Monday, October 17, 2011

Breaking out the Cold Weather Foods Muffin Tin Monday

Ah Fall.  It makes me dip into the comfort foods.  Good thing my boys seem to love soups so much.  

We had some green grapes, New Mexico style cornbread (it has green chilis, sour cream, cheddar and corn in the batter) and my Southern Style black eyed peas - for which you can find the recipe here.  They are quite healthy and economic, have lots of flavor, and the recipe makes a large amount.

If you'd like to see more ideas for kids' meals, go visit Muffin Tin Mom


Liz Mays said...

I want that muffin tin Monday!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Love the tins! So cute. And your corn bread sounds awesome.

Anonymous said...

This meal would warm me up on a chilly day! The corn bread really sounds amazing!

Chris said...

That cornbread loos and sounds delicious. Recipe please!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Beans and cornbread = complete protein and one of my favorite meal combinations; yours looks very good.

Nancy said...

Sounds fantastic! BTW, it's 8:00 AM and dark outside! WTF? It's looking like winter out there! :(

Jill said...

It all looks so good! And cute!

Michelle said...

The cornbread does sound good and of course I love those muffin cups.

Valerie Boersma said...

It looks like the perfect fall lunch, Lisa. I'm glad it's comfort food season:)

Eat To Live said...

Love those muffin tins, so cute.
MMMmmmm black eyed peas and cornbread. I think I might have to come to your house for supper.

Shell said...

Thsoe beans look good!

Those tins are adorable!

Dawn said...

A perfect fall meal! DO you have extra?:)

Unknown said...

I suppose we were think alike somewhere down the menu road, I had blackeye peas on Sunday!
I hope the boys enjoyed this yummy meal. I love the serving dishes! LOL. Have a great week! Love You, Loretta

Chatty Crone said...

Kids nothing - I would love that meal! YUMMY! sandie

laughwithusblog said...

We make a jalapeno corn bread--yum! It hasn't gotten very cool here yet, but enough that I feel like baking again!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Perfect Autumn food!

Thanks Mama Bear.


Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

Carolyn said...

I finally got around to visiting Muffin Tin Mom, there are some great ideas on her site!Lots of creativity.

Kim said...

THose are my idea of comfort food. And I'll say it again, Lisa, I am in awe of what your kids eat!

I Am Woody said...

Love, love, love Mexican cornbread!!

Jessica Rodarte said...

Oh goodness!!! That looks amazing! I will have to find a recipe for the bread! Did you make it?

Michaele said...

It is neat how he gets introduced to all kinds of food. I was a super food fussy kid.

Sandy said...

That cornbread sounds amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

The cornbread sounds good!

Angela said...

I love corn bread with black eyed peas! I might have to make some later this week when it gets colder outside. I made veggie soup yesterday evening and we had it for dinner tonight!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love cornbread and your sounds delicious! And I always love those bear muffin tins. :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It would be so fun to eat out of those muffin tins.
We will check out the black eyed pea recipe

Jen said...

I love soup weather! :)

Unknown said...

love me some black eyed peas! yummo!