Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Trail-A-Bike

Recently while I was killing time with the twins while Pierce was at one of his little camps, I made a great find at a thrift store.  It was one of those Trail-A-Bikes, which hook on to an adult's bike but allow the kid to ride around behind.  They run about $250+ brand new, but this one that I bought used was only $20 (and it was in great condition)!  Kids can ride a Trail-A-Bike even when they aren't able to ride a regular bike without training wheels.

Pierce has absolutely fallen in love with riding the Trail A Bike with Paul.  Every evening he begs to go for a bike ride.  And the other weekend, they did an 11 mile bike ride!

What an excellent activity for Pierce to do with his Dad!  I think it may be the best $20 I have ever spent! Aren't they cute?


Dianna said...

You've gotta love a thrift shop! You just never know what you'll find, and you seem to have found quite a bargain. Love the photos!

Kim said...

I'm seriously envious of your AWESOME find. I would love one of those but like you say, to buy regular price is a bit insane. Deaglan would love it too.

TexWisGirl said...

how awesome is that?! and for $20!!!

Jill said...

That's fantastic. Way to go, Mom!

Samantha said...

What a great find!
They look extremely sweet, cruising along together :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful find! They do look cute! I bet there are two others dying to try it.

Valerie Boersma said...

That is an amazing find, not only for what you got for your twenty dollars, but for what it represents in the happy memories Pierce will have about time spent with his daddy! That-as they say, is priceless:) And 11 miles-wow! Way to go Pierce!!

Sandy said...

I have never seen such a thing, but what a smokin' bargain!When the twins get old enough for this it will wear Paul out riding with both of them every night. You better be on the lookout for a another one.

Angela said...

That is so cool! We seen one of those the last time we were at Canaan. I had never seen one before then. That is really neat! Is it easy to drive? I'd be scared to do it myself but then again it has been years since I've rode a bike.

Have a Great Weekend!

Texan said...

I have never seen one of these! Would not have known what it was if I had seen it. How cool is that! What fun for both Dad and son. What a bargain you got!

Chatty Crone said...

I have never seen one - and $20 - a real bargain. They look cute.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, this is way cool!! I have never seen anything like it! And they are adorable! Maybe the best shopping find ever?

Mary said...

Wow what a cool bike! And what a great price. That looks like the perfect daddy son activity :)

Hope you're havin a great weekend!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

What an awesome find!!!

Nancy said...

Thrifts stores rock! What a great find at such a low price. I love it! :)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome find. I am never that

Jen said...

I have been seeing these things everywhere! They look really fun. And what a great price :)

Anonymous said...

What a great find! They look so cute together. Both of them are loving it I am sure. Carol

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a GREAT gizmo for Paul & Pierce to share...and you taking the pix of course!...:)JP

Chris said...

11 miles!

Takes after his MUM too.

Michaele said...

Now THAT'S a lucky find! Awesome!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I saw one of these in my neighborhood the other day. What a deal you got! And a great way to spend father/son time together. I know my kids would just love this.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

What a fabulous find and for only $20! You win the thrift store prize for the week, maybe the month. Love the photos and so glad your "boys" are having such a great time.

Jeremi said...

how awesome!! everything about it is great : )

The Carters said...

What a great find!!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Awww, cute!

Cyndy Bush said...

That is SO cute! What a great find! I love thrifting.

My Mad World said...

What an amazing find! You must have some killer thrift stores! lol
ours are pretty pathetic. lol