Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Do You Slackline?

Recently Roanoke hosted an event called the Roanoke Outdoor Circus.  When Paul asked if I wanted to drive the boys into town for it, I wanted to know what all was going on.  Paul said, "Well, the best thing is that they'll have slacklining!" I had never heard of slacklining previously, but it sounded intriguing when Paul explained it's like tightropes for the layperson.  So we headed into town to check it out.

After a brief stop off at a kid's inflatable, we headed over to the slacklines.  They had kid-friendly slacklines that were only a foot or so off the ground.  Cort scrambled right up.

You know what?  Slacklines are a lot harder than you think.  You can see to the right behind Paul there was a waist-high slackline with mats beneath, but once we realized how tricky they are none of us felt compelled to try the big one!  

Um, is it just me, or does Paul need to invest in a slightly larger vest?  Hmm...potential Christmas gift?

Cort and Reid had fun just bouncing on the slackline.  If there's one thing about kids, they love to bounce.

Once we wore out our slackline incompetencies agility, we checked out the other parts of the outdoor circus.  There was music.

And colorful displays of art -

Roasted corn on the cob -

And all sorts of green gear - I had to drag myself away from this stuff.  You all know how excited I get about new eco-friendly products!  

We ended the night with the boys playing on some ramps designed for people to test out bikes.  The boys thought that bike ramps were a lot of fun!  Maybe we should build some in our yard?
Would you try slacklining?  Or is there something new out there that you've been wanting to try out that you haven't had a chance to yet?


Jill said...

Don't know if I would try it but it looks like fun. At least, your boys make it look like fun! They also make that corn look really good. :)

Anonymous said...

I had never heard the term before coming here today. I knew I would learn something. I usually do.

Melodie said...

Looks like a fun day! No ,not even in my younger days,would I be interested in slack lining.I am just to clumsy!I trip about 5 times a day as it is,no need in adding in something new to break my neck,lol!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would be very good at it. I would love to eat the corn and walk the ramps.

Eat To Live said...

That would be a great way to develop better balance. I have trouble staying on the wii board.

Liz Mays said...

Oh sure, I'd try it on that low one. I think it would be fun! You guys always find such fun things to do!

Samantha said...

I have slacklined (in a harness) about 20 feet off the ground.
Did Not Enjoy!

Sally said...

Y'all find the best things to do. No, nothing new I'd like to try, but always wanted to parachute. LOL

Your boys are always so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Truly, you have the best festivals in your neck of the woods!

TexWisGirl said...

you always find cool stuff to take your kids to. i really admire you for that!

laughwithusblog said...

I've never heard of it either, but it looks like fun. These are the kinds of things I LOVE to take the kids to. My husband...not so much! Great fun that you can enjoy it together!

Unknown said...

Your boys make it look like fun, but honey, I'll never make it! lol! You all seemed to have had loads of fun at the fair. Hope your week is loads of fun too! Hugs

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha----don't think I could stand up on the slacklines (even the ones right above the ground). Think I'll pass on that one...

Sounds like you all did have a good time at the Outdoor Circus...


Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like a really fun day! I would totally try the slackline.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I can barely walk on solid ground, but I would have loved just watching everyone else, that would be such fun. Especially the kids! You always find the most exciting things to do!!! I think If I had known about this, we might have gone and taken Anne. But we have had a busy week and it is kind of a long drive for her. We did take her to Natural Bridge and showed her the butterfly display.

Tiggeriffic said...

Just laying a large log down and trying to walk on it is hard for me. Can't imagine trying to walk on a rope. Oh how fun to watch your boys try their hands at slacklining..
great pictures and your blog is so much fun to see what is going to be on here from day to day.
Have a great day~ ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Andrea said...

I love it. I'd try it, it seems fun. I love that kind of stuff, though, as does my lil one. ;) A sense of adventure, I suppose!

Chris said...

Huge fun.

I'd break my bloody neck on one of those things...

Reena said...

Our 20-someting son does this in his spare time. About 15 feet off the ground. I think I would prefer other hobbies in my spare time! LOL!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

They are so cute with their determination! Cute in all the pics too

Michelle said...

I am terrible at the whole slack lining thing!

Nancy said...

I can barely walk a straight line on the ground... haha! Looks like the boys had fun. And, I was gonna ask if Paul was wearing one of the twins' vests? :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I'd be willing to go about a foot off the ground...

I'm working up my nerve to go zip lining next time the opportunity arises:)

Tomorrow I'm going to make a point to convo you back-Amy went to school today. She was finally feeling good enough to go:)

God Is Enthralled By Your Beauty said...

Hmmmmmm...slacklining...I laugh as I know I have a hard enough time walking in a straight line on the level ground...let a lone a tight rope...
Love the picture and enjoy your blog...

Helene said...

I wouldn't even dare try because I enjoy being able to have the use of my legs!! I'm so clumsy! But I could easily see my kids loving something like that!

How fun, though, that you even attempted it! Looks like you had a fun day, judging by the fact that the last picture the sun is already going down and you were still there!

Chatty Crone said...

I've never heard of it , but it might kill me. sandie

Michaele said...

What a neat experience for all!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I've never heard of slacklining, but I think it would be fun to try, though I'm not sure I'd be so skilled at it either. Looks like you all had a fun time though. :)

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I had never heard of slacklining. I would have loved to try it when I was younger.

Anita Anderson said...

Hi new follower from mom bloggers club via GFC fb and twitter hope u can follow me too

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I've never heard of it! I think I would try though. And fall. A lot.

warren said...

Slacklining looks awesome! I might worry about breaking a hip but I'd def do it!