Thursday, August 18, 2011

WV State Fair - the Rides

 We took the boys to the WV State Fair this past weekend.  If you've been reading Two Bears Farm long enough, you may remember posts from last year's trip.  This year, the twins got to do some rides too.  We started with the carousel.

This ride is called The Bear Affair.  It's one of those spinny deals, and my sense of balance not being what it used to be I decided to skip it.  The twins were allowed on this ride, but they were observers this time, like me.

Choo Choo Charlie was a big hit with all three boys...
 A view down the midway...

Pierce did SO many rides this year!

From up in the ferris wheel -

Can you see Pierce's little head sticking out from the very front of this fire engine?

So, do you remember the doughnut burger Paul got last year?  This year, Pierce got one too.  Only Pierce just ate the doughnuts and not the burger.  Great - my kid had two Krispy Kremes for lunch.

After lunch, we visited the animals (post coming soon!) and then back to the rides!

When we asked Pierce what the favorite part of his day was, he named off about seven rides, and then said he couldn't pick a favorite.  I'd call that a good day at the fair!


  1. The boys look like they are having a great time! I've never heard of a doughnut burger before. Ewww! haha! Can't wait to see more pictures.

  2. Looks like a fun time at the Fair! Pierce certainly had an adventure! Glad the twins could participate a little, too!

    Hahaha! The donut burgers! Ugh. You just had to post a photo! ;) Oh, Pierce - two Krispy Kremes for lunch! At least it was just that one day at the fair, right? Back to normal eating now.

  3. What a fun filled day for the kids!! Pierce is such a little man, doesn't look scared in the least.

  4. You can't beat a fun day at the fair! I always loved the helicopter ride.

  5. It looks like everyone had a great time. Krispy Kremes without a burger would have been my choice too.

  6. Fairs are so much fun - ours is in October!

  7. oh my gosh, i just love the fair!! we went to the salem fair, we all had a blast..does your husband really like that donut burger? it just sounds so disgusting!

  8. What a fun day!I love those smiling faces!

  9. Hey, when you go to the Fair, I think anything goes with regard to food selection. It's all part of the gig.

    Pierce does look like he's in ride heaven. Great they have rides he can do safely, but are exciting to him as well.

  10. What a fun day you guys had. Being one who get car sick, even in the front seat at times ;O(. I do not do rides either. I would be the photo taker too :O). Your Dh is going to be on a lot of rides with three sons to ride with lol.

  11. Pierce is becoming such a little man. what a cutie... :)

  12. Love it! My mom just took the boys to the fair...and Jackson raved about it forever.

  13. That slide brings back nice memories as a child, sometimes id lean a little too much and burn my arm on the side. Richard

  14. I love going to fairs with my "kids" (41 & 36)...we always have such fun!...:)JP

  15. Days in WV are always good but yours looks great! I love state fairs! Best/worst eating anywhere!

  16. Oh FUN! I'm intrigued by the donut burger..but slightly afraid.

  17. There is nothing like a fair for fun! I still remember when I was a kid and went.
    Your boys are brave little rascals.
    And what does it hurt if you skip the healthy food for one day?
    Nothing! It's all part of the fun.

  18. Great, great pictures!! I see his head in the fire engine, but I'm afraid to ask what the truck does!! So are they burgers in the middle of doughnuts? I love the thumb sucking picture and I can't wait for the animals!

  19. I love the pictures! It's so fun going to the state fair. The one in Minneosta is pretty big and we hope to take Hailey this year.

    Have a great Thursday darlin! :)

  20. I have never actually been to the WV state fair, my son has with his grandparents though. It's pretty far from us, but much closer to my in-laws who live in the mountains. I'm jealous that you went to my state's fair and I haven't :) Looks like you guys had a ton of fun! Now I want some fair food :)

  21. Looks like you guys had a great time at the fair. Kudos to your for taking the boys... that is a LOT of people in one place! I always do it with my girls too, but it is definitely a challenge sometimes LOL.

    Mmmm fair food YUM!!!

  22. They are so brave!!! Like you, I avoid all those spinning rides. I just can't take it anymore. What a great day of fun you had!

  23. I haven't been to a fair since I moved from Indiana in 1994. They just aren't a big deal out here it seems.

    Yay Pierce for slipping in not one but 2 donuts for lunch!

  24. Ha! it is always good to hear little boys name toooo many!!! And the pictures sure look like you had great fun!

    Can't wait until the animal post! And thank you soo much for your comment on my post last Monday!


  25. I saw three happy little boys, Lisa... AND--I'll bet there were 2 very tired parents... ha

    Great photos.

  26. Cool! You came to West Virginia for the fair! Looks like everyone had a great time. I don't even think about the fair for some reason. I remember going back when I was a kid but haven't been since.

    I just don't think I could eat a donut with a burger! lol The things they come up with food wise.

  27. What a great time! Rides were my favorite thing as a kid. And I would have just eaten the donuts too. :)

  28. Awesome pictures! :) It looks like it was such a great fun :)

  29. Aww it looks like they had a great time! I love the fair when it comes to town here. I love it even more so because they have it in early November when it's starting to get cold.

    I can't wait to see the post with the animals. Kids and farm animals= cuteness!!!

  30. Looks like you took it all in and everyone held up well. Fairs and families - what it's all about.


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