Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wanna Be Spelunkers

We took the boys caving this past weekend.  Caving in the sense of a guided tour.  I'm not the type to go for headlamps and scrambling by belly through 12 inches of crawl space.  Nope, not for me.  But I do enjoy the tourist style caving.  
 It turned out to be a great activity for a day that would reach 90* with high humidity.  As soon as we walked through the doors of Dixie Caverns, the cool air beckoned.
 As did the mysterious rock formations.
 It was dark and damp, but things were well lit (except for a few times they turned off all lights to show us how the cave would feel naturally).  The boys actually did well holding hands and sticking close.  I guess self-preservation instincts tell even the adventurous toddler not to run off in a cave!
 I couldn't help but think of Tom and Huck...

This reflecting pool was interesting, because it was a few inches deep, but when they turned off the lights it reflected off the ceiling above it, and appeared to be about 3 feet deep.

This formation was called the wedding bell, because over 100 couples have been married beneath it.

And this kind of made me think of The Descent.  Anyone read it?  Great book - thriller style!

Walking down under the wedding bell...

I'm not sure what was so funny, but I think the kid was having a good time...

In front of the cabin after the cave tour (the sun was in their eyes)...makes me think of those hear no, see no, speak no evil monkeys...


La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life said...

So fun! We went spelunking this past weekend as well!

Unknown said...

OH as beautiful as that is there is no way I would go down in a cave.. I hate the idea even scares me to death..

Unknown said...

Great Family fun. I know you all had a blast.

Dawn said...

Now THAT is a field trip! Wow. Don't know if i could do it as i am petrified of small spaces. I cannot believe people got married in there. Its sure beautiful under ground. The treasures i miss!!!

Anonymous said...

I looks like your little monkeys had a wonderful time!

Penelope said...

Omg, those rock formations are creepy! They look like tentacles!

Texan said...

Whew those photos had me feeling the need to breath LOL. I am claustrophobic so going into caves guided or not, ummm nope I will wait up top and hold everyone's stuff okay :O). I love that Elmo went to see the caves too :o). Cute picture!

Anonymous said...

We have been here nearly 4 years and I haven't been to the Caverns yet.. something for my bucket list I guess. :-)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I Love these cave pics! They are so neat...your 3 little monkeys are so cute too!

Lap Dog Knits said...

Those are some great memories you've made there!!
Sure wish I could walk into the coolness of those caves right now!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That looks like so much fun! I love all the great adventures you and your boys (including your husband) have!

TexWisGirl said...

LOL! that last shot and your comment... ha!!!

yeah, with 3 little boys, i'd be doing the guided tour too!!!

Anonymous said...

We did our first family cave tour last summer. LOVED it.

warren said...

I've been in there! I loved it. My family used to tour caves/caverns all the time when I was a kid. So cool!

Anonymous said...

Those formations are awesome!

That last photo of the boys is too cute!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

What a great adventure to take your children on!! I love exploring and seeing new things. I am just not big on caves where as my husband and our children love it!Looks like a great fun family outing!!

Mary said...

Wow what a cool place! Very interesting that people have gotten married there... :)

Have a great day Lisa!

Katie said...

I've never been caving but I would go and I think my kids would be enthralled by it. You are adventurous parents! Love it.

Jill said...

Your last photo is so darling!

Glad you all had a good time. The last time I went into a cave and they turned the lights out I yelled for them to let me out. ha!

laughwithusblog said...

FUN! It's been years since I've been to a cave! Hey I shared your recipe on my facebook page yesterday and one of my friends already made it!!! :)

Tina L. Hook said...

I have not read the book but I have seen the movie, and it has ruined me for cave exploration. Looks cool, though.

Liz Mays said...

I've always found those caverns to be fascinating! Glad the kids enjoyed the outing too. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What adorable little boy, Lisa... I love seeing their photos. That last one is awesome.

We went to Mammoth Cave a few years ago.... Even as an adult, I really enjoyed it. Can only imagine what it would mean to a child!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You got really good pictures, I'm glad the boys liked it! We went to Luray Caverns on our honeymoon 41 years ago, can you even imagine it? I taped a book for the blind about caving for blind people!

Myya said...

How neat! They look exciting & mysterious. LOVE that last pic of the boys... totally hear no, see no, speak no. :)

Michaele said...

I been in a few caves in my time. You really got some good photos there. Especially the last one.

I emailed you an answer to the question about radios and chickens. I can't tell if it went through. Please let me know if you didn't hear from me.

Angela said...

Looks like the boys had a great time! I kept thinking throughout the post about how you dress the twins alike if you ever dress Pierce like them too?

Eat To Live said...

I have been guided caving before. It was very beautiful, but my son in law goes caving in un guided caves. Very dangerous if you ask me.

Great pictures.

Michelle said...

Looks like fun and my kids never like it when they turn those lights off!

camp and cottage living said...

It's been a long time since I've been in a cave. I'm not sure I wouldn't get panicky in my old age!
The rock colors and formations are so neat.
You have some awful good boys to walk all that way and still able to laugh!

Jen said...

Whoa! cool pictures! Love that last one ;)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Sounds like it was the perfect outing for your family!! I would love to go on a guided cave tour sometime. Just no tight spaces.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Cool photos! That last one is so cute. I haven't been to a cave for years. I think my kids would love it. Though I still have memories of my brother getting lost in Mt. Rushmore cave when we were young. Maybe I'll hold off another year. :)

OneMommy said...

Great cave pics! I can't wait until the kids are ready for us to take them to Mammoth Caves -- Right now our oldest is still a little scared of stuff like that.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those pictures are awesome! I love how active your family is!