Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Mysterious Mystery Chick, Frida

You may remember that we received a complimentary mystery chick when we ordered our chickens.  Thanks to my blogging friend, Crow, we have named her Frida.  Here is an updated picture:
 She really has a long neck, doesn't she?  When I posted her 'newborn' picture, several people commented that they thought she might be an Americauna.  We actually have one Americauna hen, named Natasha, so I've posted a picture of her for comparison:
 What do you think?  Yes?  No?  Maybe we accidentally got sent a turkey?  (ha ha)
I guess time will tell.

Meanwhile, the Cornish Roc Xs and Freedom Rangers got separated into their new homes.
Here are the selected Cornish Rocs in their 'transportation box' - ready to be dragged across the yard to their new coop.
Yes, we let our children outside in pjs.  All the time, folks, all the time.  Can you stand it?


  1. Heck sometimes I muck stalls in the morning in my PJs.. doesn't everyone?

  2. JDaniel so wants to come to live at your house!

  3. I don't think I love anything more then a little one in their pj's outside, in the car, on my lap, well...anywhere!

  4. I bet the chickens are lots of work, but they certainly look fun! Pjs? We live in them!

  5. Are we not suppose to go outside in our sleep wear? OOPS Oh well to late, I am not changing my ways at this age LOL.

  6. I do lots of stuff in my PJs..and the boys actually look adorable in theirs!

  7. I think its fair to say ive recieved "the bird" many times in my life,lol. And i think theres nothing like eating farm fresh eggs for breakfast. Richard

  8. Ha we homeschool in pjs! Why not? :) Your mystery hen reminds me of the ugly duckling story...swan? lol

  9. heck, why bother with the pjs at all!

  10. You've not taken delivery of an Ostrich by mistake have you Lisa?

    Could be a whole new venture...

  11. Doesn't everybody go outside in PJs? LOL Do you let your kids push their pet chickens around in wheelbarrows and sit at the campfire with them? That's what our kids used to love to do. :)

  12. Amy used to run around outside in her PJ's all the time-and she used to run around barefoot in the snow, too. It's what makes for great childhood memories:)

    I don't know much about birds-but your mystery chick does look like a turkey. If so, what would happen come November...? ;)

  13. Yeah no help here... I don't know anything about chickens! I just wanted to comment because they're all so cute. :)

  14. I think it is so hard to tell chicken breeds when they are young. I do tend to agree with the person that said it looks like a turkey though.

  15. I agree with Valerie--maybe Frida could be a turkey. Sounds like perfect timing for Thanksgiving, but I don't know if I would enjoy eating a turkey that I'd named!

    Maybe it would depend on how sweet Frida was. :)

    And we always live in PJs!

  16. I love it! Sweet:)
    And if it IS Turkey....you can invite us all over come Thanksgiving;D

  17. We go out in our jammies, too.
    I am so seriously considering chickens here.

  18. Mystery chick indeed! I'm curious to see what you'll end up with!

    Good for you letting the kids play in their PJ's! They're having fun!

  19. Maybe it IS a turkey. I can't wait til you post a photo of her when she's bigger!

  20. She looks like a turkey to me. Shows you how much I know.

  21. Frida is CUTE!!!! And, I totally let my kids wear PJ's outside, haa, alll the time.

  22. I agree with those who think your mystery chick looks like a turkey.

  23. You know, you could have a turkey there, but like you said... time will tell.

  24. Hey, doing chores outside in your "loungewear" is definitely underrated. Pierce is so cute!! :)

  25. How fun that it might be a Turkey... Bummer it woln't be fat enough for Thanksgiving. Did I just say that outloud? LOL

    My kids go outside & play in their jammies all the time. They are kids, they should play whenever the feeling hits jammies or not :)

  26. My daughter loves to ride her bike in her pj's and she is now ten years old. Gotta love living in the country! lol We received a mystery chick once that turned out to be a Polish Chicken. Always interesting.

  27. Nothing wrong with going outside in your pjs!

  28. You are right - time will tell.

    And I stay in my PJ's too sometimes!


  29. What an awkward looking little hen! I hope she ends up looking like Natasha! She is beautiful!

    My son thinks he should be in his pj's all the time! lol He even wears them out in public when I let him get by with it. As soon as he comes home from school he changes into his pj's! lol It isn't something that I made him do either. He just likes being in his pj's.

  30. I can't think of anymore delightful than running around outside in pj's. (and not having neighbors close enough to see me and have me committed.) the chicken transport house looks awesome!
    PS-E-mail me your address. I was serious about sending you something for being my 400th follower!

  31. My granddaughter ran out in her pajamas this last visit and her mother quickly got onto her for doing so. Our granddaughter responded, "Granny Annie goes out in her PJs". Yep I do:)

    About Frida, could she be a Turken. Here's a link. http://www.fugly.com/pictures/9892/Turken.html

  32. Hahaha! I let my kids out in PJ's all the time too! No harm in that!


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