Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Milk Nursingwear Review and GIVEAWAY!! $40 Gift Certificate!

I breastfed all three of my boys for over a year, and I know firsthand that there can be many challenges to breastfeeding, which are fortunately outweighed by all the wonderful benefits.  I didn't wear a dress the entire time I was breastfeeding, because I didn't have anything that was accommodating for nursing.  It was a really a bummer during the hot summers, particularly back when I was working full time.  So when Milk Nursingwear contacted me about doing a review and giveaway, I was intrigued.  I went to their site and couldn't believe how many chic nursing tops and dresses they have.  Reasonably priced, too!  I would've loved to have known about them when I was breastfeeding.

Milk was kind enough to send me a shirt to try.  This is the sleeveless crossover nursing top in blue.  I love that you look at this shirt and would never know it was for breastfeeding, so you can wear it even when you are no longer nursing.

The material is really soft and comfortable.  Inside, the inner layer moves to the side to allow easy access for an infant.  You don't have to deal with any buttons or snaps - so no fumbling.   And this shirt is so versatile - you could wear it casual with jeans, or dress it up with a skirt and heels.

Milk Nursingwear has been generous enough to offer one reader a $40 gift certificate to use in their store.  You can enter in three different ways (do all three if you'd like):
1.  Like Milk Nursingwear on Facebook and come leave a comment letting me know you do.
2.  Go visit Milk Nursingwear and leave a comment with a link to your favorite product.
3.  Tweet with a link to this giveaway, and leave a comment letting me know you did with your twitter handle.

This giveaway ends on September 27th at noon when a winner will be chosen by  I must have a viable email address to contact you (it's okay so long as it's visible in your profile - otherwise leave it in your comment) and you must respond with your contact information within 48 hours.  Otherwise another winner will be chosen.  Giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada.

Thanks for entering!

Disclaimer:  I was sent an item of my choice to review for this post.  All of the opinions in this post are my own.  While I am no longer breastfeeding, I am a big advocate, and I strongly believe in products that help make nursing easier on tired moms, which is why I chose to do the review.  I will be passing this fabulous shirt on to my sister-in-law, who is expecting her second baby next spring. 



    Tweeted the giveaway @CandidaJourney

    I am also now following you on twitter. I thought I was already.... Hmmmmmmm Twitter has been driving me crazy.

  2. I'm long past that stage in my life but just want to tell you how cute you look in that top!

  3. Thanks Lisa. I just liked them on Facebook.

  4. This isn't an entry, but it is a comment. You really should model for them.

  5. That stuff looks fantastic! I wish I'd known about them while I was still in the "breastfeeding stage" of motherhood.

    I have to agree with the other commenters - you look very pretty in that top. :)

  6. You look so cute!

    My nursing days are WAY over, but that's a really cool top.

    Have a wonderful day!

  7. My nursing days are humans anyway! You do look adorable! Perhaps you should try for a girl!...:)JP

  8. I like the purple nightgown. I'm going to need one very soon. I'm about 10 weeks away! :)

  9. I love the Everyday dress!
    By the way, you look really pretty in that color!

  10. That IS a really cute top & you can totally get away with wearing it when you are no longer nursing.

  11. I never knew they made special clothes for nursing Moms...but then why would I being childless. The top is cute though!

  12. You look so great! I do not need the clothes since I am way past that age of breastfeeding:)

  13. I'll step out and let someone else win this one. There is no telling when I might be able to use it. ;)

  14. Thanks for the info Lisa - I just 'Liked' them on facebook. My favorite thing on their website is the Goddess Nursing Lounge Dress. I normally sleep in a nursing bra sans top because it is just too hard to fumble with a tshirt in the middle of the night. I love this dress and it would actually make me feel pretty :)

  15. The smocked dress is super cute! Thanks for the entry :)

  16. My nursing days are over - but this is a lovely top, I would have never thought it was a nursing top just by looking at it.
    This will be fantastic for the lucky winner.

  17. Wow--nursing clothes have sure come a LONG way since I was breastfeeding!

  18. I'm not entering! My nursing days are long gone! Wish I knew about something like that when I was breastfeeding too! I unfortunately hid out like a hermit.

    I agree with JP! You should try for a girl! giggle giggle

  19. This is a very nice top, and you are right about it being versatile!! You look really good in it, too. I will not be entering this cool giveaway, as I am 62 and not expecting any miracles!!

  20. i am happy to report that i am wayyyy past those days and will never need nursing attire again.

    with that said, the shirt looks fabulous on you, blue is your color and are you sure you had 3 kids, you look fabulous!!

  21. Awesome! I SO wish I heard of this site before!!
    I like this style shirt
    :) Thanks for the recent comments Lisa!

  22. Looks like a great idea, Lisa.

    I thought better of my follow on

  23. I just liked "Milk Nursingwear" on Facebook. Thank you for this great information, Lisa! I plan on breastfeeding my twins when they arrive - it's great to know there are wardrobe options out there.

  24. I hadn't even thought of the problems with wearing a dress because I don't wear them very often. I like the wrap dress though.

  25. I liked them on facebook. I just finished nursing...22 months and a few weeks to boot..these would have been great!

  26. that tiered ruffle dress is too cute!

  27. Lisa, you are just beautiful! And you know what, even though I would never criticize anyone who didn't breastfeed, I think it is so commendable that you nursed all three kids!!

  28. This one is really cute!

  29. I'm tweeting this @deannamenyes. Have 6+ most to go breastfeeding!

  30. I like milk nursingwear on facebook

    katrina troy

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  31. I may be done nursing...we'll see. But I love the top. Very chic. I think you are a talented model.

  32. I like this dress:
    rachelsgiveaways @

  33. I like milk on FB (rachel r.)
    rachelsgiveaways @

  34. tweet:!/RachelsReviews/status/116950785144799232
    rachelsgiveaways @

  35. Since I haven't formally announced my pregnancy on facebook, I decided not to "like" them yet :) Instead I have found a new favorite from the website. This Flirty halter dress would be great for next summer!

  36. I liked Milk Nursingwear on Facebook. Andrea sent me your way! recyclequeen at yahoo dot com.

  37. What an awesome giveaway! Andrea @ sent me over! She and I are friends IRL and she knows that I am currently nursing my 6 month old son.

    I liked Milk Nursingwear on FB and this is one of my favorite tops on their site:

    I'd love one of their dresses, but now with cooler weather approaching, I know I'd get more use out of a top. Then, i will quit stretching the bottom out on all of my regular clothes so much! ;) Thanks so much!

  38. posted to Twitter :)
    Here is the link:!/mom2mouse/status/117708266062094336

    As for what item, I like, oh my! I love the dresses, but I also like the nightgown. I have never heard of this company and I am impressed with the amount of nursing clothing there are!
    Here is the dress I love:

  39. You look great!

    I liked them on fb. But I LOVE them! Thanks for doing this!!

    That's one of my favs. Organic cotton and cute! DH will like it, too! I seriously only wear these ugly Grandma-like gowns to bed because they unbutton so I can nurse during the night. My baby girl is still exclusively breastfed at almost 6 months(hoping to go at least another 6!).

  40. I Like Milk Nursingwear on Facebook


  41. One of my favorite items is:


  42. Tweet!/THRansom/status/117809743266979841


  43. I like them on Facebook. (Rachel Ramey)

  44. I have lots of "favorites." One is actually the top your review is about. Another is the Keyhole Dress:


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from my readers!