Thursday, September 8, 2011

All I do is cook. And take pictures of things I cook. But it's all good.

Days on the farm are so busy right now, but full of fun and adventure.  
It feels like I spend much of my time cooking.  There certainly are a lot of meals in a day, and I'm trying to use up as much of the garden as I can.  
This week I made apricot pecan muffins, for Pierce to take to school for breakfast.

A 'use up the garden' style casserole - with layers of potatoes, garlic, green peppers, tomatoes, and cheese. It was really good.

A late bloomer...

I've been scooping out watermelons and putting them into individual containers to make it easy to pack fruit for Pierce's lunches.
I recently saw a recipe for watermelon jam that I'm eager to try.  I just need to pick up some lemons (I don't typically keep lemons around).

Cort and Reid started a Mother's Day out preschool program, 2 mornings a week. 
They needed pictures to hang in their cubbies.  So we went out on the porch to snap a few.

Cort (Note that there's no paci!  He only uses it at night now) -

Reid (yes, I probably should've cleaned the dinner off his face first...)

And it's persimmon season!   We're having a really good year for persimmons - quite the abundance out there.
So far I've done a persimmon cake and persimmon fudge!  The cake recipe I came up with myself, but the fudge recipe I found online.  It turned out super sugary, and it's in a 9x13 pan so I'm not sure we can eat it all before it goes bad.  Anyone know if fudge freezes okay?


  1. I freeze regular fudge all of the time.

    Your boys are so cute! They look so happy.

    That muffin looks and sounds yummy and your watermelon looks super good!

  2. I don't know if fudge freezes well...but wanted to let you know that I have never seen a persimmon until now! I don't think I have even tasted one either ...

  3. You can freeze fudge. My sister made some for my wedding, froze it, and mailed it from Georgia to Virginia. It stayed frozen and was great at the wedding.

  4. Everything looks really yum..and I love persimmons!
    How are the younger boys liking their "school"?

  5. So you will have 2 mornings where its just you? Now what will you do? :O).

    The muffin looks wonderful! So did the casserole!

    I had the best 6 mile run yesterday! It was 20 degrees yes 20 whole degrees cooler, only 64 degrees at daylight. Bring on fall!

  6. Oh that casserole looks so delicious and oh those muffins look awesome! Iagree your boys are so adorable. I love their smiles!!

  7. the mother's day out sounds like a great idea. gives you a bit of 'you' time - in which you can cook and bake some more! ha!

  8. I'm so impressed with your talents! Seriously. That casserole looks amazing and your boys are gorgeous. Yay for mother's day out two mornings a week!

  9. You've reminded me that I've never eaten a persimmon.

  10. That casserole looks DEEEElish!
    And your boys... SO cute ♥

  11. Lisa
    Love the pics of the boys!
    I'm thinking the potato recipe could make our meal tonight. I love simple! I've never combined tomatos and potatos, so I'm looking forward to trying it!
    Take care-Kimberly

  12. You always make the most interesting things. One of these days I want to try some of your recipes. Oh & I've always frozen fudge & its been good still. Hope it works for you :)

    The boys are ADORABLE!!! They have great smiles.

  13. Persimmon fudge, really? The potato casserole looks yummy!!! Seems like you are one who can just throw some things together without a recipe and it all turns out really good! What is the pre-school program? Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mom, homemade muffins to take to school, I would have given ANYTHING for that!!

  14. LOVE these! oh, I totally want a muffin now. Seriously. But I'll settle with my boxed pumpkin bread and Nutella I made last night. ;) Hope you're well, And gosh, the boys are huge! Growing so fast!

  15. Fudge, yes, freeze. :)

    What are you going to do with yourself on your two mornings off, we all are wondering?

  16. Pretty sure I've never even seen a persimmon before now. Wow... And as one who compulsively takes photos of everything I cook- i get it. :)

  17. Do you need a part time nanny? I would do that for you if I could eat your food and not have to!!! Your boys are precious and the pictures of your food are super tempting!!!!

  18. Thanks for stopping by to share memory. I think we will all remember where we were on that day.

  19. There are some majorly good meals happening at your house. Yum. Love fresh from the garden goodness.

  20. Yep, fudge freezes great! Enjoy your few mornings alone!

  21. That casserole looks delicious!! I've said it once, but I am SO jealous of your garden!!

  22. Oh the potatoes look divine! Did you cook the potatoes first? I have frozen fudge; it comes out great. I'm jealous of all your cooking!

  23. That casserole looks totally delicious! And those muffins - perfection!

  24. Sounds like me cooking and taking pictures. I always freeze fudge because otherwise I eat WAY too much of it myself. Fresh and yummy again at a later date.

  25. The twins are so cute! I hope they are enjoying school!

  26. Those muffins look delicious. Do share the recipe!

  27. That garden casserole look so yummy! You've been busy! I tend to freeze everything & hope I get to it later :)

  28. Such sweet photos of your boys! It's rare for me to get a shot without a messy face. I'm so interested to see how your watermelon jam turns out!

    And I've never had a persimmon before, but would love try them someday.

  29. Your boys are totally cute! If someone could figure out how to freeze time once in a while, that would really be something:)

    I owe you a convo too-and I'll try to catch up tomorrow:)

  30. Your boys are growing up so fast. Glad to hear they are going to pre-school two days a week.. You will enjoy the queit.. Take sometime for yourself while they are gone and enjoy something you like to do.
    Have a great week-end.. Ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  31. I was inspired to make a potato casserole, but I didn't get your comment in time. I cooked the potatoes in the microwave then peeled and sliced them and baked them with cheese and butter. Yum! My family loved it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. Your cooking and picture taking and I am enjoying! sandie

  33. Late commenting, but oh my word! You have persimmons! Gah, I'm so jealous! I love persimmons and used to eat all sorts of persimmon goodies during the oh-so-short time when they were in season.


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