Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lazy (or not) End of Summer Days

The farm feels quiet with Pierce in school during the days.  The twins keep me busy, though, and there is always plenty to do around the place.  Since we ate the first two tomato pies I made, I made two more and quickly got them in the deep freeze before we could dive into them -

We continue to have loads of tomatoes and tomatillos, so I've been making large batches of salsa.
I trim the stems and then roast tomatoes and tomatillos in the oven at 400* for 15 minutes.
Stick them in the blender with 3/4 cup fresh cilantro, dash of cumin, about 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 serrano peppers (also growing in our garden) and several cloves of garlic.  Give it a few whirls, and you've got a tasty salsa!

We can plow through a batch of this pretty quickly, but I have managed to put away a few freezer bags as well.  And the tomatoes and tomatillos are still coming in.  We also have watermelons, green peppers, and green beans (still!).

Zip, giving me the eye, after a recent deworming.  
What's new in your neck of the woods?


  1. nice! you make all that sound so easy : )

  2. I envy your plethora of tomatoes, but am glad you're enjoying them! I'd love those persimmon recipes, BTW. ;)

  3. Our tomatoes are done!
    Blight hit, and instead of treating it..I cavorted around the garden ripping the suckers out. I kind of lost there. ;)

    I can still make your tomato pie..my aunt is sending bushels of toms here. Ack.

  4. Your salsa looks and sounds wonderful!

    Zip is gorgeous!

  5. Zip is beautiful!

  6. Our temps plunged yesterday, so I think our tomatoes are done, too. Thanks for the deworming reminder!

  7. I love homemade salsa! My husband makes it fresh a lot , but I'd like to can some one of these years. My garden it also having a good year. I just found an enormous mutant cucumber that was growing in one of my tomato plants. And one of my watermelons is almost ready to pick!

  8. I suddenly have the urge for some salsa for lunch!


  9. The salsa looks great! I have found I can eat salsa with no problems so this is a welcome recipe. Thank you!

  10. You really are keeping busy, aren't you? I'm glad you're finding ways to use that bounty!

  11. Fresh salsa? Yum.

    And the horse giving you the evil eye? Hysterical.

  12. Where is your recipe for Tomato pie? Yum! I've never heard of it. I did make salsa yesterday though! :)

  13. We're bringing in tomatoes, beans and peppers, too.

  14. We have tons of tomatoes! Amy and I canned stewed tomatoes yesterday-and I'm going to try your salsa recipe.

    Amy's first day of school is tomorrow. It will be pretty quiet here too:(

  15. I'm sitting here with a thick hoodie on -- swatting flies in the house that are trying to stay warm. What a difference a week makes! :)

  16. You have to deworm horses? That's something new I've learned.

  17. Zip is truly a beauty!!!!

    Just thinking about your Tomato Pies makes me hungry... Yum...

  18. I am so jealous of your green thumb! My pumpkins made vines this year...LOL~too bad I can't do any of the cute ideas on Pinterest w my own crop! I love your blog. Thank you for stopping by The RHOK today! ShaRhonda/Mrs. Hart at The Real Housewives of Oklahoma

  19. You are one BUSY mama and you do make it seem rather easy.

    We just drove though torrential rain yesterday to get home from visiting Will. 13 accidents!

    Glad to be home, but Will is sure cute.


  20. Zip wants to know when you're planning on riding him. I think he's jealous of the tomatoes!...:)JP

  21. I have a zillion tomatillo plants, but the fruits are coming on so slow. Either that or I am just too impatient. You have me curious about tomato pie. I will have to Google it.

  22. In my neck of the woods it is football everyday, youth group on Wednesdays, and business everywhere I turn!

  23. ok call me crazy but what are tomatillo's???

    big hugs from Indiana

  24. Oh mercy. I need to de-worm horses, sheep and dogs; need to freeze, dry and can tomatoes...need, need, need.
    What I want to do is nap.

  25. New here? Cooler weather rolled in, and I feel like the Slow Cooker should make an appearance. But I know summer has one more kick left, and by next week we'll be sweating again.

  26. We have tomatoes coming our of our ears too... many containers in the freezer for sauce this winter.

    I also just picked up wormer for the horses, my crew are easy to deworm. I had a mare once that was a nightmare, literally. Once she saw you coming with that tube, she was as far away and high headed as she could be.

  27. This is so great that you posted how to make salsa because I was going to look for a recipe tomorrow! I am so excited to try this because it looks and sounds so delicious!!

  28. WOW you are busy with this fall harvesting stuff.
    ANd yep- those horses know how to tell us off with "the Look" after that stuff don't they?:)

  29. Amazing to me to read so many still getting veggies from their gardens. Your Salsa sounds yummy and tomato pie, I will be right over!

  30. LOVE homemade salsa and garden fresh tomatoes!!


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