Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween Swap!

I love the excitement of Fall in the air as Halloween rolls around, so I was thrilled to see my swap box in the haphazard shed where our mail lady often puts packages that don't fit in the mailbox.  My swap partner was Katie from Life With the D's.  She did cute things with decorative tissue paper - the sort of thing I'd love to do for a swap only I am completely gift-wrapping-challenged.

She sent me 4 pumpkin faced blocks, which she made herself.  Cute, huh?  I already had one compliment on them!  She also sent a pumpkin tart warmer with scented tarts, a vanilla scented rod diffuser, a pumpkin scented candle, a box of Junior Mints already gone, and a bag of Halloween chocolate also already gone.
Thanks, Katie!  And thanks to the hosts of the Halloween Swap, Living a Goddess Life and My So Called Chaos.

How about you, reader?  You got any fun Halloween decorations at your house?


Jill said...

How fun! Everything looks great.

Anonymous said...

The blocks sure are cute! The candy would be gone at my house too.

Eat To Live said...

The Great Pumpkin was good to you this year. How much fun that was!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Fun! I'm sure the chocolate would disappear quickly in my house, too!

Chatty Crone said...

One block for each boy - lol - very cute. Glad you got something so sweet. sandie

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I agree the blocks are so cute! This is a great idea!!

Cami said...

How fun! So cute :) I want to a swap like getting "snail mail"!!

<3-Cami from First Day of My Life

Sandy said...

When I saw your post about this I thought it was such a fun idea. Something tells me Pearce didn't get the Junior Mints to share on the

Miss Angie said...

What an awesome package! :) Mmmm candy! Those blocks are adorable, and the other stuff - especially the pumpkin tart warmer are awesome.

I want that actually... Maybe I'll have to ask her where she got it lol

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest tart warmer, ever!
(I'm embarrassed to say - but my daughter wraps any packages I need wrapped. If I can't put it in a gift bag, I pass it to her to help me! I'm a horrible wrapper!)

I love all things that smell of fall, spices and pumpkins.
We don't participate in Halloween, but we do decorate and enjoy everything else fall related. :)

Unknown said...

A beautiful and fun season indeed.

Valerie Boersma said...

Those blocks are really, really cute! And the candy would be gone here too. What a fun box of goodies you got!

Unknown said...

Nice...I would have eaten the candy first too! Hugs!

Nancy said...

No Halloween anything here. I'm becoming such a humbug about holiday decorating. But, the dogs just don't seem to appreciate it, so I quit. ;)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, it always amazes me that bloggers are so generous and give even more than they have to. What a great package! I guess I need to post some of my fall decorations, that had totally slipped my mind!

Tina L. Hook said...

Love these blog swaps.

And those blocks are adorable. What a great decoration idea. Clearly she is a *crafty lady*.

Chell said...

AWESOME swap package!

Misty said...

FUN!!!! love it!

Debbie said...

you got a wonderful package!! i will visit katie!!

Michelle said...

That is a great swap package!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

what happy colors!

Myya said...

Yay for swaps! I met this really great gal doing one, you might know her her name is Lisa :)

I love those blocks, those are so fun!!!

The Lovely One said...

Those blocks are so cool! Adds a little fun to Halloween!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

You got some cute stuff!