Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Exploring Cass, WV, and an Incredible Sunset

After our train excursion on the Cass Scenic Railroad, we decided to walk through the tiny town of Cass to check it out.  There is a free museum there that we walked through, and a couple of open cabooses.
Reid was still on guard, but he tried to relax a little as we walked around.

I wish I could remember which blogger collects that cat railroad pictures - I didn't realize that a kitten was a railroad symbol until I read her blog about it!  See the cat symbol to the right?
 The boys certainly liked exploring the insides.

After that we had to decide what to do about supper.  There was nothing to eat near Seneca Forest State Park, where we were staying, and since we didn't have any success lighting the woodstove and had already done hotdogs on sticks over open fire the night before, we wanted to eat out.
Cass had a restaurant that had good reviews online.  However, we'd purchased box lunches there to take on our train ride.  And while the food was okay, the waitress was rude.  So I wasn't keen to give this place any more of our money:

Instead, we decided to drive up to Snowshoe Ski Resort, in hopes that they would have a few restaurants open.  There, we sat down for dinner at Cheat Mountain Pizza.  Not only was the food excellent, but the waiter was so nice and he was wonderful with the boys.
And then we walked outside with full bellies to find this -

Talk about the perfect ending to a day.
It was surreal, standing there and staring at this glory.
What an adventure!


Jill said...

Oh my! That view is amazing! Great shots.

So glad you found a good place to eat. A good server sure can make all the difference!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The sunset you and the boys found is beautiful, Baby Girl!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

What a awe inspiring view! It is truly gorgeous!

Eat To Live said...

I love when the sky makes those rays like that. It looks almost magical.

Sounds like you had a great ending to a fantastic trip.

Sally said...

You always take the boys on wonderful excursions! Beautiful photo's. :)

Melodie said...


A bad server turns me off a place too.

Valerie Boersma said...

That view is incredible! And there is no excuse for rude service in a restaurant-especially to any blog friend of mine:)

Katie said...

Fabulous! Your boys are having adventures and I love that you do so much with them. The views you had were awesome.

Chatty Crone said...

I have to agree - that view was just breathe taking. sandie

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

That sunset was gorgeous. My town has a railroad museum that I keep saying I'm going to visit one day.

Samantha said...

Gorgeous skyline!

I love Seneca..have to get back there next year.

TexWisGirl said...

love those rays!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Crazy that we both posted today about Cass, West VA... We didn't eat there, but headed on to our motel in Lewisburg. We had taken our lunches with us for the train ride...

Didn't make it to Seneca nor to Snowshoe this trip... Have to go back!!!!

Sandy said...

What a beautiful sunset. So you ended up having pizza. You can't go wrong with pizza!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Gorgeous view! I'm glad you found a nice waiter and had the perfect ending to your day. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love that orange caboose, and what a great sunset! I can't imagine a waitress being rude to you and your cute boys! She must have had a bad day. LOVE the Halloween muffin tin, where DO you get all the fancy ones?

Anonymous said...

We've gone to the national Railroad Museum in Green Bay and had a blast exploring all the different trains. What is it about trains? They are so awesome.

trump said...

Hi Lisa and i love stories like this because its all about the Americana, and because all of the states offer a big slice of American pie. And sometimes rude people can almost ruin a trip so i hope that person or persons didn't effect yours. West Virginia is a raw and beautiful place and i thank you for sharing that with us. Richard

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like to see other towns and their stuff...the sunset is gorgeous

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Beautiful photographs.

I have enjoyed your blog and will be back to visit soon.

Hope that you are having a good Tuesday.

x Fiona

Michelle said...

Beautiful photographs for the end of your day.

Nancy said...

Beautiful captures, Lisa. What a wonderful ending to your day. :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Looks like another great adventure! :) I love the last two shots. Beautiful!

By the way, I am married to a train enthusiast . . . we have some of those Chessie model train cars with the kitty on it. Livie and I think it's a cute logo.

Liz Mays said...

That is most definitely the perfect ending to the day. Absolutely gorgeous. I can't blame you for choosing somewhere else for dinner either!

Leontien said...

Yeah! i see the cat! but i don't know the lady who blogs about trains/train pictures! I do know a lady who wants a caboose (yes yes a new word i learned yesterday) in their garden!

And just to let you know, my mother in law almost hijacked the little pup you sent me! She thought it was too cute!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

OHHHHH the sunset was just stunningly beautiful!
I love the caboose.. they are seldom seen anymore.
I am glad you found a nice place to eat,, and pizza is the perfect winner, and the waitress was nice.
Good bye to the cranky pants lady

Angela said...

Unfortunately that is one of the bad things about traveling the back roads in West Virginia! No food! Sometimes it seems like you drive for hours to find a decent place to eat. I always try to carry a snack bag around with us and a cooler with drinks just in case we need them in a pinch. I'm glad you found something at Showshoe because I've heard of people that have went there and not found any of the restaurants open because it was Sunday or something like that!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

The last two images are just fantastic !
Cheers and great blog to surf ...

Pierre BOYER said...

I particulary love your last two pictures...


~ Noelle said...

never knew about the cat... and my husband WORKS for the railroad :) time for me to start looking, although i have never seen it before

Jordan@the2seasons said...

Ahh this brings back memories. My grandparents took me to Cass and to ride the train when I was a little girl. Looks like you had a great time and this is the best time of the year to check it out.

Slamdunk said...

Fantastic images Lisa--thanks for letting us share your super day.

That would have been a perfect way to end the day: with that sunset.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

The pictures of the sunset are beautiful!