Monday, September 5, 2011

The Twins Get Muffin Tin Lunches

I've received many comments asking me when I'd start doing muffin tins for the twins.  The time has come!  Last winter I found these Christmas tree tins at a thrift store for $1 each - and there were three of them which was just perfect!  Granted, I think they're more designed for fat cookies than muffins, but they still fit the purpose.  I did a theme of the four seasons - since we're on the cusp of autumn.
Green peas for Summer, pink watermelon for Spring, orange macaroni and cheese for Fall, and coconut cream yogurt for Winter.  The twins loved their first muffin tins, and they polished off everything except for a few of the peas.  Who would've known Summer would be their least favorite of the seasons?  ;-)

For more Muffin Tin Monday ideas, go visit Muffin Tin Mom


  1. So cute! And I love that you found these tins for $1 each.

  2. JDaniel would have headed right for spring and then winter. Seasons is such a great theme.

  3. What a super idea on doing the seasons. Looks good!

  4. What a neat way to represent the seasons!

  5. Another good idea in helping to get your gets to eat healthy. Happy labor day to you. Richard

  6. how cute! the twins are growing up!!!

  7. Muffin Tins have been such a great success,I bet you have inspired lots of moms to try the idea too!

  8. I love your seasons idea! I'm impressed they ate most of their peas. My 1-year-old would have thrown Summer on the floor. :)

  9. What about a summer/fall mix?

    Or if you live in the UK, just get rid of Summer altogether since we never really had one...

    ...they'd love it here.

  10. You are creative! I am sure they love it

  11. I love your muffin tin ideas. My kids would have loved this when they were little.

  12. That's so cute! I'm glad the twins enjoyed their first muffin tins! Mine would have wanted the entire muffin tin in the watermelon! lol

    Have a Great Day!

  13. Oh Lisa. You are so creative. Lucky boys you have. :-) I love the four seasons tins. I want one! lol

  14. Great idea, Lisa, and I'm sure that the twins love those fancy lunches... So creative on your behalf!!!

    How is the big boy doing in school now?

  15. How creative is this! They will certainly learn the 4 seasons, huh!
    Great post. Hugs!

  16. Awesome idea! I love the four seasons theme in a tree tray!!

  17. Coconut creme yogurt? Now that sounds' YUMMY!...:)JP

  18. Very creative! Coconut creme yogurt sounds really good.

  19. You always make these muffin tin lunches so good! I so agree you are very creative!!

  20. love it! what fun tins! My almost 2 year old loves yogurt and usually asks for more! he's just now eating muffin tin meals too. he's watched his brother for a year, so I guess he was ready!

  21. Love the four seasons muffin tin! Very clever.

  22. LOVE it!!! Cutest way to eat lunch, EVER!! But no surprise on the peas.

  23. I'm thinking my kids would be looking for presents under the food in those Christmas trees! Love it!

  24. You always put such yumminess in your tins. Fun that you're doing it for the twins now!

  25. I think I should start feeding my kids like you feed yours--using tins.


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