about to bust with excitement. :)

  27. I've never been to an event like that! How fun! My kids would love it. I think I'd have to pull my 1-year-old out of the foam :)

  28. What an AWESOME event for kids. My son would have been beside himself with joy at that age. Okay, he might still be at 16. LOL

  29. I'm beyond jealous that such a thing exists in your area. Deaglan would go bananas for this. What a great day!

  30. OH MY GOSH! My nephew would LOVE this!! How fun! And free? Crazy!

  31. My son at that age would have died to go to such an event. Looks awesome!

  32. What a great idea! It's so nice for a community to come together and do something like this for the kids. How cool that you took your son to this - he will remember this for years. Good job mom!

  33. What a fun thing for kids to do. I think Pierce's Grandpa Bob would have even liked this. Carol


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